After declining player base since 07 and the fact the pro gaming community had neglected it Halo 4 multiplayer has been cut.
In other news. E3 falls during the Royal Jubilee which means 4 day bank holiday.
God bless the queen
To be clear about the competitive community we are
excited for Halo 4, but
worried about the game for casual players. We want the game to be popular, Halo can't afford another Halo Reach (sold well, but gameplay issues,XBL chart rank) We have always altered the game to our liking and this game sounds like it will be amazing for us. When people from the competitive community criticize it they usually don't look at it from the whole prospective sometimes and can talk our of their ass. We just really need to play it before, but as anything people will criticize and run for the hills before playing it.
Social Skrimish Plug: That's something u4iX and I have talked about a lot. We are working on trying to get a show going to show a overall prospective from casual to competitive play.