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Halo 2 autoupdate is available now!

Society said:
There should be not be a reason to patch games (other then network patches).


"BS... several games have had auto updates. It's just a fact of life these days. Games are so huge that every bug can't be found without the scrutiny of hundreds of thousands of players puting it to the test."

mmm nope. I didn't say non MS published companies were 100% BANNED from patching their games, they just have a lot more hoops to jump through before MS lets them do it. There are instances were MS just flat out says 'no'.

Halo 2's been out for what a week and its already patched? Unless the fixes were really really small, they were working on the patch before the game hit retail, which wouldn't surprise me at all.


It unlocked Foundation for me (and I have yet to beat the game at all)!

Awesome. :D

The matchmaking is super fast now as well. Great update, and fast too :)


Ryck said:
Switch your screen ratio settings to normal and it will split horizontal.

Sure it'll split horizontal - yet now the game will be framed for a 4:3 set, meaning you'd have to stretch it on a widescreen tv. Bungie's decision to split vertically on widescreen sets is baffling to me.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I demand that Bungie send me a persistent flow of Halo 2 patch discs! I saw an enemy clip through a door, that warrants a .000001 revision! Buggy, buggy I say!


Dez said:
Sure it'll split horizontal - yet now the game will be framed for a 4:3 set, meaning you'd have to stretch it on a widescreen tv. Bungie's decision to split vertically on widescreen sets is baffling to me.
Yes I agree Star Wars Battlefront is the same way, I hate it......


More details from Bungie.net:


If you wish to download the update solely to take advantage of the improved 480p support, then there are a couple of ways to achieve this. If you have a broadband connection, but do not subscribe to Xbox Live, note that your Halo 2 packaging contains a two month trial subscription to the service, allowing you to both access this autoupdate and to enjoy a free trial of the Xbox Live service. You are free to deactivate the service at no charge whatsoever, any time within the three month period. If you don’t wish to do that, simply borrow a friend’s Live account – it can be stored on a memory card – and log into Xbox Live.

You may also simply take your Xbox to a friend’s house, or to a location with a useable broadband connection and achieve the same result, as long as you log into an Xbox Live account. Most of the improvements however, benefit Xbox Live users only. System Link, Campaign and Split-Screen game types will see little or no change from the autoupdate.

Unlike downloadable content – a new map for example – the Autoupdate cannot be simply installed from a disc. For that reason it is unlikely that we will ever make the update available on a disc, such as the Official Xbox Magazine game disc.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Vark said:
"BS... several games have had auto updates. It's just a fact of life these days. Games are so huge that every bug can't be found without the scrutiny of hundreds of thousands of players puting it to the test."

mmm nope. I didn't say non MS published companies were 100% BANNED from patching their games, they just have a lot more hoops to jump through before MS lets them do it. There are instances were MS just flat out says 'no'.

Halo 2's been out for what a week and its already patched? Unless the fixes were really really small, they were working on the patch before the game hit retail, which wouldn't surprise me at all.

The HUD problem was seemingly not known by the Bungie employees...

That popped up right after launch and had people up in arms. I'm happy with how they handled it...

Had this been a non-Live game (or a game on another system), I would have been screwed. I just tested the HUD fix, and it did what I had expected...zoomed the screen back out. It wasn't just the HUD that was the problem, the entire screen was zoomed in.


the Autoupdate cannot be simply installed from a disc. For that reason it is unlikely that we will ever make the update available on a disc, such as the Official Xbox Magazine game disc.


dark10x said:
It wasn't just the HUD that was the problem, the entire screen was zoomed in.
Oh wow. Seriously?

Gonna go check that again.


Vark said:
mmm nope. I didn't say non MS published companies were 100% BANNED from patching their games, they just have a lot more hoops to jump through before MS lets them do it. There are instances were MS just flat out says 'no'.

Halo 2's been out for what a week and its already patched? Unless the fixes were really really small, they were working on the patch before the game hit retail, which wouldn't surprise me at all.

They don't have more hoops to jump through... they just have lower priority. Everything put on XBL has to go through a series of tests to make sure it's safe. Obviously Halo 2 with over 1 million matches a day has a higher priority than Tron 2.0. Every developer has to go through the same testing.
holy crap you guys who are bitching about this update are complete tools

seriously dudes, how anyone can complain about minor fixes for an overall outstanding game is beyond me. but i guess it goes back to someone not having xbox, not having XBL and wanting to whine about it to make themselves feel better about not having it


FrenchMovieTheme said:
holy crap you guys who are bitching about this update are complete tools

seriously dudes, how anyone can complain about minor fixes for an overall outstanding game is beyond me. but i guess it goes back to someone not having xbox, not having XBL and wanting to whine about it to make themselves feel better about not having it
This happened with the Ninja Gaiden Hurricane Pack, and it'll happen again. The best thing to do is just ignore them, they go away eventually. Meanwhile, we're left blissfully unaware while we play our NEW AND IMPROVED games.


Contest Winner
akascream said:
Awesome, you have to pay for Xbox live to get patches. I'm more against it now than ever.

quit whining, im sure it'll be on the February OXM disc*.

February '06


open_mouth_ said:
This is so damn awesome. The hud thing was annoying for me. Now it's gonna be bliss :)

What was the HUD problem anyway? I play in 480P on a 16:9 TV and never had any problems. Does it just effect people playing in 480P on a 4:3 set?


DJ Demon J said:
Yea, when I reached the Phazon Mines I felt that way too.
Can someone explain this joke? Was there a big bug in the MP Phazon Mines or something? I played through the entire game, but there was nothing glitchy about that area for me. It was just frustratingly hard due to a lack of checkpoints...


jedimike said:
What was the HUD problem anyway? I play in 480P on a 16:9 TV and never had any problems. Does it just effect people playing in 480P on a 4:3 set?

On some (a small percentage) of TV sets the HUD was cut off on the sides when using 480p. The patch fixes that bug for those who ran into it.


This is so damn awesome. The hud thing was annoying for me. Now it's gonna be bliss

I dont remember the HUD being cut off in ws... does this happen on all tvs?

You people complaining about this need to get a f*cking life. Go play MP2:Echoes or KillZone. Go away. Forever. Seriously.

On some (a small percentage) of TV sets the HUD was cut off on the sides when using 480p. The patch fixes that bug for those who ran into it.

Aaaah - thanks, posted too late.
There should be not be a reason to patch games (other then network patches).

this is ridiculous logic. in a perfect world you are correct, patches shouldn't have to exist. we don't live in a perfect world, so why would you be so stubborn as to reject a fix?

"that's why pencils have erasers!" - lenny
Ryck said:
Switch your screen ratio settings to normal and it will split horizontal.

Been through this already in another thread, I'm not taking the Halo 2 disc out, just to go into the dashboard and change the display to 4:3 on my 16:9 tv. And then go back through and change it back when I play solo. That's fucking retarded. There should be an option for this in-game.


Can anyone confirm the time difference between games now? It was about 2-3 minutes what is it now? 30 seconds? If so that is awesome.

Kon Tiki

FrenchMovieTheme said:
this is ridiculous logic. in a perfect world you are correct, patches shouldn't have to exist. we don't live in a perfect world, so why would you be so stubborn as to reject a fix?

"that's why pencils have erasers!" - lenny

Eh? The game went gold over a month before its release yet the game still feels rushed. Just sloppy programming rushed for a due date. There are companies that miss on the holiday season just to get a better game out.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Society said:
Eh? The game went gold over a month before its release yet the game still feels rushed. Just sloppy programming rushed for a due date. There are companies that miss on the holiday season just to get a better game out.

Is this a joke, or are you really this retarded?

Not that I need to get into, but it fixed a bug that was present on maybe 1% of people playing Halo (480p bug), a common dirty disc error (that really didn't have to be fixed), and sped up the search speed in optimatch. How is this sloppy programming?

Kon Tiki

Nerevar said:
Is this a joke, or are you really this retarded?

I should expect something preschoolish coming from you.

When you release a game that runs on a homologous hardware (PS2/Xbox/GCN/GBA), there should be no excuses for offline bugs, esp when the game is coming from a 1st party as big as MS.

Do you have anything to say about my mother while you are here or you done being an ass?


PanopticBlue said:
Been through this already in another thread, I'm not taking the Halo 2 disc out, just to go into the dashboard and change the display to 4:3 on my 16:9 tv. And then go back through and change it back when I play solo. That's fucking retarded. There should be an option for this in-game.

It's not only retarded, it's not a solution at all.. the fact is that the game does not support horizontal splitscreen on widescreen tvs.


being watched
Well given most of these fixes relate to Online Functionality, if your not playing online, then it's no loss not to have the patch is it?


trippingmartian said:
Why anyone would buy this game to play it offline, I do not know.

Thats funny, with games like UT2k4 and CS Source available, why would anyone buy Halo2 for it's online mode? Even the PC version of Halo1 is subpar compared to real multiplayer fps, let alone the console version where you have to fight dual analog control.

No, the only valuable multiplayer mode in the Halo series has, and will always be co-op.


PanopticBlue said:
Been through this already in another thread, I'm not taking the Halo 2 disc out, just to go into the dashboard and change the display to 4:3 on my 16:9 tv. And then go back through and change it back when I play solo. That's fucking retarded. There should be an option for this in-game.
I agree I didn't know you knew that already. I just cannot under any circumstance get used to it being split vertically so I switch it everytime, yes it should be in game (I wish it was) I was just trying to help. ( in no way do I believe it's fine the way it is)


they call me "Man Gravy".
Society said:
I should expect something preschoolish coming from you.

When you release a game that runs on a homologous hardware (PS2/Xbox/GCN/GBA), there should be no excuses for offline bugs, esp when the game is coming from a 1st party as big as MS.

Do you have anything to say about my mother while you are here or you done being an ass?

Obviously she did a poor job of raising you, since you seem to lack the capacity to apply logical reasoning to a situation and come up with a sensible conclusion.

Look, I'm constantly attacking you because you're constantly making bold, ridiculous statements (usually about xbox games ... hmm, wonder why that is?). It's one thing if they were patching a bug where the system crashed, like what frequently happened in Morrowind. The only "bug" that they fixed was the 480p bug that, as I stated earlier, maybe affected 1% of xbox gamers (I know I've never seen it). Everything else was an enhancement. Reducing disc-read errors? Enhancement. Reducing wait time for a match? Enhancement. It's ridiculous, and absolutely retarded of you, to claim that it's the result of sloppy programming.


akascream said:
Thats funny, with games like UT2k4 and CS Source, why would anyone buy Halo2 for it's online mode. Even the PC version of Halo1 is subpar compared to real multiplayer fps, let alone the console version where you have to fight dual analog control.

No, the only valuable multiplayer mode in the Halo series has, and will always be co-op.
Hi kids,

I'm an opinion! Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm wrong, but it doesn't really matter because that'll all relative to the person who said it. Oftentimes I'm uninformed, and that's when I have the most fun. If you're trying to find me, just look where people bitch about stupid shit or make asinine comments, such as internet message boards. Whee!
m0dus said:
OH NO! they LIED!

That's it. I say we BOYCOTT the autoupdate, as we DESERVE to play the games with bugs! It's our GOD GIVEN RIGHT! To hell with microsoft changing their stance on something just to better serve customers and folks who demanded it. To HELL with making informed decisions based on real circumstances! SOME GUY SAID SOMETHING DIFFERENT 3 YEARS AGO, AND MY WORLD WILL COME CRASHING DOWN. FUCK YOU BILL GATE$. *throws xbox into closet with gamecube*

He's defending shipping buggy games. Really, he is...


Sorry bout that HUD thing people, maybe once you get broadband service in your area.
Society said:
When you release a game that runs on a homologous hardware (PS2/Xbox/GCN/GBA), there should be no excuses for offline bugs (i.e. Phazon Mines), esp when the game is coming from a 1st party as big as Nintendo.

Fixed that up for ya.

Kon Tiki

I certain was not talking about the whole product, that would be absurd. I was most defiantly talking about a minor HUD issue as sloppy programing. If I had said the game feels rushed, then you could say I was referring to the game as a whole. However I did not say that, at all.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
but it fixed a bug that was present on maybe 1% of people playing Halo (480p bug),

This is a problem for anyone using a projection or CRT based HD set at 480p, so I'd imagine it affects more than 1% of total players...

Kon Tiki

DJ Demon J said:
Fixed that up for ya.

Just to clarify, what about the phazon mines are you referring to? The design? I do not remember any bugs (not saying there are none).

MP was certainly not perfect, nor was it a flagship title for the system.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Society said:
Just to clarify, what about the phazon mines are you referring to? The design? I do not remember any bugs (not saying there are none).

MP was certainly not perfect, nor was it a flagship title for the system.

It had a few bugs, including that freezing issue...

Though, outside of that, MP was extremely polished. Halo 2 isn't perfect either, obviously, but having just played HL2 a lot today...I really appreciate it a whole lot more.


Society said:
I should expect something preschoolish coming from you.

When you release a game that runs on a homologous hardware (PS2/Xbox/GCN/GBA), there should be no excuses for offline bugs, esp when the game is coming from a 1st party as big as MS.

Do you have anything to say about my mother while you are here or you done being an ass?

If you're going to argue a point have some ammunition. To argue sloppy programming against such a polished game is stupid.


Well if not getting 16:9 mode right on a handful of TVs is sloppy programming whats Retros excuse for not implementing a better control scheme in two years?? :p
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