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Halo 2 user reviews!!! omg ninjas on fire!!

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
LOL i just check out this review on www.topshop.com.au

Halo 2 is going to be huge!!

Halo 2 is a lot like Halo 1, only it's Halo 1 on fire, going 130 miles per hour through a hospital zone, being chased by helicopters and ninjas ... And, the ninjas are all on fire, too."

If you own an XBOX buy this game!!
If you dont own and XBOX go buy one its worth it just for this game, but there are so many other amazing titles.

5/5 Stars


Why are you quoting Topshop users anyway? there's like a thousand different online stores with those hokey hyperbole pre-release reviews to choose from.
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