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Halo |OT3| Remember Reach?


Who likes maps in Halo: Reach?

Be honest, so that I might laugh in your general direction
I think they're usually fun to play on. And while it might not lend itself to good execution, I think it's cool that they tried to reuse campaign space for multiplayer.
I think they're usually fun to play on. And while it might not lend itself to good execution, I think it's cool that they tried to reuse campaign space for multiplayer.

Get out, and take your moustache, monocle and top hat with you.

It was a fairly cool idea, but even if it worked casuals would have looked at it as a cost cutting exercise, I have a few friends who's first reaction to a lot of MP maps was "Oh what, they copied this area aswell, thats pretty cheap". Even if Bungie had managed to make it work and play well, its a thankless task thanks to the fact people generally want new aesthetics to go with they're play spaces.
get on halo for unlimited slayer you freakin nerd

1. Forgot to mention my vacation doesn't actually start til tomorrow. At work.
2. Last night I played with Risen and I had a crazy RainMan nade. Risen and me also closed the most intense Sword Base game I have played yet. He got a stick which became a double when the dude conveniently ran into his teammate with it. Then a guy jumped out at me and I out DMR'd him at 2abridge for the win.
3. Tried capping stuff realized for some reason I'm getting no audio. Can't figure it out its pissing me off.
4. Want to post my dongings on Youtube but can't.
5. Arena has knocked me back 20% this season so far once When I first hit Onyx it hit me back into Gold then when I went on a 5/5 spree it only took me to 90% which the next day hit me back to 95%. Then two days ago I won twice it boosted me to 80% now back to 85%. I'm sorry I don't have time to play Halo arena everyday, but its kindof dumb. Are people with better records pushing me down? Cause I seriously doubt that my win percent is like 95% I think I'm 38/40 or something?
Its not that I really care about it but Arena could have been a system people care about. Its the only playlist-place that caters to the competitive crowd by using matchmaking to do what its actually supposed to do, give players closer skilled oppoenents and teammates. Every other playlist is completely randomized.

First problem was Shishka, OK NinjaOnFire. Whatever, whoever. Gave the first seasons Arena AA's and AR's. Shit that is generally accepted as noob garbage, especially competitive players with positive kill.deaths. Sure theres some competitive nerds who adapt and jetpack up to hidden rocks and get 1% Onyx and have each game mapped out to the tee. The bad settings meant the first seasons ranks were useless, it also drained tons of interest in the Arena. Followed by the fact the seasons went so quick.

Second problem was the individuality ranking instead of win.loss. This meant people on winning teams were competing for kills instead of actively using good teamwork and bailing when they are one shot they would rather take the chance at a kill. Stuff like that so on and so forth. Another huge outcome of this was you couldn't have any objective gametypes in Arena. Such a stupid idea. Especially considering they had the win.loss settings already in the game but didn't switch over until later.

Third problem is MLG said no to it. Why they ever did that is beyond me. MLG forums and community needs to rally behind and force whoevers in charge of deciding upon MLG settings that it needs to be arena-ized. MLG players the ones who are competitive will enjoy the fact that MLG will give them competitive games and they might even care about their ranking. MLG right now is akin to when I think they tried Social MLG in Halo 3? Right? Wasn't that a complete failure?


Third problem is MLG said no to it. Why they ever did that is beyond me. MLG forums and community needs to rally behind and force whoevers in charge of deciding upon MLG settings that it needs to be arena-ized. MLG players the ones who are competitive will enjoy the fact that MLG will give them competitive games and they might even care about their ranking. MLG right now is akin to when I think they tried Social MLG in Halo 3? Right? Wasn't that a complete failure?
343 is saying MLG doesn't want Arena and MLG says it's in the hands of 343. :/


Third problem is MLG said no to it. Why they ever did that is beyond me. MLG forums and community needs to rally behind and force whoevers in charge of deciding upon MLG settings that it needs to be arena-ized. MLG players the ones who are competitive will enjoy the fact that MLG will give them competitive games and they might even care about their ranking. MLG right now is akin to when I think they tried Social MLG in Halo 3? Right? Wasn't that a complete failure?

That's the plan at THC once Halo 4 drops, a lot of Forge guys are on board. We really want to base rules and setting to be competitive for Halo 4, not what was competitive in Halo 2 or 3. GoldPro was a step in the right direction but with a new game we have to have a unified front. This isn't any fault at KC too, he's done a decent job but the whole settings shouldn't be based on what 2-3 people think.

I just realised, E3 is less than a month from now o_O I want some Halo 4 campaign footage!

To hold you over
The thing is its not too late. 343 Should get on it and try to have MLG in Arena as the only Arena playlist by the end of May (err once S11 ends phase the original out) and you could have 2 whole seasons of MLG Arena.

I mean its really their game, 343 I mean, its almost done with H4 coming out. They just need to grow some balls and say "Hey were going to try this, OK" Who cares if neither side can decide.


The thing is its not too late. 343 Should get on it and try to have MLG in Arena as the only Arena playlist by the end of May (err once S11 ends phase the original out) and you could have 2 whole seasons of MLG Arena.

I mean its really their game, 343 I mean, its almost done with H4 coming out. They just need to grow some balls and say "Hey were going to try this, OK" Who cares if neither side can decide.

It's on MLG, not 343i. Yes we have tried contacting them, tweeting them. Hell some of us even still work there and can't get this info through.

Even if 343i does add it, it may "look bad" for them running a playlist that belongs to MLG, but it would be for the common good for the competitive community. We have a LONG 6 months of Reach left, at least MLG could do is throw us a bone for the playlist here.


My first playthrough on solo Heroic took me 6 hours and 12 minutes.
Latest playthrough for this weekly (also Heroic solo) was around 4 hours and 16 minutes.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
He was talking about ODST and Reach, and yes, they are only a few hours long. I played through Reach in under 8. Standard for an FPS, sure, but still only a few hours.

What makes his claim even more bullshit is that the context of the quote comes from a comparison of perceived value compared with Call of Duty.

And 8 hours is not a few. That like two whole COD campaigns.

Who the fuck named this, it does not roll of the tongue at all. Just spent soo long saying chrysanthemum that it does even sound like a real word anymore. Ugh nerd rage


What makes his claim even more bullshit is that the context of the quote comes from a comparison of perceived value compared with Call of Duty.

And 8 hours is not a few. That like two whole COD campaigns.
I'm happy to say I've never finished a COD campaign. Always got too bored before the end was near.
That's the plan at THC once Halo 4 drops, a lot of Forge guys are on board. We really want to base rules and setting to be competitive for Halo 4, not what was competitive in Halo 2 or 3. GoldPro was a step in the right direction but with a new game we have to have a unified front. This isn't any fault at KC too, he's done a decent job but the whole settings shouldn't be based on what 2-3 people think.
Sounds like a good idea. One thing I never got was why mlg and arena weren't the same thing from the start. Arena was supposed to be the competitive playlist, mlg is competitive halo.
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