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Halo 2 9.9 in new OXM?

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Suranga3 said:
I can honestly see the game getting in the range from 9.7 to 9.9 from both IGN and Gamespot. My prediction from the two are:
IGN - 9.9
Gamespot - 9.8

Not that I hold them in high esteem, but my respect for Gamespot would plummet. I think such a superlative rating can only be rewarded to a title that is truly revolutionary -- like GTA3, for instance. I will be stunned if Gamespot (IGNXBOX isn't far removed from the fanaticism of OXM) awards Halo 2 with 9.8


DopeyFish said:
how about this one? Don't listen to people playing the game that's not in their NATIVE LANGUAGE.


(it makes a huge difference.)

I'm Dutch. French is as much a native language to me and my fellow Dutchmen, of whom I got the impressions, as English.

You're welcome.

(Yes, I know.)


Not the best game on xbox this year ?...Well, a lot of people still consider Halo to be the best game on xbox and my opinion is, only the idiots who rushed to download the leak, completed it as fast as they could at an ambarassingly low difficulty level just to have to 'scoop' before anyone else, will not agree that halo 2 is better than its prequel in pretty much every department.


eso76 said:
Not the best game on xbox this year ?...Well, a lot of people still consider Halo to be the best game on xbox and my opinion is, only the idiots who rushed to download the leak, completed it as fast as they could at an ambarassingly low difficulty level just to have to 'scoop' before anyone else, will not agree that halo 2 is better than its prequel in pretty much every department.

You forget that this year is the year of the NINJA!

But yea I could definitely see Halo 2 ending up as the western GoTY.


The most noticable problems I've heard about Halo 2 have nothing to do with difficulty level or presentation. They're just designflaws or technical errors. Playing a game in English on Heroic level doesn't change anything about those flaws. I really feel Halo 2 will be the Perfect Dark of this generation.


From what I've heard, the gameplay in Halo 2, for the most part, is unchanged from what was seen in Halo. Considering Halo is one of the more middling FPS I've suffered, I can't say the impressions I've read leave me encouraged.

Also, to whomever said Halo would be this year's best Western release on the Xbox, what about Jade Empire? Has that been delayed?


Design flaws? Is that another way of saying I haven't played the game, but I've read some impressions from a web site where a guy said he went around his friends uncles house. Where a neighbour had borrowed his nephews Xbox that happened to have a ripped version of Halo2. I've seen one impression from a good poster from this site and its the only well written piece I've seen and there is not a single mention of design flaws.


I haven't played the game, I never suggested that either. I do know some people directly that have played it and the basically feel Halo 2 does most things right, but it isn't the perfect game some of you are suggesting. I do think Halo 2 will please fans in the same way Perfect Dark pleased GoldenEye fans.


unkasa said:
From what I've heard, the gameplay in Halo 2, for the most part, is unchanged from what was seen in Halo. Considering Halo is one of the more middling FPS I've suffered, I can't say the impressions I've read leave me encouraged.

Also, to whomever said Halo would be this year's best Western release on the Xbox, what about Jade Empire? Has that been delayed?
What is this, Futami Incarnation No. 35?

I'm glad you showed up. We were running a bit low on Xbox Hatorade around here.
Coen said:
I haven't played the game, I never suggested that either. I do know some people directly that have played it and the basically feel Halo 2 does most things right, but it isn't the perfect game some of you are suggesting. I do think Halo 2 will please fans in the same way Perfect Dark pleased GoldenEye fans.

:lol Who the hell suggested that?!? In any case, I've grown weary of seeing all of these impression of the pirated game, already. I've tried to limit myself on what I read or see of the game...that's partly my fault for looking for info, but also because everyone and their mother have been talking all about their 'impressions.' Arrrgh!



MightyHedgehog said:
:lol Who the hell suggested that?!?

Well, people are suggesting 10's for Halo 2 in this and previous threads. And a 10 is a perfect game, in my book.
Well, I know that Zelda: OoT, Halo, and SM64 got 'perfect tens' and I generally agree with those scores...not because they were perfect, as they clearly were not. I agreed because they simply meant that they were the top of the heap or transended the normal high-quality elite by innovating and making it an exceptional title at the same time.

I think that, if you were to read the scoring legends that correspond to those scores, you would find that it simply means best out there and delivers well beyond the normal means to acheive its greatness. I don't think any of them say that the top acheivable score in their range is considered to be perfect.


The original halo had the same reactions. Great scores from 'official' reviewers and a lot of people complaining it didn't live up to the hype... This is the same with halo 2, don't expect people who disliked the first one to give a good review of the second one.

I've just got this strange feeling that the game is great.
Haven't played it of course... ;)


Coen said:
The most noticable problems I've heard about Halo 2 have nothing to do with difficulty level or presentation. They're just designflaws or technical errors. Playing a game in English on Heroic level doesn't change anything about those flaws. I really feel Halo 2 will be the Perfect Dark of this generation.

You see, the opinion of those who don't respect bungie's work (or videogames in general) enough to play the official release are worthless to me. I can understand being curious, i can understand those who couldn't help 'peeking', but those who just rushed thru halo 2 in 3 days only to be able to claim "i've beaten halo 2, it's not all that" on forums don't deserve my attention.
Design and technical flaws...i know there's some very minor texture pop up and some 'normal mapping' pop up in cutscenes, but according to my trusted sources, that's it.
Design flaws...i don't know, halo had many, and let's not forget that the entire second half of the game had many people pissed off (the very same halo fans who are totally in love with the game, btw) with recycled or uninspired levels, which doesn't seem to be the case here.
Anyway, this is just speculation; we shouldn't be discussing about halo 2 yet, since we haven't seen it (HAVE WE ?). What i hear is, while not revolutionary, halo 2 is definately better than its prequel in every department. People might be disappointed or bitter because it's not "10 times better" or the second coming, but even "slightly better" than what is considered the best game on xbox and one of the best titles this generation should mean it's one damn fine game, and people shouldn't be bitching about it too much.
Also, it's probably destined to remain the best title in xbox life cycle, and if you see things under this perspective, then, why not awarding it a 9.9 when you can easily predict there's nothing "bigger" coming out for the xbox, ever ? As usual, the score alone means nothing, let's wait for the full review...


Coen said:
I'm seriously expecting GameSpot to score it 8.7 - 9.3 range.

unkasa said:
Not that I hold them in high esteem, but my respect for Gamespot would plummet. I think such a superlative rating can only be rewarded to a title that is truly revolutionary -- like GTA3, for instance. I will be stunned if Gamespot (IGNXBOX isn't far removed from the fanaticism of OXM) awards Halo 2 with 9.8

You've already decided that you will lose respect for Gamespot if it scores Halo 2 between 8.7 - 9.3. Classy.



Chili Con Carnage!
wow this thread nearly ruined my great start to the day, but then i realised it was just a junior member, so i can ignore what he/she/it said! HUZAH!!

9.9, awesome i imagine a "no game is perfect, but this is as close as you'll see" tag line

/me switches to the halo 2 happy breakdance

Time to go get some luvin.


OXM. It's like Gates went ahead and printed a newspaper in his office, giving himself a 10/10 on all accounts.


unkasa said:
From what I've heard, the gameplay in Halo 2, for the most part, is unchanged from what was seen in Halo. Considering Halo is one of the more middling FPS I've suffered, I can't say the impressions I've read leave me encouraged.

Also, to whomever said Halo would be this year's best Western release on the Xbox, what about Jade Empire? Has that been delayed?

Hello Futami.
Don't you guys realize Gamespot gave Halo a higher score than GTA3 and Vice City? I can easily see Gamespot giving Halo 2 a 9.8 or 9.9. It gave Goldeneye and Perfect Dark 9.8 and 9.9 back in the day. And for referring to game getting perfect scores at Gamespot...haven't Zelda:OOT, Chrono Cross, THPS3 and Soul Calibur received those scores?



I say let these stupid Halo 2 threads get out of the way now before release. You know some posters, who aren't even going to play Halo 2, are chomping at the bit to come down hard on this game. :lol


All you people who think games that get 10s are perfect...you're fucking idiots.

Ok could someone please point me to a perfect game? Thanks!


Lets change the tide of this thread and guess what site/mag will be the first to slam Halo 2.

Legitimate candidates?

Christian Gaming Reviews
GMR (Christian Nutt :p)
Gamespy (they thudded Halo 1)


Blame! said:
All you people who think games that get 10s are perfect...you're fucking idiots.

Ok could someone please point me to a perfect game? Thanks!
*agrees* In 20+ years of gaming I have yet to a perfect game. However, there are games that I absolutely love and wouldn't hesitate to give a 10 to if I were reviewing it.

Bottom line, reviews/scores are based on opinion.... how you people let someone else tell you what you should enjoy boggles the mind.
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