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Half Life 2 Retail :(


2 days 14 hours and 27 minutes to got.... then all can play it. I think it would have been unfair if street-date-breakers would have had any advantage. This way nobody will play it early.
Are there any other vids aside from the ones on IGN?

I still can't get over the striders and the vid that shows Gordon fighting from the rooftops. The interactivity of the enviroment is just better then anything I've seen before...hard to compete with.


Badabing said:
Hell, steam is a pretty good invention by Valve. By controlling how people install and play their games, they can really limit piracy, something that was rampant with the first Half Life and Counter-Strike. I won't lie, I too am a man guilty of pirating Counter-Strike once before, and it was easy as sin. Not anymore though...

No offence, but I can't believe how much some people pride themselves over not being pirates, especially on a board such as GA where piracy is looked down upon, though I bet most people here are pirates either way.

Yes, I pirate stuff, or at least used to when I played games much more on my PC. I've bought 25 games for my GameCube though :p And I pirate loads of music, and apps.

Big deal though, I never would've bought whatever I pirate in the first place, so I don't see it as a lost sale. If I know about something in advance and want it, I'll buy it regardless.


do you think anyone will be brave enough to try this for consoles next gen? I think eventually you'll all be attached to the network and all games will do this.


I think the pride from not being a pirate comes from the self restraint needed to not pirate, really. It is stealing after all, but it's a temptation that is hard for a gamer to pass up.

I pirate the hell out of PC games and console roms, so one of these people I am not. I do buy all my dvds and current gen console games though.


Setec Astronomer
MoxManiac said:
I think the pride from not being a pirate comes from the self restraint needed to not pirate, really. It is stealing after all, but it's a temptation that is hard for a gamer to pass up.

I pirate the hell out of PC games and console roms, so one of these people I am not. I do buy all my dvds and current gen console games though.
I, for one, have pirated less PC games than a certain ESA employee who posts here. ;)


Slo said:
Oh shit, HL2 requires a mouse and keyboard? NO PUNCH CARD SUPPORT?!?!?!?!?! THANKS A LOT FOR RUINING MY LIFE VALVE YOU GREEDY FUCKERS!!!



Not bitter, just unsweetened
Hitokage said:
I, for one, have pirated less PC games than a certain ESA employee who posts here. ;)

I think you mean BSA

Oh wait, n/m. I keep forgetting IDSA changed to ESA. woops.
Oni Jazar said:
Ok here's the bottom line: If you've got a great computer that can handle HL2 but no possible way of ever connecting to the internet, You're Insignificant. An acceptable loss. Maybe you can start a support group for this issue. On the internet. kthxgby

PS- Do you honestly think that in 5-10+ years from now there could be a chance that one of the most popular games of this gen would be LOCKED because a company went bankrupt?
Since I don't have an internet connection at home, I couldn't reply to this till now. Anyways, I'm well aware that I'm insignificant in the grand scheme of things and that people in my position are in such a minority it's not even an issue for Valve. It doesn't change the fact that I'm still pissed about their socalled tactic against piracy.

Slo said:
Oh shit, HL2 requires a mouse and keyboard? NO PUNCH CARD SUPPORT?!?!?!?!?! THANKS A LOT FOR RUINING MY LIFE VALVE YOU GREEDY FUCKERS!!!
If you can't tell the difference between a device supported for controlling a game and a "service" imposed for permission to play a game, then that's sad. I don't like:

1) Having to pay full price for a digital transfer that's highly succeptible to loss or corruption

2) Having to "ask" permission to play the game I paid full price for

...and there's not a single post or thread or company that will ever convince me otherwise. Enjoy your copy of HL2.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Someone bring me up to speed here... You can't play single player without validating your game through Valve?


Nope. I don't like it.
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