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Half Life 2 for Linux.


Dear TransGamer,

TransGaming works tirelessly to support your favorite video games on Linux and we endeavor to bring you seamless support as quickly as possible, after the commercial release of hot new titles. We are thrilled to announce that TransGaming's Cedega 4.2, scheduled for release on December 7th, will have support for the most highly anticipated game of the year, Valve's Half-Life 2! With Cedega 4.2, TransGamers will have the ability to play Half-Life 2 on their Linux systems, out-of-the-box, with additional support included for Steam, Counter-Strike, and a number of other Valve titles.

We are also excited to announce that TransGamer Emerald members will be receiving a special Cedega build that gives them early access to Half-Life 2. This build is being prepared specifically for the exclusive enjoyment of our TransGamer Emerald members. Watch your e-mails closely for your special invitation to play Half-Life 2 on Linux before everyone else!

Please also find enclosed below TransGaming's official media release regarding Cedega's support for Half-Life 2.

Let the games begin...

TransGaming Technologies Announces Linux Support For Half-Life 2 With Cedega

Toronto, Canada - November 18, 2004. TransGaming Technologies, the world's leading developer of software portability products, today announced unprecedented Linux support for this year's most highly anticipated video game, Valve Software's Half-Life 2. On the heels of its commercial debut, TransGaming's Cedega product will run Half-Life 2 on the Linux operating system, right out-of-the-box.

Half-Life 2 is the anxiously awaited sequel to Valve's debut title that won more than 50 game-of-the-year awards. Half-Life 2 is poised to repeat or even break historic records for video game sales. This sequel picks up where the original Half-Life left off and delivers even greater suspense and challenge for gamers. The new Valve Source engine technology, specifically designed for Half-Life 2, allows players to enter a new and heightened realm of game responsiveness and realism where they interact like never before with the physical environment and the characters.

"Every so often, a video game is released that propels the electronic entertainment industry significantly further and has a dramatic positive impact on the future of video games. Half-Life 2 is such a game and it has been the most highly awaited game over the last 18 months. TransGaming is thrilled to extend the Half-Life 2 entertainment experience to the Linux community, with Cedega. Our support for Half-Life 2 within a day of its commecial release affirms the strength, sophistication, and cutting edge nature of TransGaming's technology", comments Vikas Gupta, Co-CEO & President of TransGaming.

Linux gamers can experience the new interactive world of Half-Life 2 with TransGaming's release of Cedega 4.2, scheduled for December 7th. Cedega also supports Steam, Valve Software's online distribution technology, along with a number of other Valve titles. Consumers rank the ability to play video games on their desktop as one of the top 3 important reasons for the adoption of Linux. TransGaming is the only company in the world that gives users access to hundreds of the top video games on Linux which, in turn, helps Linux distributions increase their market penetration.

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