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First the Big Daddy, HALO 2:

What can I say? It as everything I hoped for and more. It was literally gaming bliss. Once I got dual weilding down pat, there was no stopping me. The highlight was when I practically took out the entire enemy force with a ghost. Damn, it was awesome. Novemeber 9 can't come soon enough.


I had almost as much fun with this game as HALO 2. The new mechs f'in rock, and the maps and mechs are superbly balanced now. Jacking mechs is kick ass. I think even people who hate the original would dig this game now.


At first as I watched others play it, I was not entirely impressed...until it was my turn. The combat was way more fun that it looks. Switching styles, weapons, and spells on the fly is extremely cool. I think Bioware has easily dethroned their own King of RPG's on XBOX(KOTOR), with this game. Its that good.

Holy racing sim, Batman! I have never played a racing game with cars that handled so amazingly realistic as this. And I've played through all 3 GT games, and the driving is no where near as real feeling as this game. The only thing I would like is a bit better sense of speed.

Regardless of all the cuts made to the game, it is still great looking and very, very fun. It did'nt pass my expectations, but it was'nt below them either. It is very worth your time and money. I played a half hour and it left me wanting much more. I did things I never did in a game before, and that says alot of how cool a game it is.


Man, this game was a riot! I cannot wait to play through the single player, especially because I never did before. There is nothing like turning nvisible, sneaking up on another cute, furry animal, and watching blood splatter after lobbing his head off. I also used a tank to annihalate dozens (literally) of other players! Rare is indeed back.

Soon I hope to have pics of the show to share, but for now if you have any questions about any of the games, feel free to ask. I can honestly say right now, I will own ALL these games without any hesitation.


How many Halo 2 stations did they have setup? Did they allow a full 16 players on the map? Did you get the sense that people's reactions were similar to your own?

Thanks for the impressions! :D


Glad to hear the Jade Empire combat is fun, it's the main thing I haven't been interested in.

But lots of positive impressions, so the trolls will be here in 3...2...1...


They had 12 players set up which was more then the 10 players they had two weeks ago at the Seattle Center. The reactions to Halo was great. People were shouting and chearing and claping when cool stuff happened. They piped a direct feed throughout the convention center and there were tons of people huddled around several tvs placed around the center.


impressions are kinda way too positive there buddy...i'm having a hard time swallowing all that. expand on jade empire preview, first of all, how are the environments, large areas? art style, controls...what did you do, what happened?
GhaleonEB said:
How many Halo 2 stations did they have setup? Did they allow a full 16 players on the map? Did you get the sense that people's reactions were similar to your own?

Thanks for the impressions! :D

Only twelve stations which SUCKED, because my number was 161 and I had to wait THREE hours.

And hell yes, there were many reaction similar or above my own. Many a cheer was heard from the spectators an players. :)
nitewulf said:
impressions are kinda way too positive there buddy...i'm having a hard time swallowing all that. expand on jade empire preview, first of all, how are the environments, large areas? art style, controls...what did you do, what happened?

Graphics were great. The art was exceptional. They let us play three different areas. The first was combat against regular human opponents in a nice open space outdoors. The second area was in a cave against Cannibal creatures, which required you to destroy the pillars in order to kill the cannibal mother. The third was by a large gate where you had to fight rat demons and some huge guy with a sword.

You can press Y to enter focus mode, which allows you to slow down time basically.

There is a move to turn your opponent into stone and then smash him into pieces.

Decapitations are also in.

The dialogue and response choices are just like KOTOR

Anything else?

I had almost as much fun with this game as HALO 2. At first as I watched others play it, I was not entirely impressed...until it was my turn. I played a half hour and it left me wanting much more. Holy SOME GAME GENRE, Batman! I have never played a game that was so amazingly realistic as this. And I've played through all 3 COMPETITOR games, and it was no where near as real feeling as this game. I did things I never did in a game before, and that says alot of how cool a game it is. Man, this game was a riot! SOME GAME COMPANY is indeed back.

Mike Works said:

I had almost as much fun with this game as HALO 2. At first as I watched others play it, I was not entirely impressed...until it was my turn. I played a half hour and it left me wanting much more. Holy SOME GAME GENRE, Batman! I have never played a game that was so amazingly realistic as this. And I've played through all 3 COMPETITOR games, and it was no where near as real feeling as this game. I did things I never did in a game before, and that says alot of how cool a game it is. Man, this game was a riot! SOME GAME COMPANY is indeed back.


Sorry if your jealous...you can always go next year.


Mike Works said:

I had almost as much fun with this game as HALO 2. At first as I watched others play it, I was not entirely impressed...until it was my turn. I played a half hour and it left me wanting much more. Holy SOME GAME GENRE, Batman! I have never played a game that was so amazingly realistic as this. And I've played through all 3 COMPETITOR games, and it was no where near as real feeling as this game. I did things I never did in a game before, and that says alot of how cool a game it is. Man, this game was a riot! SOME GAME COMPANY is indeed back.




The Inside Track
Well these are 6 major games from major developers (except for Forza who's being developed at MS), so what's so wrong in these games being actually good ?
All these games got glowing previews from IGN, Gamespot and others as far as I can remember.


Chili Con Carnage!
yeah, you should have thrown some pikmin 2 impression in there to appease mike, or given fable an 8 or something like that....its impossible to like everything***

***and be a member of gaming-age forum


GAF's Bob Woodward
It's difficult not to be cynical when the impressions are just sooo enthusiastic. And yes, this may have something to do with this being GAF :p


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Fjord said:

The thread could have been shortened to read something like this:

"The Xbox's big 6 are really good."

I *almost* stopped reading the thread when the guy opened his Halo 2 'impressions' with "What can I say?"
Holy racing sim, Batman! I have never played a racing game with cars that handled so amazingly realistic as this. And I've played through all 3 GT games, and the driving is no where near as real feeling as this game. The only thing I would like is a bit better sense of speed.



Blazing Sword said:

First the Big Daddy, HALO 2:

What can I say? It as everything I hoped for and more. It was literally gaming bliss. Once I got dual weilding down pat, there was no stopping me. The highlight was when I practically took out the entire enemy force with a ghost. Damn, it was awesome. Novemeber 9 can't come soon enough.


I had almost as much fun with this game as HALO 2. The new mechs f'in rock, and the maps and mechs are superbly balanced now. Jacking mechs is kick ass. I think even people who hate the original would dig this game now.


At first as I watched others play it, I was not entirely impressed...until it was my turn. The combat was way more fun that it looks. Switching styles, weapons, and spells on the fly is extremely cool. I think Bioware has easily dethroned their own King of RPG's on XBOX(KOTOR), with this game. Its that good.

Holy racing sim, Batman! I have never played a racing game with cars that handled so amazingly realistic as this. And I've played through all 3 GT games, and the driving is no where near as real feeling as this game. The only thing I would like is a bit better sense of speed.

Regardless of all the cuts made to the game, it is still great looking and very, very fun. It did'nt pass my expectations, but it was'nt below them either. It is very worth your time and money. I played a half hour and it left me wanting much more. I did things I never did in a game before, and that says alot of how cool a game it is.


Man, this game was a riot! I cannot wait to play through the single player, especially because I never did before. There is nothing like turning nvisible, sneaking up on another cute, furry animal, and watching blood splatter after lobbing his head off. I also used a tank to annihalate dozens (literally) of other players! Rare is indeed back.

Soon I hope to have pics of the show to share, but for now if you have any questions about any of the games, feel free to ask. I can honestly say right now, I will own ALL these games without any hesitation.

Hello Mr "I love every single Xbox games just cauz they're on Xbox"


Kseutron said:
Hello Mr "I love every single Xbox games just cauz they're on Xbox"

Don't worry one day you'll hit puberty and your parents will let you get an Xbox. In the meantime you'll have to settle for looking forward to getting a jack-o-latern in Animal Crossing on Halloween... 67 days and counting!
No no, lets all listen to the impressions which tell us that every single person in the entire world will like Mech Assault 2.

Sounds very credible AND informative!
Well, even as a huge XBOX-proponent, I almost cringed as I read those hyper-positive impressions... But hey, that's probably because I wasn't there playing them...I need all of these, well except for Forza, really bad!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I like this game it was everything I thought it would be. I am excited about its upcoming release.


GAF's Bob Woodward
PhatSaqs said:
These impressions would be alot more believable if they were all negative...

I'm guessing you're trying to be sarcastic, but your point is lost. People would be as wary of these if they were all as negative as these are positive.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Hitler Stole My Potato said:
This place is so fucking lame anymore. Maybe, just maybe, he actually liked them all? Too many jaded N-centric cunts around here.

GAF is a synonym for jaded and cynical (myself included), but EVERYONE knows that.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Mike Works said:
No no, lets all listen to the impressions which tell us that every single person in the entire world will like Mech Assault 2.

Sounds very credible AND informative!

LOL, best post of this thread

PhatSaqs said:
These impressions would be alot more believable if they were all negative...

No, they would be just as believable as they are right now.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Hitler Stole My Potato said:
This place is so fucking lame anymore. Maybe, just maybe, he actually liked them all? Too many jaded N-centric cunts around here.

Well, maybe if he didn't sound like an Xbox fanboy in his impressions, we wouldn't be so critical now would we?


gofreak said:
I'm guessing you're trying to be sarcastic, but your point is lost. People would be as wary of these if they were all as negative as these are positive.
No, they would be just as believable as they are right now.
Umm. Yeah right. All of these games are pretty high profile. Regardless of the source, tell me again why it is so hard to believe that they all are good again?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
PhatSaqs said:
Umm. Yeah right. All of these games are pretty high profile. Regardless of the source, tell me again why it is so hard to believe that they all are good again?

Simplest answer? Because high profile games bomb too. Of the 5 of them I'm leery about Jade and Conker the most. I'm curious about the Mech Assault series so I think I'm going to have to rent the first one. I'm sure HALO 2 will be another great game for fps fans... and I'm taking a neutral approach on Forza for now.
PhatSaqs said:
All of these games are pretty high profile. Regardless of the source, tell me again why it is so hard to believe that they all are good again?

Exactly. It's not so hard to believe that all of those titles are great, considering that they are among the cream of the crop on XBOX. The same kind of impressions could be echoed by GC fans after they got to play all of the upcoming AAA titles for the system at an event.


Seriously, these are all of the AAA titles for the xbox. It's not like he's previewing sudeki or some such shit. He may be over excited but whatever.


force push the doodoo rock
He may have only played jade empire for a few minutes but damnt ITS BETTER THAN KOTOR! looks like microsoft has goty locked upf or the next decade guys!

These impressions are just a *little* silly. This isnt a case of "OMG NBOTS r TRYIN TO DISS MAH GAMEzzzz" This is a case of "This guy sounds like hes writing the rough draft for a pr statment." DarienA said it best, halo2 i can believe but some of the other games im not so sure about.


DarienA said:
Simplest answer? Because high profile games bomb too. Of the 5 of them I'm leery about Jade and Conker the most. I'm curious about the Mech Assault series so I think I'm going to have to rent the first one. I'm sure HALO 2 will be another great game for fps fans... and I'm taking a neutral approach on Forza for now.

The first MA is a pretty fun game.. I seem to remember it getting about an 8 at Gamespot, and I imagine that sounds about right. It's a pretty fun shooter type game.. the single player is maybe 10-15 hours? (it's been a long time), and you can get some fun out of playing it online. The online is fun (especially as it's 2 player split-screen), but it trails off quickly. The mechs aren't very well balanced.. I didn't play it for too long, but it adds to the overall experience I imagine.

His impressions are very positive, but it's probably safe to say that most of these games.. likely will be quite good. Forza, I would think is the biggest question on the list, but that may also be because I don't know anything about it. I'm not fond of racing sims, so I haven't followed it at all.


Those impressions are very Gamepro-esque. I half expected to see that smiley dude w/ the thumbs-up they use at the end of every review.
sp0rsk said:
These impressions are just a *little* silly. This isnt a case of "OMG NBOTS r TRYIN TO DISS MAH GAMEzzzz" This is a case of "This guy sounds like hes writing the rough draft for a pr statment." Marconelly said it best, halo2 i can believe but some of the other games im not so sure about.

No doubt about the over-exuberance of the impressions eliciting the wary-sort of responses it has...especially from those that, AFAIK, have never really exhibited any sort of enthusiasm for XBOX exclusives...

However, as these impressions are from a big XBOX fan, and that they are based on limited demos of some of the biggest upcoming titles for the system, I think the level of cynicism shown in the thread veers a little too close to defensive reactions...or, rather, your typical GAF reactions.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
SyNapSe said:
It's a pretty fun shooter type game.. the single player is maybe 10-15 hours? (it's been a long time), and you can get some fun out of playing it online. The online is fun (especially as it's 2 player split-screen), but it trails off quickly. The mechs aren't very well balanced.. I didn't play it for too long, but it adds to the overall experience I imagine.

It's the single player aspect that I'm interested in the most. I've given up online gaming and focus on just having games that I can play to completion. The lack of being able to customize the mechs is a concern for me, but I'm just going to go ahead and rent this from gamefly.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
The first MA is a terrible game. Screw reviews, it blows. Biggest waste of a free pack in game with an Xbox live starter kit ever.
Blazing Sword said:
Graphics were great. The art was exceptional. They let us play three different areas. The first was combat against regular human opponents in a nice open space outdoors. The second area was in a cave against Cannibal creatures, which required you to destroy the pillars in order to kill the cannibal mother. The third was by a large gate where you had to fight rat demons and some huge guy with a sword.

You can press Y to enter focus mode, which allows you to slow down time basically.

There is a move to turn your opponent into stone and then smash him into pieces.

Decapitations are also in.

The dialogue and response choices are just like KOTOR

Anything else?

Those are the same areas from the E3 demo. Did they let you play the mini-game (Galaga/Space Invaders)?
MA1 had a pretty weak single-player component...but the multi was pretty damned fun for awhile. It's been stated several times by the development team that a more satisfying single player game was a big focus this time, in addition to all the cool shit they're doing with the multi.
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