Because we're old, stuck in our ways, unwilling to change, not wesleyshark.Why does it seem like it's always negative changes?
Oh and because we're not damn crazy.
Because we're old, stuck in our ways, unwilling to change, not wesleyshark.Why does it seem like it's always negative changes?
Yeah the new ghost and banshee looks are very cool. Look more alien like imo![]()
Hadn't seen this screen grab yet...the new Ghosts look fantastic. Sleek as heck.
Yeah the new ghost and banshee looks are very cool. Look more alien like imo
Anyone else think this looks kinda rough, graphically.
Why does it seem like it's always negative changes?
GoW Ultimate Ed does according to article?
Easy, to many cooks in the kitchen. H2A maps weren't done by 343. 343 is a bad dev.
I just find it strange that Halo 2 Anniversary looks far superior to what we've seen with Halo 5.
I know, pre-release blah blah blah. But Halo 5's visuals have been very disappointing. What the hell is happening underneath that is causing them so many issues? Game won't even be 1080p.
Hadn't seen this screen grab yet...the new Ghosts look fantastic. Sleek as heck.
Hadn't seen this screen grab yet...the new Ghosts look fantastic. Sleek as heck.
I just find it strange that Halo 2 Anniversary looks far superior to what we've seen with Halo 5.
I know, pre-release blah blah blah. But Halo 5's visuals have been very disappointing. What the hell is happening underneath that is causing them so many issues? Game won't even be 1080p.
I haven't played the game, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but from what I've seen Truth and Empire look a lot better than any of the maps in H2A.
I really, really wish a couple of posters in here who should know better would stop calling us liars.
It makes having discussions almost impossible. We PLAINLY stated this at E3 in several interviews, and if the 117 characters in Josh's tweet aren't detailed enough then say that. The idea that we are deliberately withholding that information is ludicrous. PR 101 would tell you that will blow up in your face.
There is NO reason to lie about it and we (once the final production decision was made) planned to discuss the fact and the reasons.
So instead of this being disappointment about a beloved feature going away, it's back to the usual repetitive cycle of hatred and rage.
I've personally done AT LEAST a half dozen interviews discussing this and the whys. I've also responded to a ton of Twitter threads on the topic. I don't decide what mags and websites print.
But for the love of god, just say you don't like the decision, instead of creating a sinister narrative. I can't even imagine the purpose of "hiding" that fact. We find out which features are included and which aren't as the constantly evolving production schedule and technology shift even as we work on the game.
We have to be careful what we do and don't commit to in speech and in writing, because things change. But this isn't one of those. This was something we stated plainly and apologetically. We knew going into the commitment to the entire engine moving to a 60fps backbone, that there would be compromises, and like any project, we had to weigh the benefits against the negatives.
Of course we'd rather we could include split screen, but the collection of factors we've talked about ad-nauseum means we couldn't.
It's not a plot. It's logistics and performance and technology and schedules and a hundred other factors, but one thing it is not, is a lie or a conspiracy.
As the game gets closer to final, we'll show off more, and continue to improve it, and share everything we can, and that sometimes means not having all the detail we'd like, because things are always in progress, but please just forget this bizarre notion that this is carefully orchestrated deception. That is a nonsense.
Exactly.Just like they have to deal with the side effect of that change, of that development decision and how it can affect the community.
Hadn't seen this screen grab yet...the new Ghosts look fantastic. Sleek as heck.
The one thing I don't like about this is is that the player's head is below the hood. It reminds me of the Halo 3 Video where they talk about the Chopper. Originally there was a canopy over the back of the Chopper pilot. It got removed fairly early on. One of the quotes on the reasoning behind the removal was "From the front, don't mess with me; from the back, take it out." The Ghost always had that tiny amount of the player's head sticking up so that way an opposing player can still take it out while it boosts at the player.
Again though, Warzone. The gameplay we've seen (and played) from the Campaign and Arena maps is all gorgeous. Warzone takes hits graphically because it's designed for 12v12 gameplay with dozens of vehicles at any time, and at least as many AIs (likely significantly more), all on maps far bigger than anything we've played on so far in Halo. It's not exactly fair to do a graphical comparison with say, a small, 4v4 arena map with one vehicle like Ascension.
And Remnant, which is supposed to be an apology for a game which took 5 months to semi-work, has the framerate of a 1930's silent film. There is serious slow down when traversing the ramps to the central structure, to the point that aiming is affected.
Why does it seem like it's always negative changes?
casual ADD crowd
Let's try not be too hyperbolic, shall we?
I really, really wish a couple of posters in here who should know better would stop calling us liars.
It makes having discussions almost impossible. We PLAINLY stated this at E3 in several interviews, and if the 117 characters in Josh's tweet aren't detailed enough then say that. The idea that we are deliberately withholding that information is ludicrous. PR 101 would tell you that will blow up in your face.
There is NO reason to lie about it and we (once the final production decision was made) planned to discuss the fact and the reasons.
So instead of this being disappointment about a beloved feature going away, it's back to the usual repetitive cycle of hatred and rage.
I've personally done AT LEAST a half dozen interviews discussing this and the whys. I've also responded to a ton of Twitter threads on the topic. I don't decide what mags and websites print.
But for the love of god, just say you don't like the decision, instead of creating a sinister narrative. I can't even imagine the purpose of "hiding" that fact. We find out which features are included and which aren't as the constantly evolving production schedule and technology shift even as we work on the game.
We have to be careful what we do and don't commit to in speech and in writing, because things change. But this isn't one of those. This was something we stated plainly and apologetically. We knew going into the commitment to the entire engine moving to a 60fps backbone, that there would be compromises, and like any project, we had to weigh the benefits against the negatives.
Of course we'd rather we could include split screen, but the collection of factors we've talked about ad-nauseum means we couldn't.
It's not a plot. It's logistics and performance and technology and schedules and a hundred other factors, but one thing it is not, is a lie or a conspiracy.
As the game gets closer to final, we'll show off more, and continue to improve it, and share everything we can, and that sometimes means not having all the detail we'd like, because things are always in progress, but please just forget this bizarre notion that this is carefully orchestrated deception. That is a nonsense.
Stopped reading here.
Why the hell is ADD such a buzz-term in these parts? GEARS 3 RUINED GEARS ADD LUL
And Remnant, which is supposed to be an apology for a game which took 5 months to semi-work, has the framerate of a 1930's silent film. There is serious slow down when traversing the ramps to the central structure, to the point that aiming is affected.
And Remnant, which is supposed to be an apology for a game which took 5 months to semi-work, has the framerate of a 1930's silent film. There is serious slow down when traversing the ramps to the central structure, to the point that aiming is affected.
Not too many silent films in the 1930's. Jazz Singer was 1927. Talkies=Buster Keaton am cry. The moar you know. Wahrer out. etc.
Freaking consoles and their low specs.
Can't wait until the Xbox Two comes out and it has a i9 CPU, a 64GB HBM GPU and 128GB of DDR4 RAM. We'll finally get sweet effects at 1080p/60FPS./s
Until this ars technical article it was widely believed that there would some form of splitscreen.
And if asked they wouldn't give a straight answer. Transparency isn't hard.
This reminds me of the vile treatment Peter Molyneux got recently. Nobody should be throwing bullshit like accusing anyone or lying or deception or any of that crap.
The lack of LAN and splitscreen though is important - I got into Halo via split screening with a friend. I know plenty of folks that got into Halo and the wider community via lAN parties and such.
It's a real blow to the series and it means that out there somewhere there will be potential fans that will never become fans. They won't have that comfy couch co-op experience or even a crazy LAN party thing - and those two things, for many non-vocal fans that don't argue on message boards like we do, are core to "their" Halo.
I'm just going to quote myself from when it was posted earlier.
Almost halfway through Hunters in the Dark. It's getting really good. Lots of new faces, and some familiar ones!
Still not very far despite getting it on release day, but I am liking it so far.
Really digging thatandUsze 'Tahamare in it. Fun seeing 343i going back and fleshing out characters like that.N'tho 'Sraom
Almost halfway through Hunters in the Dark. It's getting really good. Lots of new faces, and some familiar ones!
It's another "make characters walk" Halo book. This time with less rock licking and liquid poop.
Cryptum was good. Primordium was great. Silentium was love. <3
The one time I forego the rigour of my wiki fact checking...
I really, really wish a couple of posters in here who should know better would stop calling us liars.
It makes having discussions almost impossible. We PLAINLY stated this at E3 in several interviews, and if the 117 characters in Josh's tweet aren't detailed enough then say that. The idea that we are deliberately withholding that information is ludicrous. PR 101 would tell you that will blow up in your face.
There is NO reason to lie about it and we (once the final production decision was made) planned to discuss the fact and the reasons.
So instead of this being disappointment about a beloved feature going away, it's back to the usual repetitive cycle of hatred and rage.
I've personally done AT LEAST a half dozen interviews discussing this and the whys. I've also responded to a ton of Twitter threads on the topic. I don't decide what mags and websites print.
But for the love of god, just say you don't like the decision, instead of creating a sinister narrative. I can't even imagine the purpose of "hiding" that fact. We find out which features are included and which aren't as the constantly evolving production schedule and technology shift even as we work on the game.
We have to be careful what we do and don't commit to in speech and in writing, because things change. But this isn't one of those. This was something we stated plainly and apologetically. We knew going into the commitment to the entire engine moving to a 60fps backbone, that there would be compromises, and like any project, we had to weigh the benefits against the negatives.
Of course we'd rather we could include split screen, but the collection of factors we've talked about ad-nauseum means we couldn't.
It's not a plot. It's logistics and performance and technology and schedules and a hundred other factors, but one thing it is not, is a lie or a conspiracy.
As the game gets closer to final, we'll show off more, and continue to improve it, and share everything we can, and that sometimes means not having all the detail we'd like, because things are always in progress, but please just forget this bizarre notion that this is carefully orchestrated deception. That is a nonsense.
Hunters in the Dark story arc is legit
Game worthy in terms of importance I feel
is not thisdishonest
Ok seriously though what makes you believe 343 would hold info about removing split screen? Why and how did this came up? I'm pretty sure they stated that before hand... And it's kind of ridiculous you're making this studio out to be, to say it bluntly, "Liars"?
In the past, 343 made the mistake of not saying anything about Theater mode being in the final product. I actually caught that immediately on the main menu during E3. Nothing was shown. We all were wondering about why theater mode wasn't at least shown or talked about in that build. And guess what? David Ellis and Frankie clarified WHY they had to do it right here in gaf. Did we acted with hatred and conspiracy? No. It was upsetting but that's about it. They couldn't fix the screen tearing and other bugs with it. Lord Zed even took the trouble of showing off the Halo 4 Campaign theater mode with mods to confirm that feature was totally bugged, regardless if it worked still or not. I don't get why it's okay to talk about the devs like that when they take the time to answer questions on here, waypoint, and Team Beyond. They're also people too which I think some of you forget that... All the hardships in life to deal with like losing a family member. You think it's easy to carry on and continue your profession? No.