Half of Trump Voters Would be Okay if He Shot a Random Person on Fifth Avenue

I'm really sad about how ignorant, stupid or plainly evil a large number of Americans are. I know it's not a majority, but it's way too much and it's really devastating.


Trump supporters are pretty garbage, but I wonder how many of them were just fucking with the pollsters for asking such a stupid question.


Stop giving a fuck what these people think. They're too stupid to reach. Focus on mobilizing and engaging actual reasonable people who may be apathetic to or dejected by the political process.

Thank you.

These people are lost. Forget about them, and stop engaging them. I wish media outlets would stop feeding them and giving them soapboxes, but I suppose it's all to tempting to go "hey look at these fucking morons, and their stupid fucking opinions today!" for ratings.


Not surprising.

If you've ever talked to a Trump person, and I'm not even talking about one of the cartoonishly stupid ones, just any card carrying Trump supporter, it's pretty clear that there's actually nothing the guy can do that they won't try to explain away.

And it's hard to tell if they actually aren't bothered by anything he's done and would still vote for him again in the next election, or if they're just embarrassed that this is who they voted for and want to lessen the guilt they feel by trying to tell themselves and others that it's not really all that bad.

It's pretty insane.
They don't actually think that. They think that it'd never happen so they view it as a more generic "do you support Trump" question so they give the affirmative. Hypothetical poll questions just get responded to on a tribal basis. I guarantee you that if it actually happened (and you could somehow make them BELIEVE that it happened) that the % would be way lower.


Trump: [shoots self in foot]

Media: The president has shot himself in the foot.

White House: The president has never shot himself in the foot and talking about feet is a distraction when we should be focusing on health care.


White House: Shooting yourself in the foot isn't illegal.

Media: Shooting yourself in the foot is illegal in New York City.

White House: The Clinton Foundation has been around a lot of feet and yet the media never questions this.

Post of the week.


836 out of 129 million voters doesn't seem like much of a sample size.

Also, the question about the shooting is oddly worded, as is Yahoo's extrapolation based on their title...though it's based on an absurd comment in the first place, so I guess it's fitting.
Trump: [shoots self in foot]

Media: The president has shot himself in the foot.

White House: The president has never shot himself in the foot and talking about feet is a distraction when we should be focusing on health care.


White House: Shooting yourself in the foot isn't illegal.

Media: Shooting yourself in the foot is illegal in New York City.

White House: The Clinton Foundation has been around a lot of feet and yet the media never questions this.
Scarily accurate
Lotta people support Duterte too, turns out America isn't as immune to this stuff as we imagined.

Don't wanna derail, but a I know a "Libertarian" who supports Duterte. Just... What? Because authoritarianism and death squads just scream small government.

And yeah, this guy'd probably be okay with Trump shooting a random person on 5th Avenue.
Not surprising.

If you've ever talked to a Trump person, and I'm not even talking about one of the cartoonishly stupid ones, just any card carrying Trump supporter, it's pretty clear that there's actually nothing the guy can do that they won't try to explain away.

And it's hard to tell if they actually aren't bothered by anything he's done and would still vote for him again in the next election, or if they're just embarrassed that this is who they voted for and want to lessen the guilt they feel by trying to tell themselves and others that it's not really all that bad.

It's pretty insane.

It's an abusive relationship.
In cases like this poll and the one about not believing Jr. met with the Russians, I think a lot of the responding republican voters are being disingenuous. There was that other study on how Trump voters know he's lying but just dont care, and I think these responses are similar. They wouldn't actually be ok if he really did shoot a random person, but in a hypothetical poll they'll say that they are just to be contrarian. They view these polls as media trying to trick them into admitting Trump was a bad choice, so they pick the absurd answer just as a 'fuck you'.


Pretty predictably, 90 percent of Hillary Clinton voters said they disapproved of the president shooting someone.

This would be fun to spin.



what? why would a poll even ask this question? I'd imagine if some gung-ho Trump supporter saw this question on a poll they'd laugh and say they'd be fine with him shooting a random person even if they weren't OK with it.


Logically speaking, if you thought Trump's policies were smart, the fact that he killed a guy wouldn't change that. His policies would be the same, murder or no. If you support Trump's policies pre-murder, it would make sense to still think he's doing a good job as President post-murder. It's logical.

Or at least, it would be logical if Trump had policies, and that his support were based on these policies.


Logically speaking, if you thought Trump's policies were smart, the fact that he killed a guy wouldn't change that. His policies would be the same, murder or no. If you support Trump's policies pre-murder, it would make sense to still think he's doing a good job as President post-murder. It's logical.

Or at least, it would be logical if Trump had policies, and that his support were based on these policies.

most people are not logical bots
But, perhaps surprisingly, 17 percent of those who voted for Independent candidate Gary Johnson approved of Trump shooting someone, according to Public Policy Polling.

I'm with you, PPP. I would have estimated over 90 percent, and that closer to 17 percent of them had already attempted something roughly analogous themselves.
It might not have been the best PR, but you can't call Clinton's 'basket of deplorables' comment wrong

Exactly. Never attack the voters. You can attack them indirectly by calling Donald Trump a misogynist and racist pig (in so many words), thus implying that his voters share in these values, but you cannot call the voters misogynist and racist pigs. That seems stupid, but it's true. Mitt Romney's 47 percent comments became a major turning point in his loss as well, for example.


This just makes me sick to my stomach. Literally makes me sick to think that there are such disgusting and evil people that think this way.
While a lot of Trump supporters are pretty crazy and would still find a way to justify this shit, I don't like the way this question was worded.

"If Donald Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue, would you approve or disapprove of the job he's doing as president?" is very broad and keaves a lot to interpretation. If you support Trump you could easily think "he would shot someone unless they were aggressive" or something similar and make it be about stopping a terrorist attack or something similar. I imagine that's why the Clinton and independent voters are surprisingly high as well.
what? why would a poll even ask this question? I'd imagine if some gung-ho Trump supporter saw this question on a poll they'd laugh and say they'd be fine with him shooting a random person even if they weren't OK with it.

I think some of the people were trolling, but I'd imagine there are some that would honestly still support him. And I think Greg Gianforte would have still won in Montana even if his body slamming incident occurred before the majority of ballots were cast. Politics is becoming more tribal and partisan than probably any point in American history. You either support Trump during his random killing (he probably killed a liberal anyway and they deserve to die, right?) or you might as well side with Hillary and Obama.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
With a fancy gun that has long forgotten the meaning of battle, I would feel no emotion, even if he were to shoot an enemy through the heart.


And this is why Hillary never should have apologized for that deplorable comment. There are people out there that just can't be helped.

Basically trash.
agreed. She was right the first time. Although she probably low-balled her estimation, there are probably a lot more deplorable people than mentioned judging by this article.
This GIF should be in the OP, btw.

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