Sp someone posted an idea about some kind of HaloGAF leaderboaeds where you could easilly compare stats and things like that, adding specific rewards and medals would be really cool imo so I decided to make some templates in case the idea fully develops in the future.
There're 37 different medals for now, I'm also working on some weapon specific plates but they're not done yet. You can see them all bellow or following this link.
And a bigger view here:
I was giving percentages on headshot stats and I'm working on K:A, W:L, and time played. It's somewhat a pain to get all of these at the moment, but I'm still for the idea. I don't know how medals would work with a leaderboard, but I like the outlines you have there. I'm gonna recommend using something other than photobucket, as they like to set max sizes on images unless you're a pro user.