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Halo 2 LE $50 at Wal-Mart

Seth C

Just thought I'd let everyone know. If you haven't pre-ordered, or aren't in line yet, or whatever other reason you might not already have Halo 2. Check Wal-Mart. the LE is the same price as the regular version of the game.

Seth C

DMczaf said:
Does Wal-Mart have them tonight?

Sure do. They had at least 30 of the LE at the store I went to. Sold out pretty quick, but if you're on the west coast you should have plenty of time to hit the local Wal-Mart and snag the LE for $50.


And they're not getting shit with Microsoft? Some dutch online shop sold pre-orders for the LE for about 50 euro, while the normal price will be aproximately E65. Microsoft threatened them: they won't receive any copy at all unless they raise the price. They didn't raise it and now they won't receive anything.

I sure am glad I pre-ordered at a normal store with a normal price, getting my PAL version this Friday.
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