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Halo 2 EB Pre-order Questions


My friend called me from his EB and said he wouldn't be able to pick up our copy tonight because all he had was the reciept and not the EB sheet of paper he needed to pick it up (according to local EB employees).

My questions are...
Do you need that damnded sheet of paper or just your reciept?
If you need the sheet and didn't get one, when are you supposed to pick up your game?

Thanks GAF.
Just show them your driver liscense or some form of ID... Oh and I never heard about this "eb sheet of paper" you are talking about either.


Its an 8.5 x 11 Sheet of paper with a number printed on the top right.
He said everyone there had one and the EB employees said you needed it.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
olimario said:
Its an 8.5 x 11 Sheet of paper with a number printed on the top right.
He said everyone there had one and the EB employees said you needed it.

I just answered this in the other thread. :)

You have to ask the EB employees for one for them to let you into the store...they give them to you while you stand in line. If they ran out, that may mean that he has to wait until tomorrow.
olimario said:
Its an 8.5 x 11 Sheet of paper with a number printed on the top right.
He said everyone there had one and the EB employees said you needed it.
Yeah you're right! I found this post from demi in another thread,

Originally posted by demi

"My EB did it so horribly.

There was about 100 people here, and we all had to stand out in the freezing cold as they brought in groups of 10, me being 86. You had to have this paper also, which they neglected to tell me about at all, but there was somebody handing them out so that went smoothly.

It took around an hour's wait but my LE is in possession! Wee!"

Sorry, I couldn't help ya.
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