I wouldn't lick G0SU's head though
I wouldn't lick G0SU's head though
I always imagined you bald like Frankie.
Proper devotees are bald
I wouldn't lick G0SU's head though
I'm tempted
Way to close with the score though.. my DMR REQing did nothing for us! UGH...
This is true. I have recently went bald within the last couple of years.
This is true. I have recently went bald within the last couple of years.
So, I was reading the weekly canon fodder and another thing is being kept secret like in this weeks community update.
"Deployed toward the end of the Harvest campaign, the AV-22 Sparrowhawk shares a number of similarities with its aerodyne siblings – the AV-14 Hornet, AV-19 SkyHawk, AV-30 Kestrel, and AV-49 [DATA CORRUPTION! REBUILD IN PROGRESS . . .] – among others."
Could this be a tease for a UNSC flying vehicle finally coming to Halo 5? Here's the link to the canon fodder:
This is actually my head of hair. Be jealous
Picture please
Lol... I am jelly.. I wish i had hair so my beard could look so damn flush.
The big reveal for E3 isBTB pistol starts.
Lol... I am jelly.. I wish i had hair so my beard could look so damn flush.
Im about to turn 22 and its already thinning. I dont have many years left with my luscious hair. IM NOT READY TO LET GO
Dont be that guy with the comb over.
Ahem sirdany ahem....
Warzone Saturday tonight you nerds?
Id rather go bald then end up like that. Bald can be cool done right. Locke is a good looking dude, for example. Halo is too
ThanksEnd of this month
So When is Fire Fight? so i can play Halo again
Im about to turn 22 and its already thinning. I dont have many years left with my luscious hair. IM NOT READY TO LET GO
While those are great ideas, I honestly don't think that 343 would have the resources to do all of that AND work on Halo 6. Which should be priority right now.
They should make Halo 6 Feature complete.
Fix the BR model and get rid of ADS
Bring back Warzone for the Whales.
Firefight for the ODST nostalgia
the DLC and Maps should be free because Warzone.
Give the option for a one time premium payment to just unlock all cosmetics, along with people who want the Req system.
Continue the Competitive Focus, Better maps preferred. (especially if they tie into H3A at all)
PC release for H3A and H6
Make the Jackals look like Jackals
Multi Species Multiplayer E.g. Spartans, Elites, Maybe Brutes.
and a gun that shoots Cuban Sandwiches
The lack of features in Halo 5 was due to it being on new tech, the constant updates are basically them playing catch up, all these things will very likely be in Halo 6.
And I support the Cuban Sandwich idea.
im incredibly skeptical about that. they are still using a modified "halo" engine. you cant really give the "new tech" excuse IMO when Halo 3 was "new" tech and shipped with everything
I think it was a combination of new tech (especially since they were targeting 60fps for campaign) + balancing the Spartan abilities. It probably took a lot of time to polish the mechanics and how everything "feels"
there isnt an excuse to not have classic gametypes.I think it was a combination of new tech (especially since they were targeting 60fps for campaign) + balancing the Spartan abilities. It probably took a lot of time to polish the mechanics and how everything "feels"
you misspelled Warzone.Plus they spent time and resources on breakout.
there isnt an excuse to not have classic gametypes.
you misspelled Warzone.
there isnt an excuse to not have classic gametypes.
you misspelled Warzone.
Warzone is probably the biggest success of Halo 5 when they look at player retention, lol.
My first match of ever of Warzone Turbo and I get paired against an entire 12 man premade...
Anyone could guess how that went. Not a fun mode... Think I will stick to regular Warzone.
The match would have been annoying but w/e if they had just ended it. But never once when they opened out core did they go after it. They were playing and toying with us for 15 minutes.
I just quit when that happens now, I'm not going to go through that so some fuckwits can kill farm, especially when they leave bosses alive to prolong the misery... These people are responsible for killing the population imo.