Botolf said:
Hate me all ya want, but I rather like a lot of what Reach did multiplayer-wise. It has scratched itches I never knew I had, and is satisfying in ways Halo 3 and 2 weren't for me.
- Bloom: Expanding reticle or no, I play a fair amount of shooters with inaccurate weapons fire. Precision weaponry will always have its place, but I get bored when it doesn't have any significant drawbacks or is essentially being delivered to players constantly. The DMR strikes a nice balance, I think.
- Armour Abilities: They're fun and make for interesting situations. Yes, even Armour Lock (when not abused/overly frequent).
I heartily enjoy Reach too, and a lot of the changes are great. Despite this, I present:
Junior Member ncsuDuncan's Gameplay Changelist Wishlist... List
- Bloom:
Reticle bloom is fine, and I like having to pace my shots. But I'd still prefer it to be consistent. I see two options for this:
A) Shots will always land on the circumference of the reticle circle, so when the circle expands they will never randomly land in the middle. (This would probably require faster bloom settling.)
B) Shots always land in the exact center of the circle, but as the reticle expands the kickback effect of each shot worsens (so you have to adjust your aim more to fire faster).
- Vehicles:
My absolute favorite thing to do in Halo 3 was man the Warthog turret. My friend Ritchie would always play and he preferred driving, so we were a deadly team of driver/gunner, he'd call out targets over the mic or with the Warthog horn.
In Reach, the Warthog is an absolute joke. I still play with Ritchie a ton, but every time we try our old tactic out it ends horribly. The turret is far too weak, and the new Hog driving physics coupled with the new damage model make it a deathtrap.
I'd increase the turret damage slightly, double the Hog's health, and halve the damage the Hog takes from collisions (especially with armor-locked enemies).
A) Give it a passenger seat for transporting flag carriers. I still don't understand why the best feature of the Hornet was eliminated.
B) The Falcon's turrets need a better camera or faster rotation. I love the "Warthog of the skies", but it's frustrating how hard it is to spot enemies even with a decent pilot.
A) Eliminate the "plant grenade" option. It's frustrating how easy it is for an enemy to sprint/roll behind you and quickly plant a grenade. There's no defense, aside from backing into a corner. I like letting boarders melee the vehicle to damage it, because it takes slightly longer and gives the tank pilot a chance to have his teammates shoot the boarder off. (Or bail)
B) Which brings me to another point: can anyone ever successfully bail from a vehicle? I'd be more receptive of the "plant grenade" option if I had a chance to exit the vehicle before it exploded. As it stands, I feel like I'm trapped in the pilot seat for an eternity before my Spartan decides to get out.
A) Reduce collision damage slightly. I don't like barrel-rolling into an enemy Banshee and exploding.
B) Also, it would be nice to have a Lock-On warning when someone with a Rocket Launcher or Rocket Hog has a lock on you, but also increase the homing capabilities of those weapons. The Falcon could use this too, it's annoying when you're at full health and you just explode with no warning. It shouldn't be easy to dodge a rocket, but at least it won't be as surprising when you die.
Armor Abilities:
Armor Lock:
A) Any time spent in a lock does not count towards your shield recharge time, i.e. if you just took damage and it takes 7 seconds to recharge, you can't armor lock for 8 seconds and come out with full shield. (Or maybe if you take fire while in AL, you don't take damage but your shield recharge timer is still reset.)
B) Reduce the collision damage armor lock does to vehicles. It can still stop the vehicle and do some damage, but not immediately destroy it. People who time their AL release right can actually use the EMP to disable a Warthog and then steal it, but not get a triple kill just for having the right AA at the right time.
C) Damage taken while Armor Locking should slightly decrease the amount of charge remaining. So if someone Armor Locks next to you, shooting him will make him pop out faster. (This might reduce the need for the changes in option A).
Active Camo:
If you zoom in with the scope while Active Camo is on, your invisibility fades to what it we be if you were moving at full speed. Radar Jammer is unaffected.
Drop Shield:
If two drop shields touch, they both disappear. Similar to the effect Armor Lock has on them. Layered drop shields are a pain in objective (although thankfully the playlists have fixed most of that).
Focus Rifle: Keep the damage as low as it is now, but add a slight slowdown effect to the target (infantry only). That, or increase the damage as the heat builds up.
Spartan Laser:
The targeting laser, that lets you know someone is aiming at you? Give it some kind of audio/visual effect that changes half a second before the laser fires, so you have a better idea of when exactly you need to dodge. Make it pulse brighter, give it some static or a distinctive sound, anything that gives the target a better shot at dodging.
Okay, I think that's enough for now. Sorry for the wall of text, just wanted to know what you guys thought of these pipe-dream ideas. I'm welcome to discussion, I just don't want to accidentally open a Pandora's box of Bloom Debate.
And just to clarify, I love Reach. These are just things that I think would work better for my personal style of playing.