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Unconfirmed Member
What is up with the 3 screen Forza set up? How do you go about making that work?

Interesting but totally confusing.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
scola said:
What is up with the 3 screen Forza set up? How do you go about making that work?

Interesting but totally confusing.

3 xbox + 3 forza copies + 3 screens + lan = pwnage


scola said:
What is up with the 3 screen Forza set up? How do you go about making that work?

Interesting but totally confusing.
you need 3 xbox systems and 3 copies of the game.
It is done via system link connection.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks to all three of you who simultaneously answered. That is why it was bizzare to me. I was trying to conceive of it pushing that out of one console with some sort of special video cable, and I was wondering how it had the power ;)

I didn't even know GT3 did that.

Now I am scared to imagine the people that probably have those set ups at home.

Cool feature though.
sp0rsk said:
those are much better.


Why shouldn't they be all positive impressions? Afterall, all the games listed are some of the most promising ones...


I was there, but I'm not gonna try and convince detractors.

The game that caught my eye was The Matrix Online. It really didn't look to do anything new, but it should definitely satisfy fans. The mode were you saw everything in green code was cool looking.

I also picked up Kenshin and Gundam Seed cds and a my own little Kirara. A free SCII guide from Brady was nice too. Speaking of SCII, the tournament they had was pretty intense. I didn't get there in time to enter myself. :(


Subitai said:
I was there, but I'm not gonna try and convince detractors.

The game that caught my eye was The Matrix Online. It really didn't look to do anything new, but it should definitely satisfy fans. The mode were you saw everything in green code was cool looking.

I also picked up Kenshin and Gundam Seed cds and a my own little Kirara. A free SCII guide from Brady was nice too. Speaking of SCII, the tournament they had was pretty intense. I didn't get there in time to enter myself. :(

I was there as well. I played Fable for 2 hours. I never got a ticket for Halo 2 and I didn't feel like buying a scalp for like $30 damn dollars.

Conker was REALLY fun, actually.


Gerber said:
Please detail Conker's online mode for me. :D

Actually we only got to play 8-person LAN. But I got to try all the mechanics of the game for both sides (Teddies and Squirrels.)
Dyne said:
I was there as well. I played Fable for 2 hours. I never got a ticket for Halo 2 and I didn't feel like buying a scalp for like $30 damn dollars.

Conker was REALLY fun, actually.

Saying Conker was great is not enough! Some GA jerks demand that you have at least 1000 words or more on everything from how the font of the copyright text looks to knowing if Conkers pupils reflect eveything in the game world around him!

And oh, yes don't like it too much because its on XBOX.


I'll tell you a story of my skill in the mean time.

They have tanks lying around in the game, and the opposing team grabbed the rocket launcher gun on the top. Well, I sneaked up to it as it was blowing it's load all over the place, and he caught me at the last minute, but the trick is, it can't aim close to itself, or turn around very fast. So I had him going around in circles trying to catch up with me as I pumped tons of hot lead into the tank.

Before I knew it, it exploded, and I jumped out of the way to avoid damage. Needless to say, that sold me on the game right there.

And oh yeah, Forza isn't as great as he says. I thought it was so-so, but the Live capabilities probably save it.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
You guys wanna let it go now? It was hours ago and, despite the people claiming it was some hive attack, since more detailed impressions have been posted people have stopped complaining.

Or just bitterly hold onto it, whatever.
Dyne said:
And oh yeah, Forza isn't as great as he says. I thought it was so-so, but the Live capabilities probably save it.

Not great to you maybe. Too me, it handled exactly the way a sim should. The only thing I would have liked was to see some of the customization options. To each his own.


About Conker:

Do the vehicles control like Halo? And do the tanks have that real heavy movement to them like Halo?

Is the version you played an updated version of e3 2k4?



I really wasn't into the whole multiplayer thing of Conker. I guess because I played it before... I remember being able to pick up multiple weapons though like machetes, machine guns, rocket launchers, etc. The controls were either clunky or set in a mode I wasn't used to because I couldn't go from run (without any weapons, you move very fast) to armed (with weapons, usually on two legs and moving slower) and go back to run again (for a fast getaway).

I think the biggest detractor was the setting. Microsoft's booth at E3 was so unbelievably cramped and stuffy... And it was because MS had decided it would be a good idea to have just one entrance and one exit. It made me easily distracted from the game which sucks since I'm a huge fan of Bad Fur Day.

And for those of you who have not played the N64 original, you're in for a funny game. Not anything super-witty or anything, just some dumb, gross humor, and plenty of parodies. I hope they added some areas to the single player mode since that would make it a purchase for me down the road.

EDIT: Oh, and I wasn't too pleased that I was only able to play in one level. In the N64 version, there's a Normandy-type invasion where Tediz shoot the squirrels on top of hills using turrets, rocket launchers, and sniper rifles. Meanwhile, the squirrels try to make it all the way across the hills and beach, while picking up power ups like speed boost. Every time a squirrel makes it all the way across, the squirrels get a point. Every time a Tedi kills one, they get the point. Whoever has the most points wins. What they had at E3 though was a deathmatch mode. I hope they don't cut the invasion level though since it was pretty fun.

Seth C

I'm torn. On the one hand, all of these game likely will be very good. On the other, the impressions seem completely out of control. Yet, they should actually be that good. Hmmm....
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