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Halo 2 MP footage (Hi-Res this time!)


Or so they say..

Zanzibar Gameplay - in Hi-Res Glory
In the past few days, many sites have put up shakeycam video of public Halo 2 play - and many sites have been shut down by the demand. The sad thing is... quality has been HORRIBLE on almost every single released movie. Demand is still huge, because people want to see how this game plays... but it's like trying to enjoy the dance by rubbing a clear spot in the glass on the outside of the barn. Dolbex managed to grab almost 20 minutes of direct-feed footage of an 8v8 at last weekend's MLG-hosted Downpour event in Seattle, and he's shunted it over to us for release to the masses. Before you get a link, there are a few things you should know:


They put it up as a Torrent. Hopefully, it's nice quality.


StoOgE said:
ugg.. this is going REALLY slow. Anyone with this want to get on BT?

It just went up today, so I'm not sure if many people have it downloaded. I'm getting over 100k so it isn't awfully slow. I need a new client that doesn't steal all my u/l speed. :( I just have the default client and I can't put any limitations on u/l.


First tragedy, then farce.
well, Im up to three seeds (had only one) and a wopping 8kB/sec..

Im getting angry :(

Im also uploading faster than I am DLing.


First tragedy, then farce.
oh hell, Im now at 0kB per second, Ill let you kids know in 29 hours if this is good or not


StrikerObi said:
How big is the file?

122MB. I finished it a bit ago, but I can't watch it. I connected remotely and downloaded it to home. I'll leave my BT-client up.. It's uploading at 43kbps right now, so someone is getting it :)


The Inside Track
Got no problem with that torrent, just started 2 minutes ago and I'm getting 350 kbytes/s DL while uploading at 180. I'll help seed a bit.


The video is pretty good. It's a bit grainy and I think it runs at 20 fps.

Those of you who had to suffer watching all those German videos of newbie Halo players will be pleased. The player in this one is fairly good. A pity he couldn't get a kill with the plasma sword.
do you have a router? try forwarding ports 6881 through 6999

This could be my problem. I have a linksys router, but have no idea what i set my password to. I can figure out how to open ports, if I could only retreive my password. Any way to do that?


morbidaza said:
This could be my problem. I have a linksys router, but have no idea what i set my password to. I can figure out how to open ports, if I could only retreive my password. Any way to do that?

Are you sure you actually changed it from the default? I think the default is linksys in the password with no user name.

Edit: It's probably admin.


did you actually set the password? by default, there is no username and the password is admin.

at least, that's how it is on mine. newer routers may have different defaults.
Apparently I didn't change it =). Cool.



Okay, maybe I'm wrong about knowing what to do.


That's what I'm looking at right now. I put in 6881 ~ 6999 in the top thing and hit apply, because that's what it looked like the website was having me do.

That doesn't appear to have done anything though.

However it's interesting...nearly everyone on my list in aol instant messenger just logged on at the same time while I was typing this message. Not sure if that has anything to do with anything though.


Okay, I put it back in, only this time set protocol to tcp, and changed the ip adress to my comps ip. This time the settings stuck, but it's not going any faster. Is that what i was supposed to do, and am I just s.o.ll?

Somebody please help me with this.


The Inside Track
For those who can't use bittorrent, I'll put the file online on my direct download server in a few minutes. It won't be incredibly fast because it's already quite hammered by all the other videos I'm hosting but it will better than 0 ;)


He was a good player, but you could tell that he was really busy taking in everything about the map, and wasn't being too attentive to his surroundings(or his motion tracker). Heh. Also, he seemed to avoid the Battle Rifle and missed his chance to grab a Shotgun!!... I haven't seen enough of the shotty in HALO 2. I hear it can blast opponents away and break away at the enviroment quite nicely. :(

Great video though, I only wish that it wasn't re-encoded to this quality. As Saturnman said, it seems to be running at 20fps... Seeing as how this is on BT and not coming from their server, they could have left the video as-is. :(


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
awesome vid, thanks for the mirror BlimBlim. any chance of a differently encoded version? if i'm not mistaken XBMC doesnt support .mov and i'd like to wathc this on my xbox :)


The Inside Track
op_ivy said:
awesome vid, thanks for the mirror BlimBlim. any chance of a differently encoded version? if i'm not mistaken XBMC doesnt support .mov and i'd like to wathc this on my xbox :)
The latest betas of XBMC work almost perfectly with mov files. Just get the latest from xbins and make sure you use the new skin or it will crash all the time. With that skin it works great, almost all my files are playing correctly.


The Battle Rifle looks beastly. Those were burst shots being fired from afar, right? They seemed so accurate...

And damaging...

I really do hope it won't be as powerful as the M6D Pistol. :(


Sai said:
The Battle Rifle looks beastly. Those were burst shots being fired from afar, right? They seemed so accurate...

And damaging...

I really do hope it won't be as powerful as the M6D Pistol. :(

Yeah, I just got done watching, and I was going to post the same thing. Someone mentioned he "passed up the shotgun", but I"m thinking he did it on purpose. That new burst + Scope Battle Rifle seemed kick ass.

All the weapons seem more powerful at taking people down from afar.


Except the Shotty. Heh. Maybe that's why he avoided it.

I don't think the SMG should be that accurate. With the SMG, I was expecting something just like the Assault Rifle... Just with more spread out fire. This thing can take out opponents at mid-range quite well... Not what I was expectin'.


So what did we learn from this video?

Looks as though there is no big recoil on the sniper rifle. Supposedly they had added one.


border said:
So what did we learn from this video?

Looks as though there is no big recoil on the sniper rifle. Supposedly they had added one.

This is the E3 build, so that may have changed since then.


Everybody patiently waits for August 24, and all they can muster up is some shit-quality video from a build that's 3 months old? =\


There was recoil, border. You didn't notice it?

As for what I learned from the video... More of Zanzibar's layout. What kind of damage the Rocket Launcher can inflict upon a Ghost and it's pilot when relatively close to it's blast radius. That the Battle Rifle is very fuckin' powerful. And the SMG can easily take out opponents from mid-range.

... ...

Oh, and that part in the video where the player boarded a Ghost gave me an even better idea of the timing required to board a vehicle. ;) That's about it though. I wish I would have seen more of the Shotgun, but oh well.

I too have to wonder... Why didn't they show us a more recent build? Supposedly, right after E3 they did some more balance tweaking to the weapons, implemented a new HUD, made Zanzibar look even prettier than before... It's almost 2 months 'til release, Bungie. You really don't have to hold back anymore. :/
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