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Half-Life 2 Steam Offers Ready Thursday


Tomorrow at 11 am PST, the Half-Life 2 Steam offers will be ready for purchase. Those who purchase via Steam, will receive the final version of Counter-Strike: Source immediately. Half-Life 2 and other games in the Steam offerings will be made available to purchasers upon their release.

ATI/Half-Life 2 bundle owners may redeem their product key for the Bronze offer or apply their key toward the purchase of either the Silver or Gold offers, receiving a credit equal to the price of the Bronze offer.

Also tomorrow, the Counter-Strike: Source beta will close. Valve would like to thank the thousands of gamers who participated in the beta and helped make it a success.

For more detailed information, please visit www.steampowered.com.

BRONZE -- $49.95
SILVER -- $59.95
GOLD -- $89.95


ATI/Half-Life 2 bundle owners may redeem their product key for the Bronze offer or apply their key toward the purchase of either the Silver or Gold offers, receiving a credit equal to the price of the Bronze offer.

So if I take this offer, I would be able to play CS:S tomorrow?

I've been dying for a new FPS lately. Dur dur, i know it's not new... you know what i mean.


Misleading thread title:

Tomorrow at 11 am PST, the Half-Life 2 Steam offers will be ready for purchase. Those who purchase via Steam, will receive the final version of Counter-Strike: Source immediately. Half-Life 2 and other games in the Steam offerings will be made available to purchasers upon their release.

So I'm giving Valve 60 bucks for Silver (Which is fucking ridiculous) for CZ: Source? Half Life 2 will be made available upon release (November). I'll wait for the box version then if they are gonna make you wait until game release to get it over Steam. At least I'll get extra stuff with it for nearly the same price.


I'm getting the silver package. 10 dollars more you get DOD:S and HL:S. Not a bad deal I guess..

Edit: You do get to play CS:S tomorrow..at least that's what i heard


I really wish they would release HL : Source before HL2. Id love to play through it again before 2.
I knew Steam wouldn't be giving any deals. So for the Bronze you save a whopping 5 dollars off the retail package that you actually own (Assuming no one has it on sale). What a rip.


ravingloon said:
I knew Steam wouldn't be giving any deals. So for the Bronze you save a whopping 5 dollars off the retail package that you actually own (Assuming no one has it on sale). What a rip.

This is true. Big time rip off, considering they don't pay retailers, nor spend money on manufacturing/shipping.
This is true. Big time rip off, considering they don't pay retailers, nor spend money on manufacturing/shipping.

Well I'm sure developing the software for Steam and buying/maintaining the hardware for it wasn't cheap. Plus, if you download all the games that come with the silver package you're probably looking at 6+ GB of bandwidth.
I think the prices should be expected until Valve has broken free from Viviendi - at a $5 savings, they can test the waters and leave Viviendi concerned but not not immediately face charges of "trying to destroy our business" like they would with, say, a $20 savings. In the future, when their contract is over and they can dictate terms, publishers will go in knowing that Valve can cut them off at the knees on this sort of thing.


dynamitejim said:
Well I'm sure developing the software for Steam and buying/maintaining the hardware for it wasn't cheap. Plus, if you download all the games that come with the silver package you're probably looking at 6+ GB of bandwidth.

Sure it costs money, but it doesn't excuse that there's almost no savings. I mean, at least sell the game for $10 less. They don't have to pay packaging costs, nor publisher royalties. They sure can do much better than just $5 off.

Steam's the other thing. I frankly could care less about it. It sure is a nice delivery service, but why the hell do we have to wait until VU ships the product? Sure, there's a legal issue at work, but wouldn't this be one of the main advantages of using Steam? If "I'm paying for it", I sure want to see the benefits. Even then, this doesn't excuse it. Why? Because everyone that buys the game can use Steam free of charge (regardless of whether it was a retail product or not.)

I guess I just don't see enough reasons why the game should only be $5 less than the retail version, when there's no retailers, publishers nor manufacturing costs involved in it.


lacks enthusiasm.
Well damn, there goes hopes of a lower price due to cutting out the middleman -_-

I really want the DVD for the collectors edition, but I really want to play a full version of CS:S....was hoping the Bronze price would be ~$40 or so.
Steam's the other thing. I frankly could care less about it. It sure is a nice delivery service, but why the hell do we have to wait until VU ships the product? Sure, there's a legal issue at work, but wouldn't this be one of the main advantages of using Steam?

It's most likely related to the problems with the contract they've fighting over. Vivendi doesn't like Valve bypassing them and getting all the money from Steam sales. I'm sure Valve offering incentives like HL:S/DOD:S, releasing it before retail, and undercutting them by a significant amount would bring some complications to the lawsuit.

I haven't been keeping up with Half Life 2, but...this shit still isn't out? :O

Well, the game is done. It seems like Vivendi might be holding onto it to release it closer to the Thanksgiving shopping period.


IJoel said:
This is true. Big time rip off, considering they don't pay retailers, nor spend money on manufacturing/shipping.

Get a grip.

Valve deserve the money. The costs involved in running steam must be massive. By purchasing the game via Steam, you not only get it slightly cheaper, but you have the game the very second the game is released. Also, you are giving your money to the developers, who in turn have more money to make the games you like.

You sir have 2 options. Buy the game or don't buy the game. I suspect you'll choose the former.


Banjo Tango said:
Is there any chance of a GAF CS game tomorrow?

Thursday night is my weekly get together with my buddies for LAN, but we're all connected to the net so I'd be up for joining any games going on with GAF.

Edit: How were the ATi vouchers distributed? Anyone get one other then buying a card by itself? My parents sent me a brand new Dell with a Radeon 9800 Pro 128 meg card for my birthday earlier this year, and I didn't really ever go through the papers. Should I be searching for a voucher, or were they only given out when purchasing the card alone?


ManaByte said:
What happens to everyone who has redeemed their HL2 key aready?
you'll be able to upgrade if you want. the ati voucher counts as $49.95 credit toward the more expensive packages.


dynamitejim said:
Well I'm sure developing the software for Steam and buying/maintaining the hardware for it wasn't cheap. Plus, if you download all the games that come with the silver package you're probably looking at 6+ GB of bandwidth.
Bandwidth paid for at both ends, and I'm pretty sure that Valve isn't paying an extra 10 bucks a gig when they blow whatever transfer limit they don't have.


Oh man, this is SOOOO good for Euro people. With the Euro on 1.23 the Silver package only costs 48 Euros for us :D The gold one only 73 Euros :D

EDIT: One thing though; with the gold package, you get a collection box, t-shirt, hat, etc.. Are they going to ship that stuff to you?! And at what costs!?

And for the people physically wanting a copy, I believe Valve once said that at an additional fee you can have a hard copy send to you


I heard somewhere that the Gold package is US only :( oh well I only wanted the soundtrack cd from that anyway


4) PRIZE: Valve will pay (i) two nights' accommodation at a hotel of Valve's choice near Valve's Washington state headquarters and (ii) coach class airfare to Seattle, Washington from either the major airport nearest to the winner's residence (if the winner resides in the United States) or the major international airport nearest to the winner's residence (if the winner does not reside in the United States). Valve will give the prize winner(s) at least 8 weeks notice of the dates scheduled for the trip and prize winner(s) must provide Valve with any necessary information required for Valve to book air travel and hotel accommodations within 6 weeks of such date. Any prize winner(s) under the age of 18 must travel with a parent or legal guardian.

I guess the gold package of for all people around the globe and not just the USofA


Unconfirmed Member
$10 for DoD:Source... (I'm an ATI voucher holder)

Worth it to me, Silver it is :D


Not just yet, they haven't activated the HL2 purchase module yet :/

I'm going for Silver as well, just 48 Euros. It will probably be 55 euros in store for the Bronze version. I LOVE Steam :D Finally, we're paying the same prices as the Americans. Long overdue though!!


Celicar said:
So if you buy it over Steam you do not get a box or manual? And it's $50??! Sounds like a ripoff to me.
yeah, kinda. at least you get counterstrike source a month or two early.

i'm pretty sure that the price has to do with valve's contract with vivendi. i can't see any other reason that they'd charge the same price for a non-boxed version.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't see how paying the same amount as 2 pints of beer for an upgrade that includes DoD:Source & HL:Source is a ripoff.

You can always just buy HL2 for $49 if you think the extras are not worth it.

Choice doesn't equal ripoff in my opinion, now if they'd ONLY made the Silver & Gold packages available I'd be inclined to agree, but they didn't. So I don't.
clipunderground said:
Don't be a bunch of suckers guys. That shit is a ripoff!
What if we don't want a box / manual / disc?

Hell, I pay my friends $10 to incinerate the packing of any new game I install, so this'll be saving me money.

Plus, CS:Source a month early... Plus, Vivendi sees little to none of this cash.


Why is Vivendi the evil ones here? They signed a contract with Valve to distribute the game for them and Valve turns around and tries to stab them in the back by competing with Vivendi through steam!
open_mouth_ said:
Why is Vivendi the evil ones here? They signed a contract with Valve to distribute the game for them and Valve turns around and tries to stab them in the back by competing with Vivendi through steam!
I have friends who worked at Dynamix and Sierra. But Dynamix in particular... so a lot of their hate brushed off on to me.

There's also the ongoing IP lawsuit. I can't honestly say I'm informed enough to know who's legally in the right, but in most IP lawsuits, I find it very hard not to sympathize with the creator.


Unconfirmed Member
My opinion:

Vivendi = Killed Dynamix - Bad
Vivendi = Killed Papyrus - Very Baaaad
Vivendi = Trying to steal Half-Life IP *and* force Valve into a contract for future title(s) - EVIL


Gold Member
Just going to upgrade to Silver. I don't need all the extra stuff in Gold. I really want HL Source though.
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