Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Its the greatest samurai who lets his sword rust in its scabbard.
Yeah, but why do you apply this "ism" to your penis?
Its the greatest samurai who lets his sword rust in its scabbard.
Yeah, but why do you apply this "ism" to your penis?
Its the greatest samurai who lets his sword rust in its scabbard.
the end reveals that the entire game was a dream and you wake up on a plane, which then crashes into the ocean.OT: Welp. Time to go dark from all BioShock Threads.
Supposedly Leaked Intel Has Just Started In GameSpot Forums and has spread through GAF.
Halo 4 didn't matter about leaked spoilers but no way in hell it'll happen that I'm gonna get spoiled with this Infinite game.
the end reveals that the entire game was a dream and you wake up on a plane, which then crashes into the ocean.
the end reveals that the entire game was a dream and you wake up on a plane, which then crashes into the ocean.
GAF Isn't Real
Plot hooks? Dun read below if you haven't read ze book.
Aside from the second Librarian and the IsoDidact (who probably died), they closed pretty much everything else. Kinda bothers me that the Forerunner went to another galaxy and found... well... nothing. At the end of the book the domain is destroyed, the last precursors are gone and the Forerunners are wiped out.
What's left to go on to?
They had a wonderful storyline that they could have explored over the trilogy - The Precursor's return and judgement in regards to the mantle. But for some reason (for better or worse) they've killed off any chance of that happening, as well as any bigger threat that could have existed in future games (without pulling something completely random out of their asses).
Can't wait to only fight humans and elites in Halo 5! Eh
I really hope that I'm proven wrong, but IMO, it seems like the story 343i are going to tell is going to be really... dull... and full of Halsey hate.
If this ends up being true I will get your ass banned.the end reveals that the entire game was a dream and you wake up on a plane, which then crashes into the ocean.
They also did Firefight better.Gears did Invasion better than Reach did.
Oh, you. Stalp.Oh damn I didn't see that. BRB going to respond, "neither, Halo Reach"
Oh damn I didn't see that. BRB going to respond, "neither, Halo Reach"
Ok questions.
The precursors are completly wiped out? What is with other graveminds? Primordials? true flood? Nothing scary or new threat revealed?
Man if this is true, I don't even bother with the campaigns anymore..
Ok now I can announce it.
The winner of the hardback copy of Silentium was Karl2177.
Ok questions.
The precursors are completly wiped out? What is with other graveminds? Primordials? true flood? Nothing scary or new threat revealed?
Man if this is true, I don't even bother with the campaigns anymore..
If this ends up being true I will get your ass banned.![]()
Day 12 without playing Halo 4: Today I woke up with a smile on my face. I also planted a flower and adopted three orphans.
I thought the "Karl" from the Simpsons was Homer's gay assistant. Nonetheless, my hair is perfectly feathered this morning and I am quite attractive, thank you.
Thanks to PsychoRaven for doing the contest.
Also, I have a few codes that I'm going to be handing out around 4-6PM CDT tonight, so stay tuned for that.
Ok now I can announce it.
The winner of the hardcover copy of Silentium was Karl2177.
You might be thinking of Mr. Burn's assistant Mr. Smithers. Aka Elzar.I thought the "Karl" from the Simpsons was Homer's gay assistant. Nonetheless, my hair is perfectly feathered this morning and I am quite attractive, thank you.
Thanks to PsychoRaven for doing the contest.
Also, I have a few codes that I'm going to be handing out around 4-6PM CDT tonight, so stay tuned for that.
Pics now.
It's kind of sad, I was reading the paper the other day and they had a graphic with all the college teams on it--when I saw Iowa the first thing that popped in my head was "What's Deadly Cyclone's avatar doing in the newspaper?"Karl's just boasting because he lives in the best city ever, with a college that's about to whoop up on Notre Dame in the tourney.
Karl and I live in the same town.
Going to look at reviews and go from there? Or wait a while and get it when the hype has died down?I haven't read a gott damn thing about Bioshock Infinite since it was announced so I wanna stay clear of spoiler shit. I thought Bioshock was overrated, let's hope this is better.
Answer: we don't know.The Precursors of ancient times seem to be gone--killed by the Forerunners or essentially turned into a primitive form of the Flood humans found as a final "fuck you". It's still possible that they remained outside the galaxy--we know the blast reached at least part of their extragalactic origin, but not all.
It was the last book in a trilogy, so it was mostly interested in paying off some plot points within its books and without--we finally learn the question and context that 343GS tells Chief he's had time to ponder, way back in Halo CE. We get a satisfactory reason for why the Didact is so damn angry when he wakes up, etc.
In terms of hooks for future games, the fate of the IsoDidact (aka the cool non-crazy one) is still left unanswered, and 343GS clearly thinks the Librarian is alive, despite knowing about her intended one-way trip to Earth, so there's that. The present nature of the Flood itself is unknown--is it just a 'mindless' assimilation machine, or is it still acting out the Precursor's orders to test and uphold the Mantle, albeit in a perverted way?
One thing that left me a bit confused is I supposed that the Domain was the reason Cortana managed to get Chief and her out of the Mantle's Approach. Now I'm not sure how she did it besides spacemagic.
You need to brush up on your Simpsons.You might be thinking of Mr. Burn's assistant Mr. Smithers. Aka Elzar.
But my issues are
The game seems so ridiculously ADHD/Corny. Like I fucking hate the character skins and lack of locusts. It just makes everything seem like a complete cluster fuck. In the past games you could tell if you were getting flanked based on if they sounded human or like a Locust, and that's completely out now.
- The tug of war aspect of the game that makes Gears what it is appears to be gone. That intricate aspect of running through assymetrical maps in order to make a decision on boomshot or torque, perhaps grab frags, etc. THIS IS WHAT GEARS FUCKING IS. The game is ADHD now. Everyone running around in their fruity fucking rainbow suits dropping from heaven.
My question is--who were these changes made for? It couldn't have been for the competitive community. We didn't ask for two pieces, no locusts, non symmetrical maps or primaries.
The casuals sure as fuck didn't want to have to choose between primary weapons, only to get destroyed by shotgunners while they try to mow them down with a lancer, or to get gunned down from range while trying to get a handle on the shotgun.
You have shamed me. I am a bad Simpsons fan.You need to brush up on your Simpsons.
Silentium discussion. I haven't read the books so some things probably sound stupid.
Is it possible that the remaining precursors are extragalactic and are just waiting, or hid in a pocket dimension or some bullshit? I feel like they're going to pull a Mass Effect and when humanity rediscovers Precursors, they'll reveal themselves as a final test of sorts.
Also, the Forerunners went extragalactic and found... ancient Forerunners and a massive fleet? What the fuck? Am I reading that wrong or is that one of the biggest potential sequel hooks ever? Unless they're primitive ones, of course, but then the fleet bit wouldn't make sense.
Hard to comment personally on those specifics, but all the business side of Gears Judgement looks like a slimy turn off to me.Also saw this in the Gears Thead, hmmm.
You have shamed me. I am a bad Simpsons fan.[IMG]
I need to rewatch season 2.[/QUOTE]
I have never been more disappointed in you.
Thanks for rubbing it in, even more. Feels bad man.I have never been more disappointed in you.
Thanks for rubbing it in, even more. Feels bad man.
This is the kind of trolling that isn't even remotely funny.
I told you, you guys shouldn't do anal.
No wonder you were walking so weird when Elzar was plowing you. Reminds me though, you kept smiling the whole time. Elzar is that beast.I told you, you guys shouldn't do anal.
why are we talking about anal