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Half Life 2 Retail :(

Soooo I was pretty excited when we got our shipment of Half Life 2 today...the release here in Sweden is the 16th Nov so I thought I could finish the game this weekend but noooooooooo...Valve decides to let everything go through ******* steam and the Dvd is just the pre cached steam hl2 files...this sucks bigtime...

No manual in the box too...just a dvd and a keycode...


jakershaker said:
Soooo I was pretty excited when we got our shipment of Half Life 2 today...the release here in Sweden is the 16th Nov so I thought I could finish the game this weekend but noooooooooo...Valve decides to let everything go through ******* steam and the Dvd is just the pre cached steam hl2 files...this sucks bigtime...

No manual in the box too...just a dvd and a keycode...
what did you expect? they already said that people are getting copies, but unable to play it since the game has to call home.


jakershaker said:
Soooo I was pretty excited when we got our shipment of Half Life 2 today...the release here in Sweden is the 16th Nov so I thought I could finish the game this weekend but noooooooooo...Valve decides to let everything go through ******* steam and the Dvd is just the pre cached steam hl2 files...this sucks bigtime...

No manual in the box too...just a dvd and a keycode...

No manual? That's kinda sucky.


valve is so pushing steam with this game, and I would be cynical and say it's an annoying way to foist their content delivery system on us, but quite frankly now that they've ironed out the problems from steam's launch, I couldn't be happier.

I think the manual they're going to include with the game is going to be some kind of expansive .pdf or .html thing also gotten from steam, but it's not like I'm a valve insider to know for sure. just call it a hunch.
Customers Screwed
Vivendi Screwed
Valve Happy(gets to promote their own online service and practically says that they're not going to release any more 'retail games' just disc with precached files for those too lazy to dl)

uh and a pdf file is not a manual, i'm not going to read it on my screen i want to have it on my desk when i play the game...
Ferrio said:
I don't see how the customers are screwed. I think Steam rocks.

How about everyone who just want to buy a game in the store and go home and play it? Steam is an extra step that wouldn't be neccessary if Valve didn't want to make extra money from it. So every customer that wants to buy real 'retail games' are pretty much screwed.


jakershaker said:
How about everyone who just want to buy a game in the store and go home and play it? Steam is an extra step that wouldn't be neccessary if Valve didn't want to make extra money from it. So every customer that wants to buy real 'retail games' are pretty much screwed.

So you're screwed cause your retailer broke the retail date and you got it early and should be allowed to play it before everyonce else?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
So is it even possible to play the game if you're not online? Believe it or not, there will be people out there with a computer powerful enough to play HL2 who aren't online (for whatever reason).


Mama Smurf said:
So is it even possible to play the game if you're not online? Believe it or not, there will be people out there with a computer powerful enough to play HL2 who aren't online (for whatever reason).

You know there's also people out there with shitty computers and great connections that really want to play HL2. VALVE WHY MUST YOU FUCK OVER YOUR CUSTOMERS.


It's means of preventing piracy, just like many other obtrusive applications that ship with other pc games. (ToCA 2 comes to mind)

Just wait 4 days dammit!


jakershaker said:
Customers Screwed
Vivendi Screwed
Valve Happy(gets to promote their own online service and practically says that they're not going to release any more 'retail games' just disc with precached files for those too lazy to dl)

uh and a pdf file is not a manual, i'm not going to read it on my screen i want to have it on my desk when i play the game...
How old are you? 12 years old? Crying of this magnitude only comes from those dealing with puberty.
Ferrio said:
So you're screwed cause your retailer broke the retail date and you got it early and should be allowed to play it before everyonce else?

Yeah that too. :lol

Whats the point working in a gamestore if you can't play the games a little bit early.
Still the first point is valid, no manual and so on = a lot of complaints...
GrandPipe said:
How old are you? 12 years old? Crying of this magnitude only comes from those dealing with puberty.

Maybe if you learned how to read first? Start with the post at the top of the page I promise you have a clue that I'm not 12 :lol

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I see what you're saying, but it's still a pretty shitty thing for Valve to do to those people. It's a standard, long established thing for people to have to update their computers if they want to play the latest games. It's accepted. Not so for having to be online to play an offline game.

Anyway, it hopefully won't be a problem and some time in the not too distant future a version will be released which doesn't require an internet connection.
element said:
probably has a similar setup to Windows XP Activation, at least one would think

Yeah but it seems like the game downloaded some files too so maybe the publisher in each country can send out discs with the missing files?

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
GrandPipe said:
How old are you? 12 years old? Crying of this magnitude only comes from those dealing with puberty.

What's so bad about reading a game's manual while playing the game, I would find it more convenient than to alt-tab every single time I want to know what key to press or something.

Oh and *cough*juniormember*cough*

I'm not online at home and haven't been for a while so no sale for me!


Yes, I'm just a little pissed I won't be able to play HL2 now, incase you didn't notice!


I'm not buying it because of Steam. While I have an internet connection, I find it stupid that people who actually paid for the game are incapable of playing due to Valve not activating it. They even made a comment saying how they would put it up early if stores broke the street date. Just another lie I guess.

I'll pick it up later down the road when Steam is dead or they've released a patch allowing you to play without connecting to that pos.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Wait, I won't have to download anything off steam when I get the game, will I? I hate steam, it's a memory hogger on my pc.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, Valve's handling of Half-Life 2 is complete and total bullshit. Anybody who says otherwise is just an apologist.

But that won't stop me from playing it (though it probably won't be till Christmas).


I think its more like when activating winXP where you have to connect to the internet once and then "activate" the software to play off-line and such :p although You have to also create a Steam account as well which kinda sucks. No printed manual for retail version is fucking miserly.


MetatronM said:
Yeah, Valve's handling of Half-Life 2 is complete and total bullshit. Anybody who says otherwise is just an apologist.

I'm not sure what people have a problem with. The one-time internet connection to register the game with Steam? The lack of a manual? The fact that you can't pirate it?
neptunes said:

plus, I'm sure there will be other means of playing the single player mode offline. ;)

So I'll have to resort to piracy to play HL2 "offline"? I thought that's what Steam is supposed to prevent ;)


Setec Astronomer
No, you do not need to be online to play single player, only to download, update, or authenticate a copy.
Hitokage said:
No, you do not need to be online to play single player, only to download, update, or authenticate a copy.
No one said you had to be online to play, just to authenticate it, which is the problem in my case because I have no internet access AT ALL at home where I would be playing.


If they are really so intent on cutting down on piracy, then they need to move from the PC to just about nearly any other platform. Sure, other platforms have piracy, but at least the utilities for copying data aren't built right into the system.


Coop said:
IIRC the first couple weeks you will need internet access to play it, but after that you wont.
i read the same thing, but how on earth could that be possible? all off-the-shelf copies are programmed to look to valve for authentication before they are unlocked.. if valve somehow disables this requirement, how will your computer know without internet access?


I think you have to authenticate on the machine you'll be playing on, so I don't think authenticating at work would help.

Yeah, but the new Steam update provides an option for backing up downloaded files. I can't imagine they'd be dumb enough to tie those files to your machine rather than your Steam account.


Setec Astronomer
dream said:
Yeah, but the new Steam update provides an option for backing up downloaded files. I can't imagine they'd be dumb enough to tie those files to your machine rather than your Steam account.
They aren't.

Oni Jazar

Damn there's a lot of crybabies. Buy a modem you bastards. God forbid a company should try and circumvent the middleman (publishers).


I mean, it might be nice to have a manual, but would you use it? Isn't that what most games have training levels for?
Oni Jazar said:
Damn there's a lot of crybabies. Buy a modem you bastards. God forbid a company should try and circumvent the middleman (publishers).
You buy me a fucking modem. Valve was quite successful using the "middleman" in the past so why try to fuck them here. It is possible for companies to have a good relationship with their publishers. Valve is saying 'fuck you' to me for not registering through Steam, an online service, to play an offline game.

puck1337 said:
I mean, it might be nice to have a manual, but would you use it? Isn't that what most games have training levels for?
Well Valve sure isn't passing on that 'savings' to the consumers now are they.

Valve's being greedy and that's all there is to it and for that I'm not buying their game. I may be the only one but I don't care. Eventually HL2 may see the light of day on a console so I'll just be a patient gamer and wait till then. It's not like there isn't other games to play.
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