Nah man, it's only a few frames and you won't notice it. Additionally, if you want to game on consoles you should be prepared to have games that claim to be locked 60fps routinely dip below. You're not seeing the added value content of MCC. Be grateful.
I'm not gonna lie, you continue to impress me with your poor ability to read someone's post and analyze it correctly.
Only a few frames? Yeah, sure, dips in FPS totally aren't noticeable, especially when it dips into 45-50fps. Stutter is totally not noticeable. Shadow pop in in is totally not noticeable. Also, the fact that the video demonstrates all of this quite clearly also isn't noticeable.
Not seeing the added value of the MCC? Sure, criticizing one aspect of the package and then mentioning how wonderful Halo 3 looks is totally not being grateful. I suppose I have to mention everything I love about the package to be perceived as grateful.