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Halo 2: Gold :O


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)

Halo 2: Gone Gold
story by Frankie (posted by Sketch because Frankie is away on a diplomatic mission)

They said it couldn't be done! Actually, they didn't say that, but if they had, we'd have proved them all (the fake people who didn't say anything) wrong! Halo 2 has gone gold. We finished every line of code, every pixel of art, every frame of animation, every phoneme of dialog and every note of music. We finished it when we said we would (when it was done) and shipped that baby right on time to make its November launch date. And we're kinda proud of it. We think it's "fun."

"Gone Gold" is a somewhat archaic expression, since the "gold discs" are actually digital tapes and eventually silver discs. But it certainly feels golden. This basically means that the game has been shipped to retail manufacture. Somewhere in the world, a gigantic DVD pressing factory has started making Xbox game discs with the utterly complete version of Halo 2. Maybe there IS a gold disc somewhere. Perhaps it's time for an epic quest!

We now have retail versions (test samples) here in the office. In fact, one sharp, and presumably jealous-eyed reader saw the following legend appear in his Live-linked MSN Instant Messenger window: "Anm8erJB is now playing HALO 2 on Xbox Live." Now THAT'S a tease.

It's been a long, hard road though. When you're playing it, and we hope you enjoy it, think of the 116 hour work weeks, the long nights, the bad food, the really long corridor to the bathroom (people use scooters to get there) and the utter lack of places to curl up and sleep.

there is more at the link
Thank god. I thought it'd never happen. I also thought I'd never be able to say "Less than a month till Halo 2 comes out!". Feels weird!
Kobun Heat said:

The earlier anouncement was that they had sent it off as a Release Candidate. Kind of like Valve and Half Life 2.. they are technically done working but awaiting approval from the publisher Vivendi that its all good. Well Halo 2 was done a few weeks ago but they were waiting for the official word that all was well and that production would begin.

In other news...

Yay! :)


Chili Con Carnage!



Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Red Mercury said:

Yeah.. it sucks. Such a tease.

i remember seeing that all the time with rsc2 before that released... drove me nuts. thankfully (?), i dont have any bungie guys on my friends list :p


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Goreomedy said:
Single-player footage?

dunno, yet. it may be just them giving a tour of bungie HQ... hopefully with at the very least some footage of guys playing... we'll see in a few minutes


Hates quality gaming
That MSN Messenger stuff about knowing who's playing what game seriously freaks me the fuck out.

I'd never want people to know what I'm doing unless I make a point of telling them what I'm doing.

It's an invasion of privacy.
Definately seems like a few times there were things going on but there is absoltutely no context to what you are seeing and video of a TV screen is never a good thing to look at. But I did see what looked like a helluvalot of prophets occupying screens. (Not as in alot of Prophets on one screen, but singular Prophets on many a screen.)

Other than that? Nothing of intrest single player wise.. but an interesting tour none the less.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i dont have any sound on my pc, but i couldnt help but watch all 15 minutes of the video :D

before people get SUPER excited, there is no pure gameplay footage... there is footage of guys playing, or cutscenes, but its certainly never the focus of the attention, so i'm not sure how much can be gathered from it.
A good example of what to expect gameplay wise out of this video is your avatar op_ivy. I mean it looks cool. But no idea what the hell is going on. And really.. I think you can make out more in your avatar.


dog$ said:
That MSN Messenger stuff about knowing who's playing what game seriously freaks me the fuck out.

I'd never want people to know what I'm doing unless I make a point of telling them what I'm doing.

It's an invasion of privacy.

Ive absolutely never understood this kind of paranoia.
dog$ said:
That MSN Messenger stuff about knowing who's playing what game seriously freaks me the fuck out.

I'd never want people to know what I'm doing unless I make a point of telling them what I'm doing.

It's an invasion of privacy.

Thankfully you can choose to not have the current game you are playing broadcasted to people who have you on their friends list, which in of itself I think requires mutual agreement.


Console Market Analyst
So, months and months of weekly updates build up to a 15 minute tour of an empty office. Way to go, Bungie.


Dumb question, how do you get that on your MSN? I've looked for instructions....even googled it, but couldn't find out how. My GT is linked to my hotmail account BTW.


dog$ said:
That MSN Messenger stuff about knowing who's playing what game seriously freaks me the fuck out.

I'd never want people to know what I'm doing unless I make a point of telling them what I'm doing.

It's an invasion of privacy.

People can't add you to their friends list unless you authorize it, so what's the difference if they see what you're playing from the Xbox Live Dashboard or from MSN Messenger?


Hates quality gaming
Mr Lemming said:
Thankfully you can choose to not have the current game you are playing broadcasted to people who have you on their friends list, which in of itself I think requires mutual agreement.
Well that's cool, then.
Don't have an XB yet (waiting for $50 price) and will never get Live, so that's why I didn't know the details of it.
hgplayer1 said:
Ive absolutely never understood this kind of paranoia.
For my case I wouldn't consider it paranoia as much as an unwillingness to be communal. I don't have a cellphone and I rarely call anyone... and it's not because I believe government sattelites are tracking every breath I make, but it's because I really have no desire to communicate with people until I decide to do so (and more importantly, have a legitimate reason for doing so).

If I were that guy and I were advertising that I was playing Halo 2 I'd be very fucking pissed off by 10 people suddenly messaging me with "HEY ARE YOU PLAYING HALO 2?!?!?!?!?! HOW?!?!!"
dog$ said:
Well that's cool, then.
Don't have an XB yet (waiting for $50 price) and will never get Live, so that's why I didn't know the details of it.
For my case I wouldn't consider it paranoia as much as an unwillingness to be communal. I don't have a cellphone and I rarely call anyone... and it's not because I believe government sattelites are tracking every breath I make, but it's because I really have no desire to communicate with people until I decide to do so (and more importantly, have a legitimate reason for doing so).

If I were that guy and I were advertising that I was playing Halo 2 I'd be very fucking pissed off by 10 people suddenly messaging me with "HEY ARE YOU PLAYING HALO 2?!?!?!?!?! HOW?!?!!"

I bet you are just the life of the party. If you ever went to one that is.


i thought that update was pretty cool. what was that song at the end of the video? it was the halo theme but i dont think it was done by marty.


Joe said:
i thought that update was pretty cool. what was that song at the end of the video? it was the halo theme but i dont think it was done by marty.
"A Walk In The Woods"; Track 6 of the HALO Soundtrack.


Hates quality gaming
Blazing Sword said:
I bet you are just the life of the party. If you ever went to one that is.
I went to a party once, but I was kicked out after Joey's Mom said I took too much ice cream with my cake. And kicking the piñata candy all over the ground after I punched it open.

I didn't even get a Grab Bag.
Fantasic Halo has gone gold.

Good thing I exploited GameRush's predorder sales and have that and Smackdown vs Raw paid off with only 20$ out of my pocket.
(don't ask.... it's a convulted plot that inolves the discount bin at Circuit City and lots of driving around to find the right games to trade in.)


Joe said:
im talking about between 14:40 and 15:10, i didnt realize there was another song after that.

"Rock Anthem For Saving The World"; Track 16 of the HALO Soundtrack.

[EDIT] - * Sai devours Sander.



Downloading that video right now. I honestly can't wait for Halo 2. What a fucking game. I know I will love it :)


not an idiot
dog$ said:
That MSN Messenger stuff about knowing who's playing what game seriously freaks me the fuck out.

I'd never want people to know what I'm doing unless I make a point of telling them what I'm doing.

It's an invasion of privacy.

you have nothing to be scared about, you can simply "appear offline" . it's an option you can set to where you appear as if your offline. so your worry is for naught.

P.S. Congrats Bungie! I can hardly wait.
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