so no smaller 4v4 competitive symmetrical maps in this map pack eh?
When's the next one?
so no smaller 4v4 competitive symmetrical maps in this map pack eh?
When's the next one?
so no smaller 4v4 competitive symmetrical maps in this map pack eh?
When's the next one?
It gives you double xp if you play Spartan Ops matchmaking.
I don't feel that the AR is overpowered at all. I was working on the master commendation for it and let me tell you, it is painful using the AR against DMRs and BRs. It's difficult enough to flank teams and dodge fire but then they ALSO have motion sensors that allow them to become aware of when you're close anyway.
It sucks.
Sorry for the DP, but I found a (thus far, the only) source for the trailer:
So we've got Thorne fighting off Elites, Palmer referencing Mass Effect (hold the line!), Halsey's interrogation, the aforementioned new area with a possible Scarab, a big-ass space battle, and Gek with some sort of detonator.
Yup. All of Season 1 is free. It's likely already installed to your hard drive.So the rest of season 1 is still gonna be free right? It looked pretty good in the VGA trailer.
Thanks for the answers btw guys.
Thats what I figured.Yup. All of Season 1 is free. It's likely already installed to your hard drive.
So, I have never played a single Halo game online. However, after the recent purchase of Halo 4, I have become rather interested in Spartan OPs. I was hoping to play with some members from GAF who would be volunteering to take a n00b under their collective wings.
Kindly post your XBL ID if you wish to aid me. Thank you. Your acquaintance would be very appreciated.
Please note that the my time zone is GMT -5.
GT:NinjaJesus add me whenever.
Nope. Ellis said last week that all five eps coming in Jan/Feb need to be downloaded. (You're right that they're free, though.)Yup. All of Season 1 is free. It's likely already installed to your hard drive.
Yup. All of Season 1 is free. It's likely already installed to your hard drive.
The suppressor seems better at even closer ranges than the AR. I've been toasted by jetpack wielders, but not entirely sure why. The light rifle is a four shots to kill zoomed, compared to five shots with the DMR.The Supressor seems like garbage though. Anyone know how the Light Rifle stacks up compared to the DMR?
I don't feel that the AR is overpowered at all. I was working on the master commendation for it and let me tell you, it is painful using the AR against DMRs and BRs. It's difficult enough to flank teams and dodge fire but then they ALSO have motion sensors that allow them to become aware of when you're close anyway.
It sucks.
Yup. All of Season 1 is free.
That's the new environment that I saw in the trailer, courtesy of HaloGAF. Speculation is that that thing is a Scarab.
I don't feel that the AR is overpowered at all. I was working on the master commendation for it and let me tell you, it is painful using the AR against DMRs and BRs. It's difficult enough to flank teams and dodge fire but then they ALSO have motion sensors that allow them to become aware of when you're close anyway.
It sucks.
For once its actually useful and people are already calling for it to get nerfed. I really dislike the nerf this nerf that talk. There's no gun in the game that is too good. Period. In fact there are some that could use a decent buff.
I have a survey in this post so that way lurkers aren't filling it out immediately. I'd like to gain a broader idea of what people think of Halo 4 as a whole.
If you'd fill it out, it would be appreciated. Your usernames are optional, but I placed it in there if you wanted me to know your specific feedback.
Binary Rifle, Incinerator Cannon, DMR.
The first two are power-power weapons. Annoying, if i can pick them up, there is no reason not to (other power weapon choise are just so much worse compared to those).
The DMR... well, it is just too useful everywhere. I can shoot snipers before they can even hit me, i beat Lightrifle easily. I beat BRs easily, if they miss a burst partially i win. CQB weapons are no problem if i can shoot them before they get in range.
Reducing the DMR's rate of fire very, very slightly should balance it out compared to others. The Carbine would suck still though, needs a buff.
I don't feel that the AR is overpowered at all. I was working on the master commendation for it and let me tell you, it is painful using the AR against DMRs and BRs. It's difficult enough to flank teams and dodge fire but then they ALSO have motion sensors that allow them to become aware of when you're close anyway.
It sucks.
Agreed. The AR/precision weapon balance is perfect for the first time in the series, its the intra-precision weapon balance that needs addressing, namely there's no reason to use anything other than the DMR.
AR shouldn't be used as a primary though - its useful as a secondary for CQC. A DMR/AR loadout is pretty unbeatable unless you're up against boltshot spammers.
Played with 4 other guys last night. 31 games of Oddball. Won 30.
The Incinerator cannon is a win button. Complete piece of shit
Thanks man, looks great.I am cross posting this here because it is awesome:
John Liberto published tons of new concept arts at this personal page. Look at dat stuff, just incredible!
It's been mentioned a couple of times, but it's easy to miss, so it's worth repeating:why is this so much more laggy then reach? i finally get to play tonight after a long week and i'm having the worst games. i actually turned it off after my second dropped match in a row.
Alright I haven't played a competitive FPS since Perfect Dark Zero and Halo 2 before that, so did people just start getting like, REALLY bad at Halo?
I've come in first place in 10 of my 17 total matches, and am rank 15 now.
At first I thought it was just average newcomers sucking, but I noticed that I'm often getting matched up with people in the 40's and 50's.
Is this happening with anyone else here?
In a concentrated effort to play things other than pro slayer i think im going to play some swat today.
Binary Rifle, Incinerator Cannon, DMR.
The first two are power-power weapons. Annoying, if i can pick them up, there is no reason not to (other power weapon choise are just so much worse compared to those).
The DMR... well, it is just too useful everywhere. I can shoot snipers before they can even hit me, i beat Lightrifle easily. I beat BRs easily, if they miss a burst partially i win. CQB weapons are no problem if i can shoot them before they get in range.
Reducing the DMR's rate of fire very, very slightly should balance it out compared to others. The Carbine would suck still though, needs a buff.
I realize there is some objective based 6v6 heavies.
Domination is a clusterfuck in its current state.
Lots of potential, but having 10 power weapons and 4 vehicles on a map at any given time is just ridiculous.
Aright I am now in the camp that feels the AR is overpowered. Too my spray and pray with that thing these days. I understand it can be used a a primary but damn that gun pisses me off
Embrace it. I never use select next load out more than in swat.
Done. What are you planning to do with it?