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Halo |OT12| Last One Out, Get the Lights


err why is legendary campaign so easy? the only difficult aspect results from me being limited ammunition constantly and having to use garbage weapons that I find on the ground. I'm like 60% and have no urge to finish or continue. Graphics are great though.


Wow some of you guys sound harsh as hell.

Halo 4 is easily better than H3 and def Reach. But since a very small group of people on here seem to think the game should cater to them, it's labeled bad. Seriously complaining about every aspect of H4 in here.


GAF parliamentarian
Luckily, I don't have as many problems with the multiplayer as Overdoziz does. My main problem is with the CTF return times (30 seconds? You can run across Abandoned in 5). I've never been serious about Halo MP though, and it's just dumb fun as far as I'm concerned.

Still have the same complaints I had about the campaign though.


Wow some of you guys sound harsh as hell.

Halo 4 is easily better than H3 and def Reach. But since a very small group of people on here seem to think the game should cater to them, it's labeled bad. Seriously complaining about every aspect of H4 in here.

There are many aspects of Halo 4

And a lot of them are worth complaining about.


Wow some of you guys sound harsh as hell.

Halo 4 is easily better than H3 and def Reach. But since a very small group of people on here seem to think the game should cater to them, it's labeled bad. Seriously complaining about every aspect of H4 in here.

Don't go to the Forge OT then :lol
Why would the game think it's okay to put me into a King match where my team is losing 147-29? The score limit is 150.


Some of the commendations seem to be really strangely structured. I have the Extermination commendation maxed out already after just a few days, which is for killing every player on the team in a match. Then you've got the Perfection commendation, which requires so many instances of such a rare event that I'm not convinced more than 1% of the population will ever max it out. Why? To even reach rank 1 of the Perfection commendation, you need 5 perfections. For perspective, as a good-not-great Halo player, bungie.net shows me having 6 Perfections in Reach ever. I know guys like Plywood go after them purposely and have a bunch, but that's a distinct outlier.

Yeah JIP should really have some algorithms going to prevent joining a game where the outcome is already decided by a wide margin.
Wow some of you guys sound harsh as hell.

Halo 4 is easily better than H3 and def Reach. But since a very small group of people on here seem to think the game should cater to them, it's labeled bad. Seriously complaining about every aspect of H4 in here.

If so many aspects of it weren't bad, people wouldn't complain about them.
Pretty sure stuff like auto pickup, not being able to drop the flag, random ordnance and a ridiculous amount of power weapons being on the map at all times is not from CoD. The stuff that they borrowed from CoD (loadouts, perks) sort-of works.
They are not from COD, but they follow the same principles. Random stuff to give less experienced players a chance to survive longer than 15 seconds and keep them engaged.
I mean, what's the purpose of flinching from a game design perspective other than to even the playing field? I know it, you know it, Frankie knows it. You don't need to PM him to let him know flinching is crap. They already knew and decided to put it in the game anyway.


It just gets incredibly tiring when each Halo game released is loaded with frustrating game mechanics. They fix things from one game but then add in some other completely uneccessary crap or change something else for no reason. Can't we just have a solid Halo game with predictable core mechanics, balanced weapons and fast-paced gameplay?

Yeah it is; Halo 3 is terrible.
Wow some of you guys sound harsh as hell.

Halo 4 is easily better than H3 and def Reach. But since a very small group of people on here seem to think the game should cater to them, it's labeled bad. Seriously complaining about every aspect of H4 in here.

Actually, the only problem I ever had with H3 was the netcode and its attendant flaws. Reach was terrible.
4 trends more toward Reach than 3, and that's a problem.

As for "a small group of people", it's not a small amount of people on here, and it's not just on here at all. Go check the Waypoint forums (if you can even find them after 343 fucked the site up even more), I'd be willing to bet money that there's a tsunami building there as well.


So far Spartan Ops is not a worthy replacement for Firefight. And if the following episodes and missions follow the same pattern then I hope they don't bother with a second season. Use that manpower on fixing Halo 4 and/or on making Halo 5 feature rich like Halo 3 and Reach were.

Hell, I wish I could swap the gameplay of Halo 4 right into Reach's wrapper (UI, campaign theater, proper sound effects, proper weapon spawns, etc). That would be an awesome game. That's what I was hoping Halo 4 was going to be.


I've seen plenty of positive and negative posts, I don't see the problem.

Exactly, it's in this instance, where we can balance the good and the bad opposite each other that we get a clearer overall impression of the game. Some people are just getting shirty at criticism, which shouldn't surprise anyone. I personally think criticism's healthy for the maintainance and development of both this game and the franchise.

Perhaps if those who shrugged off criticism pre-release and ignorantly suggested people 'play the game first', when the arguments made were strong enough to not have to rely on such a determiner (UI, for example), we'd have a better game now, or perhaps that's idealistic.
Things that are Dumb As Fuck™ in Halo 4 Multiplayer Infinity:

  • Flinch - Can we please get the descoping mechanic back? The flinching mechanic is annoying enough in CoD where everyone dies in one hit, it's incredibly obnoxious in Halo where it takes 5 shots to do so. Long range battles become very tedious because of it.
  • UI - It's a mess. Active Roster and the lobby menu have taken a huge step back. Who gives a fuck about player cards? Just show a list of horizantal names of players in the lobby and use the rest of the space you freed up to give players information about the gametype or something, don't fill it with huge buttons. Also make it so Active Roster is not a button press away, I want to see who's online and what they're doing all the time.

  • I don't agree with these two things.
    I HATED scoping out when getting hit. What kind of super soldier scopes out and stands up when they take a bullet? And I would always accidently rescope in the get scoped out and get all frazzled. I died thousands of times because of scoping out. I'm so glad that it is gone and flinch is here.

    I also like the UI. I got so tired of the vertical list, it's nice to see something new and fresh. I got a little confused by clicking the LS to do some things because it isn't very clearly labeled, but I love looking at all the player models in lobbies and what not. Definitely something cool and new.

    Otherwise, you pretty much got it right. 343 just has a few things to clean up and this game will shine.


The fuck is this? Halo 3 was the peak, both in campaign (scarab fights, the ark, the covenant,...) and MP. Although Halo 2 was probably better in MP in some aspects.

The peak of shittiness, sure.

BigShow thinks the strafe was too slow, thus hampering the individual players effectiveness. This trumps all.

Sorry BigShow.

The strafe WAS too slow. Plus the BR's spread gave it an effective range of 20 yards and within that range it was still random. Weapon variety was terrible too.
Is HaloGAF gonna die?

I'm hoping Destiny is as epic as Halo used to be because the more I play 4 the less hope I have for the future of the series.

Also, two questions I'd like everyone to answer.

1. Which of the 360 Halo games was the least like Call of Duty?

2. Which of the 360 Halo games sold the most?

hint: both questions have the same answer


Yeah it is; Halo 3 is terrible.
Halo 3 has its fair share of problems, but I went back to it yesterday and it was a like a breath of a fresh air after just having played Halo 4. It's so much more simplistic than the uncontrollable chaos that ensues during Halo 4 matches and I loved it.
So it looks like 343 has lost some members of HaloGaf. it sucks that Bungie made Reach. We would probably have a different game if that didn't happen. If Halo 5 is not greatly better than Halo 4 I fear the future of Halo.

343 went after the COD crowd instead of the Halo crowd. I know people who prefer COD enjoy this game a lot more so they succeeded, but they are losing the Halo crowd. Not good 343.


The fuck is this? Halo 3 was the peak, both in campaign (scarab fights, the ark, the covenant,...) and MP. Although Halo 2 was probably better in MP in some aspects.

My main issue with Halo 3 were lame weapons like the Assault Rifle and dual-wields and the maps. A lot of them were pretty bad. Otherwise, great game! I wish Halo 4 was more similar to it.


There are many aspects of Halo 4

And a lot of them are worth complaining about.

Yea and No

Some of these "complaints" have no merit and sounds more like straight attack towards H4 and 343i for that matter. Over really named off everything in H4, come on now.

Don't go to the Forge OT then :lol

Don't plan on it.

This place is seriously depressing right now. My thought is I think you guys overly complaining are seriously nuts. I'm having literally no problems besides JIP with H4 and I'm loving this game. My mind is full of wtf right now from this forum. I'm literally speechless from what is going on in here.

Edit: Hell, I like simple gameplay. I'm sure all of us do here. I much rather have H2/H3 style gameplay with H4 core mechanics. But H4 only has minor tweaks that could make this something great. It's only been a week. For the past year all I have been reading about on here was how terrible Reach was you still continued to play that garbage. There's no way that Reach comes close to H4.


That's what worries me the most. I have zero confidence in the future of the Halo video game franchise as of today.

Under the exact design trajectory I feel the same.

The team needs clarity, it needs to double down on what Halo actually is. The people they hired can't actually be that passionate about 'Halo', because this goes against Halo's core principles so vociferously. There's a number of core changes in the game that, if actual passionate Halo fans were on the team, just wouldn't all have survived. I'd be really eager to see the minutes of some of the early design meetings, and the justification for some of this stuff.

Ordnance, player and weapon spawning, and the unlock system specifically.
I'm hoping Destiny is as epic as Halo used to be because the more I play 4 the less hope I have for the future of the series.

Also, two questions I'd like everyone to answer.

1. Which of the 360 Halo games was the least like Call of Duty?

2. Which of the 360 Halo games sold the most?

hint: both questions have the same answer
But Bungie made Reach. They started this mess.
To give 343 some credit, they did solve the nade spam problem. Making grenade pickup a perk was a great idea.
And the maps flow pretty well, I like them so far.

And the griefing/trolling potential is endless. Teammate in a firefight? Throw oddball at him, he picks it up and dies.

Enemy coming at you? Thrwow oddball at him and kill him.
  • Steitzer - He's saying so much stuff that I've learned to tune out his voice. Now I can't really keep track of half the things that happens during objective games. He should only say stuff when it's important, not when I get a headshot.

Steitzer doesn't even announce headshots. Of all the examples you could have picked you somehow get it wrong :lol
Wow some of you guys sound harsh as hell.

Halo 4 is easily better than H3 and def Reach. But since a very small group of people on here seem to think the game should cater to them, it's labeled bad. Seriously complaining about every aspect of H4 in here.
While people who have complaints have, y'know, points as to why they're complaining, it's better to just have a discussion based on those instead of just saying "you guys are complaining, you should never have dissenting opinion about anything". 'Cause it's a non-post that might as well be saying "lolol salt guise".
So it looks like 343 has lost some members of HaloGaf. it sucks that Bungie made Reach. We would probably have a different game if that didn't happen. If Halo 5 is not greatly better than Halo 4 I fear the future of Halo.

343 went after the COD crowd instead of the Halo crowd. I know people who prefer COD enjoy this game a lot more so they succeeded, but they are losing the Halo crowd. Not good 343.

This is much too Chicken Little for my tastes. I rock this game, most of the time, even with all of the ordinances, PV what have you utilized by others and I don't have shit. If there were some playlists that catered to a stripped down gametype I'd be set. Maybe it's time people non-enthused with the game finally organize themselves into customs. The attendance is always strong in the beginning and then it inevitably drops off.
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