Ok, late night strong opinion time. I want to talk about drastically different opinions of Halo and what I thought of the MCC tournament. There will be no TLDR section. Either read it or don't I don't care.
The tournament sucked and here's why...
It was boring to watch. The same thing we saw years ago in MLG doesn't work with me anymore. I want more from my Halo than 4v4 on small maps with limited weapon sets. Let's dig into another style of competitive Halo.
Big Team Battle is fun! It's chaotic and epic. It allows for more variety in plays and may just lead to a more enjoyable match to watch. I get it, spawn trapping, power-up timing is competitive and can show how a skilled team wins a game, but is it fun to watch? To be honest I found it a little to chaotic and not interesting.
"But Cliq you said Big Team was Chaotic. You Hippocratic noob!"
True, I did say chaotic, but there are two different chaotics going on. In the tournament kill times were so fast and plays happened at such a rapid pace that most times I lost track of what was going on and stopped caring about who was winning. I felt everyone was doing so well that real strategy was not coming through the game. Here's what I mean...
On Warlock two teams played CTF. The main goal for both teams were to grab the flag, take it to the portal, and shoot up the lift and score before the defending team could catch up. While this does require skill it doesn't translate well in a live stream and comes across as boring (to me atleast).
Now lets look at other games like Counter Strike, League of Legends, Hearthstone, and Strcraft. Four games that constantly top the charts for views. Why are they so popular? They are easy to follow and you can see strategy clearly when watching. Counter Strike most of the time is a pretty slow game where matches could last an hour, same goes for league. Hearthstone is turn based and shows you what the player is thinking. Starcraft can be very fast paced but strategy can be observed from people like me who have never played a single game.
My point is I think Halo does a poor job of showing the skill and strategy involved when playing a game. Maybe it's time we rock the boat on competitive play.
If you've read any of my posts recently you will know that I like 8v8. I think it breads some of the most interesting conflicts Halo has to offer. That's why I propose that the community consider changing their minds on competitive Halo in favor of large scale big team style matches.
Midship is a map. Blood Gulch is a battlefield. What i'm about to say will probably get criticized to all hell but it's what I believe. Long range combat and vehicle battles are more enjoyable to watch than close range BR fights and Power-up timing. More improvised events can happen when you expand the sandbox. Sure bad and unbalanced things could happen too, but I believe a slower, larger, and a vehicle oriented competitive Halo would get more support. Not to mention that besides team Slayer, Big Team Battle is the most popular playlist in any Halo.
Please express your thoughts on this, I want to hear why you think this is good or bad. Why is 4v4 the standard? Don't say it's because getting a team of eight is hard to do because I don't buy that for a second.
Thanks for reading!