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force push the doodoo rock
MightyHedgehog said:
No doubt about the over-exuberance of the impressions eliciting the wary-sort of responses it has...especially from those that, AFAIK, have never really exhibited any sort of enthusiasm for XBOX exclusives...

However, as these impressions are from a big XBOX fan, and that they are based on limited demos of some of the biggest upcoming titles for the system, I think the level of cynicism shown in the thread veers a little too close to defensive reactions...or, rather, your typical GAF reactions.

I think most of the responses are just making fun of the original poster, not really being defensive. No one is taking this guy seriously (i hope)


Dr.Guru of Peru said:
The first MA is a terrible game. Screw reviews, it blows. Biggest waste of a free pack in game with an Xbox live starter kit ever.
Terrible? Nah. But it is overrated. No depth and gets boring fast as hell. It's ok for a day or 2. MA2 sounds like they added a ton of depth with the whole battlearmor concept alone.
sp0rsk said:
I think most of the responses are just making fun of the original poster, not really being defensive. No one is taking this guy seriously (i hope)

Heh. I've yet to see LMB joke in a non-Nintendo thread.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Regardless of bias, the impressions aren't really telling us anything new...or much at all. We need impressions from someone who played the games at E3 too, they'll be able to tell us about any differences.
Mama Smurf said:
Regardless of bias, the impressions aren't really telling us anything new...or much at all. We need impressions from someone who played the games at E3 too, they'll be able to tell us about any differences.

Reading Blazing Sword's impressions of Jade Empire it seems the demo was the exact same as it was at E3. Most likely the same for everything else (maybe with the exception of Halo 2).

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Well we were told (so I assume PA were told) that every game from MS would be newer versions than the E3 demo. So maybe it's just the same area, but the gameplay and graphics have been tweaked a bit.

Or maybe PA were lied to. I'm sure Kameo (and Conker maybe?) at the least will be newer versions as the press got to play a build more advanced than that of E3 not so long ago.
Mama Smurf said:
Well we were told (so I assume PA were told) that every game from MS would be newer versions than the E3 demo. So maybe it's just the same area, but the gameplay and graphics have been tweaked a bit.

Or maybe PA were lied to. I'm sure Kameo (and Conker maybe?) at the least will be newer versions as the press got to play a build more advanced than that of E3 not so long ago.

I would think that they would be updated as well, but then again, it's only a few months out from E3 and these companies don't have time to run a dog and pony show with the latest beta every few months, especially with major releases heading into the fall/Christmas season.

Having played the E3 demo of Jade Empire, I played the exact same 3 areas that Blazing Sword described. Personally, I didn't really dig the environment for the game, but the gameplay was kinda cool (makes me wish KOTOR 2 was going that route instead of turn-based again).


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
DJ Demon J said:
I would think that they would be updated as well, but then again, it's only a few months out from E3 and these companies don't have time to run a dog and pony show with the latest beta every few months, especially with major releases heading into the fall/Christmas season.

Having played the E3 demo of Jade Empire, I played the exact same 3 areas that Blazing Sword described. Personally, I didn't really dig the environment for the game, but the gameplay was kinda cool (makes me wish KOTOR 2 was going that route instead of turn-based again).

I don't know if I keep missing this in previews but can you describe exactly how the battle system works?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Well it's not like I'm there or even went to E3, so I only know that this was part of the news at PA a bit less than two weeks ago:

It's hard to believe, but PAX is less than two weeks away at this point. We've been planning and preparing for this event for so long now that I can't remember my life before PAX. What did I do before I was helping to throw the greatest video game party ever conceived by man? Probably nothing.

In case you missed it, I wanted to post a list of all the games that will be at PAX. Almost all of these games will be playable and all are newer builds than the ones shown at E3.

The Microsoft booth will be packed with awesome stuff:

Forza Motorsport
Jade Empire
Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf
Dungeon Siege 2

So if they're not, either PA lied (which I doubt, they don't seem the type at all) or someone at MS lied to them (which would be a pretty shitty thing to do when people are paying to go play these "newer" builds). Or they really are newer builds.

I'm sure we'll find out soon either way, even if no one else there went to E3, Gabe and Tycho did.
Blazing Sword said:

First the Big Daddy, HALO 2:

What can I say? It as everything I hoped for and more. It was literally gaming bliss. Once I got dual weilding down pat, there was no stopping me. The highlight was when I practically took out the entire enemy force with a ghost. Damn, it was awesome. Novemeber 9 can't come soon enough.


I had almost as much fun with this game as HALO 2. The new mechs f'in rock, and the maps and mechs are superbly balanced now. Jacking mechs is kick ass. I think even people who hate the original would dig this game now.


At first as I watched others play it, I was not entirely impressed...until it was my turn. The combat was way more fun that it looks. Switching styles, weapons, and spells on the fly is extremely cool. I think Bioware has easily dethroned their own King of RPG's on XBOX(KOTOR), with this game. Its that good.

Holy racing sim, Batman! I have never played a racing game with cars that handled so amazingly realistic as this. And I've played through all 3 GT games, and the driving is no where near as real feeling as this game. The only thing I would like is a bit better sense of speed.

Regardless of all the cuts made to the game, it is still great looking and very, very fun. It did'nt pass my expectations, but it was'nt below them either. It is very worth your time and money. I played a half hour and it left me wanting much more. I did things I never did in a game before, and that says alot of how cool a game it is.


Man, this game was a riot! I cannot wait to play through the single player, especially because I never did before. There is nothing like turning nvisible, sneaking up on another cute, furry animal, and watching blood splatter after lobbing his head off. I also used a tank to annihalate dozens (literally) of other players! Rare is indeed back.

Soon I hope to have pics of the show to share, but for now if you have any questions about any of the games, feel free to ask. I can honestly say right now, I will own ALL these games without any hesitation.

Reminds me of the SNL skit.

"Much better than Cats! I'll go to see it over and over again"

Thanks for being so honest.
DarienA said:
I don't know if I keep missing this in previews but can you describe exactly how the battle system works?

It's real-time, so when a fight breaks out you can run around and wail on people like you would in any 3D action game. You can swing free and try to manually aim (sometimes nailing 2-3 guys with a spinning roundhouse kick, for example) or you can lock on and flip through targets. Each face button is assigned to a different attack/move. Each character has a few hand-to-hand styles and 1 weapon style (you pick up more of each as you progress). I'm not sure if every character can do this, but I know one guy can transform into the animal/demon spirits. Then you have the spells that different characters have (fireballs and shit). Finally, you have a Matrix-style Focus meter (I think it's called Spirit) than you can use to slow down time and really whoop ass. It works pretty well (lightyears beyond Namco's Nina game), I can only imagine what Bioware could do with this gameplay style and lightsabers (!!!).



It's A very well put together game! It's Excellent! It's perfect! It's killer App!!

My Review of Paper Mario 2

It's A very well put together game! It's Excellent! It's perfect! It's killer App!!

My review of Metroid Prime 2 Echoes

It's A very well put together game! It's Excellent! It's perfect! It's killer App!!

^^That's how you get GAers to praise your review. Don't praise Xbox games, only GC.


force push the doodoo rock
Vagabond said:

It's A very well put together game! It's Excellent! It's perfect! It's killer App!!

My Review of Paper Mario 2

It's A very well put together game! It's Excellent! It's perfect! It's killer App!!

My review of Metroid Prime 2 Echoes

It's A very well put together game! It's Excellent! It's perfect! It's killer App!!

^^That's how you get GAers to praise your review. Don't praise Xbox games, only GC.

This is retarded as well. (the assumption that people will only like glowing gc reviews and the reviews themselves)


I've seen very deft reviews of games here, and they recieved praise. I don't see why this case is any different. Why hasn't there been any "This reaffirms that this game is GOTY" like there has been with other brisk reviews? Why are these brisk reviews so doubted when there have not only been worse, but much more biased reviews go by with less stares or perhaps even unquestioned.

I've seen stuff like this go down in many Xbox threads here, so I expected this. I am surprised the thread starter did not as well. No big deal.


Vagabond said:
I've seen very deft reviews of games here, and they recieved praise. I don't see why this case is any different. Why hasn't there been any "This reaffirms that this game is GOTY" like there has been with other brisk reviews? Why are these brisk reviews so doubted when there have not only been worse, but much more biased reviews go by with less stares or perhaps even unquestioned.

I've seen stuff like this go down in many Xbox threads here, so I expected this. I am surprised the thread starter did not as well. No big deal.


Junior Member
Vagabond said:

It's A very well put together game! It's Excellent! It's perfect! It's killer App!!

My Review of Paper Mario 2

It's A very well put together game! It's Excellent! It's perfect! It's killer App!!

My review of Metroid Prime 2 Echoes

It's A very well put together game! It's Excellent! It's perfect! It's killer App!!

^^That's how you get GAers to praise your review. Don't praise Xbox games, only GC.

Ignore the system the game is on and realize that we have impressions that max out at 4 lines. His Halo impressions boils down to:

1)Surpassing his expectations
2)He figured out how to dual wield
3)He ran a bunch of enemies over with a ghost.

Thats fuckin it. No mention of how the sniper rifle recoils and any change in aiming. No in depth analysis on how the ghost handles now. No point by point break down of adapting to dual wielding. Just a circle jerk.

I swear you Anit-Xbox Defamation League members caught a class from Bush-Cheney 04. Just repeat the same fricken line and it'll stick. This has nothing to fucking do with Nintendo vs Xbox.

You know, I don't know much about racing sims and from his Forza impressions, I still don't know shit about it. Other than his 'detailed' comparision to the first 3 GT. No mention of steering, whether over or under, no mention of all the cars included, graphics, different viewpoints, etc. He doesn't have to break down each detail of the games since that's impossible but others would be more appreciative if he went into some detail of minute things.

Uh, in Halo 2 he could break down the sniper rifle and all the things involved with that, aiming, recoil, rate of fire, change in looks, possibility of dual wielding (which I'm guessing is impossible), answer whether it's an advantage or disadvantage in multiplayer ie will I end up using it like in Blood Gulch or is it no use, any lag, camping sites including number and seclusion, advantage over pistol or whatever other gun has zooming capability, damage including headshots, torso, etc and whether the damage is overwhelming, tracking ability when zoomed in on someone in a fast moving warthog, etc.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills but that could be a 20 to 30 sentence writeup from 10-15 minutes of playing. And that's just the sniper rifle. So, nobody should apologize for slamming his shitty impressions. They are shitty. Anybody could have pooped them out.


These impressions are just a *little* silly. This isnt a case of "OMG NBOTS r TRYIN TO DISS MAH GAMEzzzz" This is a case of "This guy sounds like hes writing the rough draft for a pr statment."

Needed to be quoted.
Vagabond said:

It's A very well put together game! It's Excellent! It's perfect! It's killer App!!

My Review of Paper Mario 2

It's A very well put together game! It's Excellent! It's perfect! It's killer App!!

My review of Metroid Prime 2 Echoes

It's A very well put together game! It's Excellent! It's perfect! It's killer App!!

^^That's how you get GAers to praise your review. Don't praise Xbox games, only GC.

Yep. Its sad,but true. Paint a Nintendo character on a game that otherwise wouldn't have been so great,and half the people here will swallow without being asked to:b Its not really a shocker that the forum is already downplaying these impressions,it doesn't fit their agenda too well. Youre dealing with a fanatical group that do cart wheels everytime Reggie speaks the gospel. Heh.


skinnyrattler said:
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills but that could be a 20 to 30 sentence writeup from 10-15 minutes of playing. And that's just the sniper rifle. So, nobody should apologize for slamming his shitty impressions. They are shitty. Anybody could have pooped them out.

So from now on anyone who posts impressions for anything needs to do detailed, in-depth writeups? Give me a break.

And god forbid all the games are good. Being on the Xbox, we know that can't be the case. I'll remember this the next time someone posts brief but shining impressions of a GC or PS2 game. :/


skinnyrattler said:
I swear you Anit-Xbox Defamation League members caught a class from Bush-Cheney 04. Just repeat the same fricken line and it'll stick. This has nothing to fucking do with Nintendo vs Xbox.

You know, I don't know much about racing sims and from his Forza impressions, I still don't know shit about it. Other than his 'detailed' comparision to the first 3 GT. No mention of steering, whether over or under, no mention of all the cars included, graphics, different viewpoints, etc. He doesn't have to break down each detail of the games since that's impossible but others would be more appreciative if he went into some detail of minute things.

Uh, in Halo 2 he could break down the sniper rifle and all the things involved with that, aiming, recoil, rate of fire, change in looks, possibility of dual wielding (which I'm guessing is impossible), answer whether it's an advantage or disadvantage in multiplayer ie will I end up using it like in Blood Gulch or is it no use, any lag, camping sites including number and seclusion, advantage over pistol or whatever other gun has zooming capability, damage including headshots, torso, etc and whether the damage is overwhelming, tracking ability when zoomed in on someone in a fast moving warthog, etc.

That was not the aim of his post. You're slamming him for achieving his goal. You want long, detailed impressions that specifically fit your liking then play the game and write one up yourself. His impressions were spot on, and you can expund upon them if you want by asking a question and he will appropiately respond and address your question. If you expect everyone to be able to draw 5000 pages worth of game facets from 10 minutes (tops) of play then you're out of your head, and should promptly leave this forum.

He's posting small impressions from the small amount of time he spent, not reviewing the game.

And I've read MANY swift impressions of a game elsewhere on this forum achieve praise. However, his recieves flak, Why? They were good. They gave a pretty good idea of what to expect.

And my labeling this forum biased to Nintendo was a bit unfair, however the greatest amount of posters here have an affinity towards Nintendo, and there is a good sense of bias against the Xbox. The point struck.


One down four to go!

Those that were second guessing Mechassault 2 THINK AGAIN!!

While I reported on “MA2: Lone Wolf” at E3 I didn’t have enough time to get a real sense for just how much the game has changed, for the better of course. The build we were offered at PAX was also a new one and had a lot of new features, modes, and maps available than at E3. I played on 3 different maps in 3 different modes, two of them brand new, and loved every minute of it!"

Go ahead and read the full page review....



Here are some more detailed impressions that should satisfy the wolves:


"In general, there was a much better feeling of weight and inertia along with a much more subtle feel to the controls.

Slamming on the brakes would throw you into an uncontrolled skid every time and bringing that skid under control was not a simplistic sort of counter-steer drifting.

You need to be more gentle with the steering at higher speeds and more precise in picking and sticking to your line rather than making mid turn adjustments when you are already up against your friction limits. This is very much more like just the way you drive in a real car which I haven't seen so much of in a racing game outside of Ferrari 355, the GTR demo, and the older Papyrus games.

Power sliding/drifting through corners is just not feasible the way it was in GT3. The feel of the suspension and how the car will just break loose in a discontinuous fashion felt much more like the times I've skidded and controlled skids while driving in real (albeit less impressive) vehicles.

Some of the concerns that this game may be "too sim" for some players have a great deal more validity in my mind after playing the game (and watching others play the game). But for someone like me that wants a heavy sim experience in my "sim" racing games the experience was deeply satisfying once I got the hang of the controls and inertia (3 races or so... not long really)."


"MechAssault 2 was certainly the biggest surprise for me. Its stunning, how much better the game is over the original. Moving the camera down closer to the fight was brilliant. The whole experience of a battlefield full of VTOL's, Power armor, tanks, turrets, and Mechs is surprisingly more engaging with much richer strategic/tactical depth. The game should really shine when people start coordinating their assault.

Some cool things I didn't know...

Power Armor can hitch a ride into battle on a friendly mech. You can use this to slip into the fight undetected and catch a mech unaware with a "neuro-jack" attempt.

VTOL can deliver health and ammo for teammates...

There is a very powerful guided missle turret where you pilot the rocket a very long way on the fairly large maps. With some teamwork, you could potentially be sitting in a stealthed tank calling in a guided rocket strike from a turret halfway across the map ... very cool.

Graphics are of course looking very good with more detail, huge draw distances, much more fleshed out progressive damage on the buildings and some very nice looking trees.

All in all, the game went from a "maybe, when I get around to it..." to a "must have" for me."

Impressions from grimmli found in this thread at IGN.


Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, same author as above:

"Splinter Cell 3 may well be the best looking game on the Xbox this winter... yes, even better looking than Halo 2. The build they were showing off (rep demo only) was still early and a bit unstable, but as early as it was it looked almost indistiguishable from the PC direct feed movies we saw from E3. The screens don't do it any justice. The look of wet galvanized, slightly rusted, steel as moonlight shines off of it has to be one of the most jaw dropping, impressively realisic realtime CG scenes I've ever seen (and I've just been playing DOOM 3 on my PC lately).

There are quite a few new moves that are going to add a whole lot to the gameplay. Pulling guards over ledges, reaching down to choke a passing guard while hanging from a pipe, and the ability to cut cloth/plastic were some of the more impressive ones.

I (among many others) asked about the SC:pT sytle competitive multiplayer. The tester that was demoing the unit said that it was being worked on aggressively, but it's still not certain that the competitive multiplayer will make the cut. I don't know if they would consider delaying the title to make sure the multiplayer gets in, but they should probably consider it based on what I heard several people saying while watching the demo.

However, whether or not the competitive multiplayer gets in, the co-op mode is _very_ cool and an entirely separate set of missions from the single player (apparently about half as long). The framerate is not so good yet in co-op mode, but it looks almost as good as single player. Some of the interesting co-op skills included boosting your teammate over high walls, coordinating movement timing based on who has what view, rappeling, hanging from a ledge to allow your teammate to climb up you like a rope, and lowering your teammate down out of a duct "Impossible Mission" style to hack a system while avoiding alarms/sensors.

There is, as usual with Ubi XBL games, downloadable content being planned.

All in all, it was a very impressive demo. I enjoy Splinter Cell and was planning on getting it anyway, but this demo really showed off some of the dramatic improvements in graphics, gameplay alternatives, and level interactivity."
God damn, all you whiners complaining about my impressions need to get a grip. I came home after fourteen hours on my feet with no food and three hours of sleep. I did not feel like making a huge damn impression post for each game I played. But I said I would gladly answer questions. Of course most of you skipped right over that part of my post, because if you did'nt you wouldn't have enough to bitch about. :|

I am more than ready to go in depth on every game I played. Just ask me what you want to know.

Yes, all those games were as fun as I said. At least to me. And I did point out some criticisms. I don't understand why some of you cynical jerkoffs can't believe that I actually loved every game I played. It's either jealousy or stupidity. Hundreds of other gamers there felt the same way I do. Some did'nt I'm sure, but I guarantee the majority (that actually attended) know what I'm talking about.

Why? Just because their XBOX games? God, some of you are really sad.

Anyways, as promised. PICS:












Blazing Sword said:
God damn, all you whiners complaining about my impressions need to get a grip. I came home after fourteen hours on my feet with no food and three hours of sleep. I did not feel like making a huge damn impression post for each game I played. But I said I would gladly answer questions. Of course most of you skipped right over that part of my post, because if you did'nt you wouldn't have enough to bitch about. :|

I am more than ready to go in depth on every game I played. Just ask me what you want to know.

Yes, all those games were as fun as I said. At least to me. And I did point out some criticisms. I don't understand why some of you cynical jerkoffs can't believe that I actually loved every game I played. It's either jealousy or stupidity. Hundreds of other gamers there felt the same way I do. Some did'nt I'm sure, but I guarantee the majority (that actually attended) know what I'm talking about.

Why? Just because their XBOX games? God, some of you are really sad.

Anyways, as promised. PICS:











For some reason, my MECHASSAULT pics didnt come out. I wanted to show you guys the new BLOOD ASP mech. It was awesome. Sorry..

Burn the witch!!! ;) :)


Junior Member
Well, hey If you guys are fine with short impressions, fine. But it's like posting a reply with just a smiley face. Thanks for taking the time...

Vagabond, he doesn't have to do anything but stay black and die. Actually, he may not have to do that. But they come off as not really impressions to take anything from. And I can't fault others giving their negative opinions about it.

And I think the point is lost that nobody really gives a shit about if he thought they were all great or all shitty. Just give us a convincing why.


How many gamers did you play with on Conker multiplayer?

What character types did you play with?

How were the weapons?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
We are cynical (well, I am indeed cynical but I wasn't one of the people saying not they didn't believe your impressions), but for good reason. There's so much shit and bias on the net that, not knowing your posting history (maybe others do, I don't know), positive comments without details get us wondering. It'd happen with any lineup if all the games got positive impressions, I assure you. Unless it was posted by someone we trusted I suppose.

Anyway, how was Kameo?

Oh, and did you go to E3? How was Halo 2 different? If you didn;t, did you hear anyone talking about differences?


Junior Member
Blazing Sword said:
I am more than ready to go in depth on every game I played. Just ask me what you want to know.

Uh, how did the ghost feel? Any difference? And no, I haven't been keeping up with Bungies weekly no-information releases, if you are wondering.

Did you use the sniper rifle? Any changes? Sniper spots? How many? Worthless? How's the power behind the sniper? Still one good shot one kill?
skinnyrattler said:
Well, hey If you guys are fine with short impressions, fine. But it's like posting a reply with just a smiley face. Thanks for taking the time...

Vagabond, he doesn't have to do anything but stay black and die. Actually, he may not have to do that. But they come off as not really impressions to take anything from. And I can't fault others giving their negative opinions about it.

And I think the point is lost that nobody really gives a shit about if he thought they were all great or all shitty. Just give us a convincing why.

Sorry that I had fun and wanted to share with you guys that these games could be fun for you too. You make it seem like I'm sitting in front of a fuckin congressional panel having to answer charges on why I had fun with XBOX games.

Beleive me, if any game sucked or was'nt that fun, I would definitely have said it. Sorry if your offended by the fact I actually like things that are not on your console of choice.
Mama Smurf said:
We are cynical (well, I am indeed cynical but I wasn't one of the people saying not they didn't believe your impressions), but for good reason. There's so much shit and bias on the net that, not knowing your posting history (maybe others do, I don't know), positive comments without details get us wondering. It'd happen with any lineup if all the games got positive impressions, I assure you. Unless it was posted by someone we trusted I suppose.

Anyway, how was Kameo?

Oh, and did you go to E3? How was Halo 2 different? If you didn;t, did you hear anyone talking about differences?

Kameo was'nt there sadly. :(

As far as HALO 2 difference, the dual wielding is really cool. I had no problem getting the hang of it. The warthog definitely drives better. I kept expecting it to fishtail on its own and it didn't. Definitely a change for the better.

Having temam members info above them made it much easier to spot who is a freindly and who isn't. I had no hesitation on shooting someone, because it was obvious they were enemies even from far away where you couldn't really see their color. That is what helped my gun them all down with the ghost.

The battle rifle does'nt seem as powerful as the old pistol, but it works just as well. I was going to use the sniper rifle, but the round ended and I did'nt get another chance.
Prine said:
How many gamers did you play with on Conker multiplayer?

What character types did you play with?

How were the weapons?

I'm not sure of the exact number I played with. I think at least eight at the time.

I used the sneeker, which is the guy who cloaks and uses a big sword. The grunt who just has basic weapons. I can't remember the name of the heavy weapons guy. But he has a chain gun and rocket launcher.

The sword is really fun to use, especially when cloaked. Like I said, lobbing someones head off is quite hilarious.
I only drove one vehicle, some kind of tank that throws bombs. I manged to slaughter quite alot of people with it. :)

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I kind of meant the difference between Halo 2 builds, but that's ok.

Strange that Kameo wasn't there. It was at E3 and will be at TGS soon.
I love how the Xbox's games are all better than anything ever before ever.

I had a conversation with a dude yesterday and we agreed that these 5 games are all the best inventions ever.
Mama Smurf said:
I kind of meant the difference between Halo 2 builds, but that's ok.

Strange that Kameo wasn't there. It was at E3 and will be at TGS soon.

Oh, sorry. I was trying to answer yours and Skinnyrattlers questions together.
One of the PAX guys in charge of the line said this was the last time Bungie was going to show off the E3 build.


Blazing Sword said:
Oh, sorry. I was trying to answer yours and Skinnyrattlers questions together.
One of the PAX guys in charge of the line said this was the last time Bungie was going to show off the E3 build.

That should mean they'll show something new at gamestarslive in london this week ? i doubt it, but i'll be there in any case.
Why these threads always have title typed in capital letters? Didnt that Efralope's vomit-inducing thread have too..? Maybe I'm thinking too much.


Project Midway said:
Why these threads always have title typed in capital letters? Didnt that Efralope's vomit-inducing thread have too..? Maybe I'm thinking too much.

Are you saying...

Blazing Sword is efralope!?

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