Really, really disappointing showing. Biggest thing is Skylanders Amiibos and a bunch more Amiibos. New Star Fox game got revealed and the graphics are awful, which is disappointing given that previous titles were usually great for their time (3D on SNES, fancy fur on Adventures, etc.). New Zelda is a clone of Four Swords no one asked for. The Metroid reveal turns out to be Blastball. Yoshi's Wooly World being used as filler despite it being announced long ago and thoroughly covered and releasing in a week or so.
People are flipping out.
Ugh. I hate being a Nintendo fan. They piss me off more than they please me. Maybe it's time for me to just give them up. =(
It was a fucking dismal showing on its own, let alone put alongside the great shows Microsoft, Sony and even Bethesda have put on already. Heck even fucking EA's conference got me more excited.
Save Star Fox, all I saw was pretty much filler games.
No mention of the new mainline Zelda title.
No mention of Pokémon ANYTHING whatsoever.
And we get a god-damned chibi arcade multi shooter as our METROID title?
This one conference was so bad that it nearly killed all the hype for me generated yesterday by MS, Sony and EA COMBINED.
So much for best E3 in years...