For you biggy
Your helmet looks bawse, havent seen anyone make one but your prop so far.
For you biggy
No... He's asking if I shot the SD grenade on the ground, could you (or anyone else) run up and shoot it causing an explosion before I detonated it.
For you biggy
Your helmet looks bawse, havent seen anyone make one but your prop so far.
Seemed to be decreased time before charging began.
Base movement felt close to default Halo 3. It was faster than Reach but certainly not as fast as MLG settings or something. Having sprint sped the game up a lot though. Movement didn't seem sluggish although there were some strafes that looked weird - again, could be the people I was against. Felt responsive besides TV issues.Can you talk a bit on how the base movement felt? Did the movement seem sluggish at all? Was it also responsive? How long did the recovery time feel transitioning from the throwing a grenade animation back into shooting? Did going from walking to Sprint ever chug like in Reach and how did the recovery time feel going from Sprinting to shooting?
How did the grenades feel? The throwing angle, distance you could throw them, blast radius and damage drop off?
Did you get to use any automatic weapons? For anyone going to PAX, please try out the automatics and give them a fair shot.
Thanks in advance :]
Nicely done.![]()
made a shitload so that you'll have one for every discussion!
Another day another shitty few pages.
Can't wait till PAX news and HaloGAF IRL shenanigans fill the pages up in a few days. Keep us posted PAXGAF.
:lol nice
-Very detailed response-
Don't forget!
Actually you are using that meme wrong.....
Any word on Ranked playlists yet?
For Halo 4? Getting close to launch.
So in case it wasn't obvious I was at Fan Expo.
The set up was extremely weird. We were playing the E3 build, 8v8. I also just want to say that the TVs we were playing on were at least 52+ inches, and the input lag was really bad. So what I say about certain weapons, specifically the BR and the DMR may be inaccurate.
First game we played was on Adrift. This map doesn't really work for 8v8 because the tight halls make for some cluster fuck plays. Anyways for this game the load out I had was Battle Rifle primary, Magnum secondary and my armor ability was the hard light shield. The hard light shield was pretty interesting to use; it works pretty much as described. Versus the kids that were at the booth it was pretty useful because they would just keep shooting at it while my shield recharged. However when I went up against a guy who was using it I just threw a nade at his feet and it killed him quite easily. So not the armor ability for me.
The next game I got to customize my load out before the game loaded, so I opted for BR, magnum, promethean vision and the perks or whatever they're called that give you a radar while scoped in and one that increases the shield recharge rate. Promethean vision was very useful as we've seen in the videos so far and can be spammed quite easily. However, we were going up against people who were using the hologram and while in promethean vision it's really easy to fall for them. At least in 8v8.
I didn't really find the awareness perk all that useful. When you're in scope you're likely looking at an enemy anyways so it's easy to get distracted. To be fully honest, I never even noticed the radar in the corner while scoped in. I imagine it's more useful while using the sniper, but I never got the chance to use that because...
I played one game on Longbow. This game went by really quickly because our team was absolutely destroying the other one. I only got one ordnance drop, and obviously I chose sniper but I got really bad luck with it. The drop landed right on my teammate who picked up our sniper off spawn, so he got all of my ammo... (We went on to win that game 600-110)
The other armor ability I tried was the thruster pack. I thought it would be similar to evade but it's really different. When it's used you get this visual effect that blurs your screen making it a bit weird to shoot while using it. You also don't go nearly as far as I thought you would. Basically, it's a nerfed evade which I approve of. I wouldn't use it myself though.
Other weapons I got to try were the DMR, sticky detonator, sword, scattershot, and magnum. It's pretty much impossible to use the sticky detonator offensively since you're probably going to get melted before you get the thing to land and explode. It's pretty good if you set it up and play the waiting game though. Scatter shot is really good, but there's this weird bubble area where you're not sure if it's going to be a 1 shot kill or not. And yes, it feels awesome when you get someone and their body disintegrates. No big differences that I noticed with the sword.
DMR was nuts to use on this TV, the lag or something made it feel really sluggish and since it's 1 shot it was very difficult to use. I want to comment on the bloom though since that's a hot topic in Reach. You really don't even notice that it's there. To me it just felt like an indicator to let me know when to take the next shot. To compare it to Reach it feels like it's just above no bloom if that makes sense.
The magnum feels like a mix between the Halo 2 and Reach pistol. It's good pretty good speed and power but it's tough to hit the shots, especially if you're getting shot at while trying to use it.
I think that everyone having sprint worked pretty well. The maps that we played on (Haven, Adrift and Longbow) are pretty big compared to earlier games but having sprint lets you get across the map fairly quick. Longbow in particular was a surprise as I thought it would be a lot bigger based on the footage I saw before hand. However getting from side to side on foot didn't take very long. Sorry, no warthog impressions.
This post has been long enough, but I know there's some things that I'm leaving out or forgetting about. If there's anything you want to know or my impressions on a certain aspect like the menus just ask.
It just makes them look kinda awkward and not as organic as the Spartan IIIs in Reach.
Reach Spartans look terrible, is this real life?
Isn't that obvious?Never fired an automatic rifle?
Do people actually vibrate like that when they fire an automatic weapon? The shaking looks silly.
Yeah, I hated Reach spartans. They're too short, stocky, and bulky. I prefer the larger, more "athletic" models of 2, 3, and 4.
Do people actually vibrate like that when they fire an automatic weapon? The shaking looks silly.
Isn't that obvious?
I mean, obviously you shake, but the Spartan animation looks off.
I'm on it.Here is a question for the GIF masters, did anyone make a GIF of HYPERREALISTIC Del Rio from the magic behind video when it's just a shot of him and he moves his head and eyes. I can't get over how realistic he looks.
Actually it's from a short clip that pasts by much too fast so the loop causes it to look that way due to the low amount of frames from that short scene.Pretty sure that GIF is sped up quite a bit.
But that shot is fricking beautiful.
Here is a question for the GIF masters, did anyone make a GIF of HYPERREALISTIC Del Rio from the magic behind video when it's just a shot of him and he moves his head and eyes. I can't get over how realistic he looks.
Thank you kindly.
Thought you wanted a giant gif,Thank you kindly.
What kind of witchcraft is 343 using to pull something like that off on 7 year old hardware?
I love you.Thought you wanted a giant gif,
Thank you kindly.
What kind of witchcraft is 343 using to pull something like that off on 7 year old hardware?[IMG]
made a shitload so that you'll have one for every discussion!
I had to take a field trip to Team Downer to make a few of these.[/QUOTE]
:D Amazing stuff!
Each one, not just the ones i left.
Lilty's writeup was interesting, thanks for impressions.
Also, that's Del Rio .gif is very nice. Reach's faces were pretty good but this is far better.
And sucks to start a week by being sick. Ironically i'm in good mood instead of the usual "fuck the world" feel i have on mondays.
It is super impressive!
I wouldn't be surprised if they are rendering cutscenes at 24fps...
Not only to allow more time for computation, but also for that cinematic feel.
They seem to be really striving for a cinematic feel to the campaign.
Or perhaps black magic
Thought you wanted a giant gif,
Actually you are using that meme wrong.....
Who cares, still funny.
Can't believe grenades are still getting stuck on textures all these years since the problem first arose..