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Halo 2 autoupdate is available now!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This is a problem for anyone using a projection or CRT based HD set at 480p, so I'd imagine it affects more than 1% of total players...

Nope, lots of HD sets, projection, CRT, plasma etc, worked just fine. The problem was with certain sets. Admittedly, plenty of them, but it was not ALL HD sets. My NEC widescreen worked just fine.


Mrbob said:
Well if not getting 16:9 mode right on a handful of TVs is sloppy programming whats Retros excuse for not implementing a better control scheme in two years?? :p
Oh god, here we go. I hope you realize what you've just done. All it takes is one fanboy, one, and bamph, there goes the entire thread.

Kon Tiki

Sysgen said:
If you're going to argue a point have some ammunition. To argue sloppy programming against such a polished game is stupid.

Mrbob said:
Well if not getting 16:9 mode right on a handful of TVs is sloppy programming whats Retros excuse for not implementing a better control scheme in two years?? :p

Sarcasm is not working, I did noy say HUD by itself was sloppy programming.

As far as Metroid Prime 2, maybe you should contact Retro. noa@nintendo.com

Nerevar said:
What? From earlier in the thread:

Apparently I don't even need to help you put your foot in your mouth

Called sarcasm :D


they call me "Man Gravy".
Society said:
I certain was not talking about the whole product, that would be absurd. I was most defiantly talking about a minor HUD issue as sloppy programing. If I had said the game feels rushed, then you could say I was referring to the game as a whole. However I did not say that, at all.

What? From earlier in the thread:

Society (is a tool) said:
Eh? The game went gold over a month before its release yet the game still feels rushed. Just sloppy programming rushed for a due date. There are companies that miss on the holiday season just to get a better game out.

Apparently I don't even need to help you put your foot in your mouth




Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DJ Demon J said:
Not every HDTV is suffering from this glitch.

I know, CRT and Projection sets are having issues. A lot of HDTV users have fixed pixel displays (LCDs, Plasmas, DLPs...) and wouldn't run into it. If your set uses overscan, chances are, you're going to have the problem.
Society said:
Just to clarify, what about the phazon mines are you referring to? The design? I do not remember any bugs (not saying there are none).

MP was certainly not perfect, nor was it a flagship title for the system.

Not a flagship title eh? Wow, the spin/damage control is on full blast today!!! :lol

Here's links to two MP1 crash situations (the furnace IIRC is in the Phazon Mines):




Society said:
Originally Posted by Sysgen:
If you're going to argue a point have some ammunition. To argue sloppy programming against such a polished game is stupid.


lol? That's a good argument you got there.


Krypt I wasn't talking to you,5 replies got in before I could type that -_-

I was talking to Society who somehow thinks this is bad to fix some minor problems.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
akascream said:
Thats funny, with games like UT2k4 and CS Source available, why would anyone buy Halo2 for it's online mode? Even the PC version of Halo1 is subpar compared to real multiplayer fps, let alone the console version where you have to fight dual analog control.

No, the only valuable multiplayer mode in the Halo series has, and will always be co-op.

you win stupid post of the day

I've played em all, and halo 2 online rivals any PC counterpart, and in some ways, imo surpasses them. Of course pc elitist will never care, too bad they miss a great expierence.


Counter Strike Source is a weak sauce release. Ohhh Source engine yay.

UT2K4 is fun though. Not as fun as Halo 2 online but good fun nonetheless.
DJ Demon J said:
Not a flagship title eh? Wow, the spin/damage control is on full blast today!!! :lol

Here's links to two MP1 crash situations (the furnace IIRC is in the Phazon Mines):



There are plenty of crash situations in MP, and iirc all of them hardware malfunction related. There are fifty times more in the original Halo. Why does this matter? Why are you bringing up a two year old game?

And you people are stupid for bitching about bugs being addressed in a patch. What you should save your complaints for is content being added for a fee.
Wow, Halo 2 must be really important to Mr. Society here, I mean he just can't stop talking about it! You'd think Halo 2 was Society's favorite game and here Bungie went and released a fix and ruined the whole game for him! Where's the cry gif when you need it?

Kon Tiki

DJ Demon J said:
Not a flagship title eh?
LOZ is.

When I say flagship I mean it in a singular term. I do concider the idea of 2 flagships in one army(navy).

Those crashes are not in the Phazon mines.

PanopticBlue said:
Wow, Halo 2 must be really important to Mr. Society here, I mean he just can't stop talking about it! You'd think Halo 2 was Society's favorite game and here Bungie went and released a fix and ruined the whole game for him! Where's the cry gif when you need it?

It was one of my most anticipated games.

Musashi Wins! said:
Xbox games are his favorite to talk about. God bless him.

Naturally, they are. With a dead DVD drive on my PS2 and a finicky GCN drive, Xbox is pretty much my sole console to play games on.

Musashi Wins!

PanopticBlue said:
Wow, Halo 2 must be really important to Mr. Society here, I mean he just can't stop talking about it! You'd think Halo 2 was Society's favorite game and here Bungie went and released a fix and ruined the whole game for him! Where's the cry gif when you need it?

Xbox games are his favorite to talk about. God bless him.

Kon Tiki

You win the bet.

I bought Halo 2 at the sacrafice of MP2, and I am a huge Metroid fan. I wont get to play MP2 till after the holidays.
Son of Godzilla said:
There are plenty of crash situations in MP, and iirc all of them hardware malfunction related. There are fifty times more in the original Halo. Why does this matter? Why are you bringing up a two year old game?

Because of akascream's brilliant post:

akascream said:
I think its pretty reasonable to expect a higher level of quality control from companies without patch options. Now MS can release buggy software to push thier online "service". Joy.

Society, way back when MP1 first launched I remember people referring to the "Phazon Mines" crash. Whether or not it is one of those two crashes I posted or a new one, my point against akascreams' post still stands.


I've played halo 2 on three projection tv's and none of them have had this problem. 2 rear and 1 front. I think it has more to do with cheaper tv's where the manufacture just didn't care about the overscan or it has something else to do with how the tv handles 480p but to blame this on bungie is nuts... they are fixing a game as a service to their fans when its the tv manufactures fault

Kon Tiki

DJ Demon J said:
Because of akascream's brilliant post:

Society, way back when MP1 first launched I remember people referring to the "Phazon Mines" crash. Whether or not it is one of those two crashes I posted or a new one, my point against akascreams' post still stands.

I remeber that now. As I said before I knew there were bugs, just did not remember what they were.


PanopticBlue said:
Wow, Halo 2 must be really important to Mr. Society here, I mean he just can't stop talking about it! You'd think Halo 2 was Society's favorite game and here Bungie went and released a fix and ruined the whole game for him! Where's the cry gif when you need it?
Take your pick.


This is a quick response to the HUD issue. I'm sure it was annoying to those who had to deal with it. I don't see how these are "bugs", rather just niggling issues that have been smoothed out. The MP elevator crash was a legit bug and happened repeatedly to me, but I haven't had any issues with either of the two Halos.
quin said:
I've played halo 2 on three projection tv's and none of them have had this problem. 2 rear and 1 front. I think it has more to do with cheaper tv's where the manufacture just didn't care about the overscan or it has something else to do with how the tv handles 480p but to blame this on bungie is nuts... they are fixing a game as a service to their fans when its the tv manufactures fault

It's not a cheap tv problem. Not unless Sony, Samsung and Toshiba are cheap. I've played it on those three (2 projection and 1 CRT), and they all had the problem.


I've played on 2 toshiba's and a sanyo projector of course a projector won't have the problem due to the fact there is no overscan, but i still don't think its bungies fault. And companiess do make cheaper variants of their products


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Well if not getting 16:9 mode right on a handful of TVs is sloppy programming whats Retros excuse for not implementing a better control scheme in two years??

:lol That's the best you could come up with...?

Try harder.


DJ Demon J said:
Here's links to two MP1 crash situations (the furnace IIRC is in the Phazon Mines):]
Chozo Ruins actually.

Matchmaking is much faster, great update/fix.

I still loathe the whole peer-peer concept of Live though, haven't played a lagless Big Team Battle yet. Plus assorted nuisances that come with this setup as opposed to the dedicated server way of hosting.

Joining a party is also way too hard, or maybe I'm just a retard. I have gotten loads of invites where I either got an error 'network problems', or the inviter is already in a stage where I can't join.

When it all works and you've got a great party it is pretty good though.
Society said:
Wouldn't better serving their customers be akin to oh i don't know... a finished, polished game?

I completely agree. Nintendo should have served their customers better by fixing the game-stopping crash(es!!) in Metroid Prime. Oh wait...

Seriously, comparing a ridiculously minor 480p problem to something as major as a game crashing is exactly what m0dus said it is--trying to find chinks in Halo's armor to troll it like a true anti-Xbox fanboy.

Is Halo 2 the greatest FPS ever? No. Better than PC FPSes? Hell no. But it's one damn nice package and all this trolling based on incredibly tiny issues is ridiculous (as compared to, let's say, the Metroid control scheme which is something that has a much greater effect on gameplay than a missing millimeter or two of screen real estate on the edges of a TV screen).


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
My issue is that other titles will more than likely follow. Halo 2 is the biggest XBOX title ever. For it to have these issues doesn't bode well for future titles as it implies that unpolished work is OK because it can be patched later.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Can someone post a picture of the HUD problem in question? I keep hearing about it but I really want to see how bad the problem is.

And kudos for Bungie for actually fixing it, and this quickly. Patches should become mandatory in the next gen, especially for fixing bugs that can threaten your progress of a game


un polished? You playing Halo 2 right?

I can only mention the popup, thats it. Everything else is extremly polished. The graphical effects especially (explosions, sparks flying, weapons spraying, shields breaking, blood bursting, physics moving) look magnificent

Kon Tiki

m0dus said:
In a more perfect world, yes, I agree with you. however, the simple truth is, we do not live in a perfect world. A 100% bug free product is unattainable, in truth. there will always be *something* there, it simply comes down to a matter of whether or not it affects the gameplay. A "shippable" product, ideally, does not. However, stuff can still slip through the cracks--

As such, the ability to patch them when they DO arise is one of the benefits of XBL. People seem to think devs have this complacent attitude of, "well, there MIGHT be summore bugs left, but we can fix 'em later if we want" and that's patently false, in the console world. Hell, even PC developers bug test games to the best of their ability before releasing them, because it means wasting less time on a completed project. Bungie, and any other developer out there worth their salt try to avoid such issues if at all possible, because it reflects poorly upon them and their work, and that approach simply produces bad games.
You can not compare PCs and consoles. There are way to many variable in PC gaming to release a bug free product. It is not a "well, there MIGHT be summore bugs left, but we can fix 'em later if we want" issue, it is that the possibility of that happening even exists.
That they admitted there was a problem, and managed to fix it in a WEEK'S TIME is praiseworthy unto itself.

Good, why not fix it in a week before it launched? It went gold too early. When you send it to print that early you are pretty confident that it is 'done'. Which is pretty much why I am complaing at all.
The game is still totally playable for people who don't have XBL (I have a samsung HDTV and I experienced the HUD issue--didn't hurt the game for me at all. in fact, I didn't even notice it until I read some posts about it), and for the people bugged by the network issues, well, they HAVE xbox live, so they get the update. That's to say nothing of the nice free 2 month subscription card, meaning everyone has access to the patch, if they can't live without it.
Never said HUD was the issue.

It boils down to some people trying to find a chink in Halo's armor, in the hopes they can blow it out of proportion, IMO, and that's too be expected. I would not, under any cicrumstances, call halo 2 a 'buggy' product that needed to be patched. fixing a single display issue that is not present on 99% of the TVs, and enhancing the speed of the netcode, are hardly something to bitch about.

I did not blow it out of proportions, all the people responding to me did.

DJ, stop playing the fanboy card. I never said MP(1/2) was perfect. Nor did MP have the resources and backing Halo 2 did. Halo2 was meant to be the game to get on XBOX, I expected a bit more. Sacrificing some insane lod and bumpmapping for smooth lod transtions, popups.


Society and whoever else: Are you bitching about a problem that you'll not encounter in a game (overscan issue) and that, at most, 1% of Halo 2 owners will ever encounter (Excluding yourselves)? If so, you need to find a hobby. The other issues mostly affect people who play online already, making no difference to those who don't because they most likely don't encounter these issues. IIRC, there's something in the code that clears the HD cache when playing syslink, but a 'Bug' or something that keeps the cache when playing over Xbox Live, and the chances of encountering the 'failed to load map' offline is 1 in 200 while the Xbox Live error encounter rate is much, much closer. Stop crying, boys.


Society said:
There should be not be a reason to patch games (other then network patches).

Really? What about the Hurricane Packs for Ninja Gaiden? Those are "patches".

m0dus said:
And, for its time, wasn't MP supposed to be the game for the gamecube?

Not really. There were alot of people who were on the fence about the game's change to a first person view.

Coming from a Nintendo fan, there really wasn't a the game for the Cube. It kept switching. First was Mario Sunshine, then Zelda:WW, then MP1, and so on. It was almost the same as the Xbox in that regard.


m0dus said:
Hey, I'm *still* a nintendo fan, and like most of us, I was a nintendo fan first. Metroid was MY game, and to me, prime did live up to every lofty expectation.

Same here. Metroid Prime 1 is my personal game of this gen. :) Haven't gotten MP2 yet.

But, I should rephrase the statement to say MP was an "eagerly anticipated" game for the system, much like H2 is/was for the Xbox



Tried online matchmaking this afternoon. It is faster about 25% faster. Still disappointing waiting 2-3 minutes to start a game.


I've had to wait maybe 25 seconds everytime now,its blazing for me,but it was fast for me this morning before I even d/l the patch :p
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