Yeah.Is this panel that's about to start the one people are discussing in the last few pages? The multiplayer one?
Is this panel that's about to start the one people are discussing in the last few pages? The multiplayer one?
So it's @bsangel kevin Franklin, burnieburns, bravo, and Tom potter from certain affinity
Go make the thread!What? 4 serious? I mean we knew it was coming....but.....i think u lies.
Also looking to bang out these Majestic achievements if anyone wants to do them. I have 4 controllers
You obviously haven't played much Halo 4. This game's framerate dips all the damn time.
Seriously. I was going for cheevos the other day and my framerate absolutely BOMBED. I'm talking 4-5 fps here.
Thing is with this entire Halo needed to evolve to avoid becoming Unreal is 343i didn't evolve anything. They copied their competition and crammed it into their game.
Want evolution? Look at Destiny. I think destiny has a chance to become the next CoD. At the very least its going to steal a lot of Halo people.
Which has a higher population right now, Halo 4 or the PAX panel?
Have you played much BTB or Dominion? They're common there. And split-screen is damn near unplayable.I've played a good amount (campaign 3x, most of SpOps, and decent amount of MP SR85 I think). Life (being a Gamer-Dad & all) has got in the way of me playing more.
I haven't noticed much framerate drops. But I also haven't played much split-screen, or custom games.
Keyword is "have"BOMBA
inb4 I read a comment saying how bad the population is now
11.7 billion kills. 388 million headshots.
"11.7 billion kills. 388 million headshots."
A kill is when you put enough ammo in an opponent to end their turn, forcing them to respawn. A headshot is when your bullets strike the target in the cranium area. This often leads to "multikills" which inbclude numbers higher than 3.
Sorry I stealth edited. The wut was for a different thing I had quoted.
Sorry I stealth edited. The wut was for a different thing I had quoted.
A kill is when you put enough ammo in an opponent to end their turn, forcing them to respawn. A headshot is when your bullets strike the target in the cranium area. This often leads to "multikills" which include numbers higher than 3.
History will judge us all.
They're using community screenshots for this stats presentation.
A kill is when you put enough ammo in an opponent to end their turn, forcing them to respawn. A headshot is when your bullets strike the target in the cranium area. This often leads to "multikills" which include numbers higher than 3.
For comparison, Halo 2 had 6,603,900 people play it lifetime, not counting guests
Where can I follow along with the panel?
Showed an internal video clip of a Mantis/Pulse Grenade bug from before launch. Floating ball of death!
Only 1 pulse grenade mantis plant, the video was hilarious.
11.6 million people playing might be impressive if the population now wasn't so pathetic. Obviously the changes didn't make people stick around.
And without high speed internet.Halo 2 released when the majority of gamers were playing on a PS2, though.
Fiesta gametype will be updated next month.
They will be changing fiesta back to "something we prefer"
Castle map pack trailer.
The one we saw already
If any Halo game needed it's Cold Storage, this is it.Incoming ranking system news
Incoming free map or new Forge environment
Beaten by Susan Coffey
Tom Potter talking about the maps and fiction and stuff.
Daybreak is asymmetrical
Daybreak has one neutral banshee, neutral rockets. Wraith, goose and snipe at each base
Talking about maps? Is he from Certain Affinity?
Would not complain.
Daybreak is asymmetrical
Daybreak has one neutral banshee, neutral rockets. Wraith, goose and snipe at each base
Apparently the height variation means banshee is easy skyjackable @ncsuDuncan said he got one when he played
Tom potter says CTF is the best on Daybreak.
Wait, how is Fiesta different than how it's always been?