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Halo 2 Soundtrack Announced

Music distributor, Sumthing Distribution, has been involved in the videogame scene for a few years now, with the company releasing soundtrack CDs for titles, including: Halo, Sudeki, Voodoo Vince, Power Stone, Tao Feng and Brute Force to name a few. This morning, with that all said and done, it appears the company will eventually be releasing a soundtrack CD for Halo 2. Details on the soundtrack aren’t yet known, but news of its upcoming release was made available through a pop-up explaining the site’s recent downtime. With respect to Halo 2, the following bit was said as part of the message.



What the... If you go to Sumthing's website, it says "Features original music by: Incubus / Hoobastank / Breaking Benjamin" right next to Halo 2.

That... what?


Unconfirmed Member
If you look at product details, it only lists Marty O'Donnell. It also has a full track listing. Titles are fairly vague, so nothing really spoilerific I think.
MetatronM said:
If you look at product details, it only lists Marty O'Donnell. It also has a full track listing. Titles are fairly vague, so nothing really spoilerific I think.

I think you're getting confused there.







Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
aku:jiki said:
What the... If you go to Sumthing's website, it says "Features original music by: Incubus / Hoobastank / Breaking Benjamin" right next to Halo 2.

That... what?

i dont think its a mistake :(


Breaking Benjamin + Halo 2?
Rumor has it that Breaking Benjamin will be very involved with Halo 2...more details to come!

well, i have faith that all wont be lost if they contribute something... i guess. marty, dont fail me!
Oh fuck this is not cool. WHY BUNGIE?! If I have to hear any of those fucking bands during Halo 2, I will be so pissed.

Look, it's one thing to have shit licensed music in your everyday EA games, but this crap starts invading games like fucking Halo...my God there are no words.


Queen of Denmark
Licensed music in any game -- besides a music game like Donkey Konga -- is utter shit. I first discovered this when I played Crazy Taxi on the DC and was subjected to the same god damned Offspring song 45 times while I tried to beat a mission.

Therefore, if this news is true, Halo 2 bomb bomb, human5892 am cry.


hyperbolically metafictive
i swear i'm cancelling my preorder if the actual game stanks in any way of hooba. i will not stand for ea traxxxx nonsense in real games.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Well ummm, the entire Halo 2 e3 2003 demo was a composed track, same with the x02 movie. *scratches head*


Chili Con Carnage!
Didnt they have Linkin Park in ages ago to play the game?

Im 99% certain Marty has scored the entire game though, maybe those tracks are in addition to all martys stuff from the game, maybe they are even new tracks inspired by the game...

...yeah its probably just a mistake.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I don't understand!!!

It's one thing if they decide to put them on some random album, but it's another to use them in the game!

I just can't imagine that Marty would EVER allow this to occur. His work is fantastic and he takes great pride in it. I just don't believe that Bungie would allow this kind of music to show up in the game. Every trailer and gameplay demonstration so far has used Marty's music, so I don't think they would suddenly just change that...


Not bitter, just unsweetened
this could be for help in songs like "rock anthem to save the world" little ditties like sarge's music blaring (but then again, that never ever showed up on the halo soundtrack album)
DopeyFish said:
this could be for help in songs like "rock anthem to save the world" little ditties like sarge's music blaring (but then again, that never ever showed up on the halo soundtrack album)

Haha, that actually would have been cool if that was on the soundtrack (which I bought as soon as I saw available, I still listen to it regularly). Incubus and Hoobastank are NOT cool however.

Halo 2 is not only my most anticipated game, it's also my most anticipated game soundtrack. This is a huge deal. Halo 2 will still be great, though it will be greatly diminished if Marty's soundtrack is tainted with this shit.
The music in the trailer and the e3 demo was so good. I know I won't cancel my preorder or anything so I guess I'll just have to bitch loudly and repetitively to Bungie to register my disgust.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
well, it could be just a marketing tie in... you know, have songs inspired by halo on the soundtrack, but not neccesarily in game? i really cant see how it could possibly be in the game itself...

either way, it definitely looks true, and at least we'll probably see some cool mtv music videos :/


All those bands suck, yes. But the holy power of STEVE VAI will conquer all.



I'd just like to repeat that I find it unbelievably boss that there are Steve Vai riffs in Halo 2. That's just so fucking cool. Next, we need a Michael Schenker videogame.

Or, even better, something like GUITAR HERO JAM: FIGHT FOR BUDOKAN HALL. I would freak out and party.




I am a perfect person
As engineered by the lab techs
But I continue learning
I never pause to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To kick some ass for me
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I'm glad that I hurt you
It's something I just enjoy everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could do it all again
And be the one who catches all your tears
And drink your salty liquid fear

I've found a resaon for me
To kick some ass for me
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You [x4]

I am a perfect person
As engineered by lab techs
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To kick some ass for me
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you


run dmc - tricky in ssx tricky was pretty sick.

and i realllllly doubt these songs will be in the game.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Matlock said:
Hrm, the header image doesn't list Hoobastank the like anymore.

interesting... if all of this originated just from that heading, maybe it was a mistake? or they just want to go about announcing it in a different way maybe?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
marty responds

Wow everybody, thanks for caring about the music in Halo2. Here’s the official word from this old horse’s mouth.

Halo1 was a big hit. Many people liked it a lot. Nile Rogers, a truly legendary music producer (my generation by the way) absolutely loved it and had his company release the soundtrack. Over the past three years, Nile and myriad marketing type folks from Microsoft, kept telling me about all these popular bands and artists who love playing Halo. Wouldn’t it be cool if they contributed music to Halo2? My instinct was to say no, go away and stop bothering me. Then they started talking about having a soundtrack that would be ready for release at the same time as Halo2’s release. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to finish all the audio for the game, and mix a decent soundtrack at the same time, so Nile and I came up with a plan to have two soundtracks. Volume One, which would feature whatever music I had finished in time to have it included (which by the way is a majority of the album) and “inspired by” music from the bands that really love playing Halo and wanted to contribute something. Volume Two, to be released at a later date, will include all the remaining music of mine and perhaps some more “inspired by” stuff if that turns out to be cool.

The most important thing is that there is NO music in the game that I didn’t want in the game. I knew that I had to focus on making music for the game and not for a soundtrack. That’s where Nile came in. He really is quite a talented guy and knows a lot of people. I’ve worked with many great guitar players, but when Nile called me and said that I could work with his buddy Steve Vai (my generation again), I just about lost it. Once I did the session with Steve, which I’ll tell you about sometime, I decided to trust Nile to fill out the Halo2 Soundtrack Volume One any way he saw fit. I know that I’ll like at least most of what’s on there. Two of the bands that worked with Nile and contributed to the album also sent me instrumental mixes of their stuff. The music was based on my themes and I was pretty blown away by them. The deal was that I could use those pieces in the game at my discretion, and that’s what I did. I like how I used them, maybe you will too, we’ll see. Trust me, they’re an amazingly small percentage of the overall musical landscape of Halo2, but I think they work great.

The temptation to succumb to the siren call of Hollywood and the marketing hype machine is hard to resist. Bungie tried hard to stay Bungie throughout the production of Halo2. Our goal is to make the coolest game for the best fans. It turns out that some of our fans are already part of the big hype machine and ended up being pretty cool too. I hope we don’t let you folks down, and I don’t think we “sold out”. Of course you should know that buying the Halo2 Soundtrack Volume One will help me in my quest for paying for my two daughter’s college tuitions.

Oh and I hope you like Sergeant Johnson’s hip hop rap duet with Justin Timberlake.

If there is any music by others outside of the Bungie sound team (O'Donnell and crew), I'd hope that it only gets tasteful movie treatment...credits, music played in background that emnates from a logical source (nightclub scene, music player, etc.) and not played in foreground while playing. The Steve Vai bit sounds great and more like collaboration rather than single songs being used inside of the game.

...reads Marty's response...

Cool, sounds like instrumental only...good call.


so its all original music inspired by halo? thats not too bad...

some of it will actually be in the game? this is literally the first time ive been let down by bungie. BUT i will reserve complete judgement until i actually hear whats in the game and how its used...IN BUNGIE I TRUSTY :p


Joe said:
so its all original music inspired by halo? thats not too bad...

some of it will actually be in the game? this is literally the first time ive been let down by bungie. BUT i will reserve complete judgement until i actually hear whats in the game and how its used...IN BUNGIE I TRUSTY :p

Two of the bands that worked with Nile and contributed to the album also sent me instrumental mixes of their stuff. The music was based on my themes and I was pretty blown away by them. The deal was that I could use those pieces in the game at my discretion, and that’s what I did. I like how I used them, maybe you will too, we’ll see. Trust me, they’re an amazingly small percentage of the overall musical landscape of Halo2, but I think they work great.

Just instrumental samples hopefully. Nothing to worry about with the in game music.


ohhhh ok...so only two samples will make it into the game. one is almost guaranteed to be the end credits.
Matlock said:
I'm glad that I hurt you
It's something I just enjoy everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could do it all again
And be the one who catches all your tears
And drink your salty liquid fear

That was inspired, man.


slowly but surely we are starting to realize the scope of halo2's marketing campaign.

i mean has a videogame ever graced a slurpee cup?
Joe said:
slowly but surely we are starting to realize the scope of halo2's marketing campaign.

i mean has a videogame ever graced a slurpee cup?

Meh...Slush Puppies are better. Until then, I guess Slurpees are alright...




This seriously fucked up my Halo hype points by at least 1 TRILLION!

WTF?! Hoobastank on fucking halo? Isn't there anything sacred anymore these days!?

DAMN YOU MARTY! You super talented bastard have NO NEED for these puny pathetic bands.


*throws random rack to the floor*

Steve Vai playing a Marty composition is, however, massively badass.


Chili Con Carnage!
slowly but surely we are starting to realize the scope of halo2's marketing campaign.

We are gonna need Halo 2 award shows for the best Halo 2 related product in every industry.

I personally cant wait.
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