#1 Dad
I'm hoping for some kind of news on the March Playlist Update. Specifically, the Classic Playlist. Have high hopes for it!
O D I N said:If you're willing to play with a Junior, I'll be on late tonight. Wouldn't mind playing.
GT: Big Boss 0DIN (yes, that's a zero)
Hey You said:Haven't been playing much of it because of the Weapon Pick up.
urk said:An honest headbutt from Shishka would cause pain and suffering at the molecular level.
Yup. Every game is FRGfight, and he already described exactly what needs fixing (disable pick ups and hazards on certain maps).Hey You said:Same :/
Haven't been playing much of it because of the Weapon Pick up.
Gui_PT said:I wouldn't not play with you just because you're a junior. Heck, I play with that Barrow Rod(or whatever his name is) junior all the time![]()
O D I N said:Well that's reassuring. I just got the impression from other threads that juniors were hated.That, or my sarcasm radar is broken. Which is also a strong possibility.
But cool, maybe I'll catch ya online.
Whats weird is, FRG Fight was added to Score Attack when FF Arcade Came back.GhaleonEB said:Yup. Every game is FRGfight, and he already described exactly what needs fixing (disable pick ups and hazards on certain maps).
O D I N said:Well that's reassuring. I just got the impression from other threads that juniors were hated.That, or my sarcasm radar is broken. Which is also a strong possibility.
But cool, maybe I'll catch ya online.
O D I N said:Well that's reassuring. I just got the impression from other threads that juniors were hated.That, or my sarcasm radar is broken. Which is also a strong possibility.
But cool, maybe I'll catch ya online.
No. The part you're having trouble with is the cause-and-effect part.kylej said:On what planet does that make sense? I'm not even talking about Shishka here.
You have a favorite car company. Someone moves in and runs the company into the ground. He leaves and the company doesn't get any better the year or two after he leaves. I should then apologize to the guy who ruined my favorite car company? What?
Dani said:Juniors are more likely to make mistakes, break the rules or commit some other social faux pas on GAF. This is why all juniors are generally treated harshly but fair. Mods will ban juniors instantly, sometimes permanently, for mistakes, and this helps cut down the number of idiots whilst the cream rises to the top and survive and become regular members.
don't worry it will happen one day...hopefully...Mojo said:Dammit, I scroll through and see that...
O D I N said:That's how I feel.
I live in Chicago, and I'm not familiar with ANY big gaming events that come anywhere near here. The only cons I'm aware of are Anime Central (obviously not game related) and Wizard World (Comic Con Jr.). I would love a big time gaming event. My wife wouldn't like the price tag, but that's another story.
Well, a system can't be completely flawless, can it.ZayneH said:....but I'm still here..
I will one day hug your bald head for such wondrous decisions.OuterWorldVoice said:Luckily for plywood he won't be going anywhere near that stuff.
Count this as one more vote for a Chicago event. Something, anything! Hell, PAX Midwest would be awesome (but will never happen).Sai-kun said:Chicago GAF represent!![]()
Come on 343, have an event here![]()
A27_StarWolf said:If they won't play with us, then I will play with you.
squidhands said:
Dani said:Juniors are more likely to make mistakes, break the rules or commit some other social faux pas on GAF. This is why all juniors are generally treated harshly but fair. Mods will ban juniors instantly, sometimes permanently, for mistakes, and this helps cut down the number of idiots whilst the cream rises to the top and survive and become regular members.
Nobody hates new members though, every community needs to grow and there's always a good bunch along with the few bad apples.
Every junior on HaloGAF is welcome to join in on any of the discussions or Customs games or anything else we do here. Everyone started off new at some point.Except Ghaleon and Louis Wu, I think they were born middle-aged holding onto and analysing graphs and charts, smoking pipes and wearing chewed up slippers and have stayed that way ever since.
Sai-kun said:Chicago GAF represent!![]()
Come on 343, have an event here![]()
blamite said:Count this as one more vote for a Chicago event. Something, anything! Hell, PAX Midwest would be awesome (but will never happen).
Halo 1 and Halo 2's Warthog chaingun weren't overly powerful, either. The only clear difference in those versions is the heating the Reach 'hog gets. Halo 2 also adopted the Gauss 'hog heavily in many maps, namely Terminal, Headlong, Coagulation, and Containment. Chaingun was used on the medium sized maps like Burial Mounds and dialed in a combo when two spawned at each base, i.e. Coagulation.In Reach, the Warthog is an absolute joke. I still play with Ritchie a ton, but every time we try our old tactic out it ends horribly. The turret is far too weak, and the new Hog driving physics coupled with the new damage model make it a deathtrap.
I'd increase the turret damage slightly, double the Hog's health, and halve the damage the Hog takes from collisions (especially with armor-locked enemies).
I think DMR fights would still play out in much the same way, it would just reduce the chance for a random headshot. I do prefer the idea of having the DMR kick, paced shots wouldn't move your reticle but trigger spamming would require constant re-aiming.A27 Tawpgun said:Disagree. If you do this then you might as well have a fixed ROF for the thing. Bloom either needs to go entirely, or needs to stay. I'm fine with letting it stay, it doesn't bother me at all. Spam at close range, hold your breath for the final shot.
I won't say it killed it, but I certainly have fonder memories of the vehicles in previous games. Everytime I managed to get a Wraith in Waterworks I felt like a god. It just makes me sad to see the Warthog as a mere shadow of its Halo 3 glory. It was fairly offset by the Rockets and Splasers. Now, there are just too many anti-vehicle weapons.A27Tawpgun said:Seriously. Reach REALLY killed vehicle combat.
Seriously, how cool would it be to fly the Falcon/Banshee around and suddenly hear the terrifying ringing of a Lock-On warning? FLYYY INTOOO THE DANGER ZONEA27Tawpgun said:But I agree with the lock on warning. Their really needs to be one.
These are pretty good ideas too. I just see Armor Lock as a way to avoid a splatter or survive a single incoming rocket/grenade. Instead it's mostly used to be invincible while your shields recharge.A27Tawpgun said:And Disable 360 degree view and turn around. Or just give a second or so stun to an enemy exiting armor lock. The other option is to make Armor Lock a 2-3 time use, but have it only last for a second or less. Turn it less into a SAVE ME button, but more into a reflex oriented save me. It would speed up the gameplay while keeping its invulnerability function.
Striker said:Halo 1 and Halo 2's Warthog chaingun weren't overly powerful, either. The only clear difference in those versions is the heating the Reach 'hog gets. Halo 2 also adopted the Gauss 'hog heavily in many maps, namely Terminal, Headlong, Coagulation, and Containment. Chaingun was used on the medium sized maps like Burial Mounds and dialed in a combo when two spawned at each base, i.e. Coagulation.
It doesn't need to be so powerful and near dominate like it was in 3. The health I agree with, though. The way it was before was completely fine with me.
Also highly disagree with your notes on the Scorpion, Wraith, and Banshee. That is just making them even more dominate. I personally had wish they could remove the fuel rod in the Banshee so it wouldn't control maps on its own. I played in a Coagulation version somebody made in Reach under Classic settings, and the Banshee was not a big factor. Mainly due to the DMR start and how it didn't have many places to boost and hide after taking several shots, unlike it can in Paradiso and Spire.
Louis Wu said:No. The part you're having trouble with is the cause-and-effect part.
Your example shows that you believe Shishka ran the Matchmaking playlists into the ground. What you're not considering (but SHOULD be, since it didn't get better after he left) is that there might have been OTHER reasons the playlists didn't change the way you wanted them to, at the time - that the problem existed DESPITE Shishka's input, not BECAUSE of it.
But hey - if it helps you to have someone specific to blame the problem on, don't let me get in your way.
Sai-kun said:Chicago GAF represent!![]()
Come on 343, have an event here![]()
kylej said:Yes clearly the person who was responsible for matchmaking playlists should not be blamed for the state of the Halo playlists. The same person who offered no insight into anything he did, fumbled every possible attempt at integrating community maps into matchmaking, straight up challenged members of the community, played less games of Halo 3 than every single member of HaloGAF, and who failed to listen to any legitimately constructive criticism from a wide variety of players. As someone who spent over 1400 hours playing DESPITE Shishka's (stagnant) input, clearly I had no reasonable expectation for something better and should now apologize to him.
Yes, yes, it's definitely much more logical to assume it was "other people" who held the playlists back despite all evidence to the contrary.
The playlists have gotten better. Considerably better. DESPITE the better playlists, it is BECAUSE many of the new mechanics are frustrating that people here have a problem. Of course, by your logic nobody should blame Sage for those, it must've been the other people. Casper the Friendly Ghost must've designed the bloom mechanic.
I'd be okay with that. Maybe just a third of the cooldown bar instead of half, but it's a good idea. Connecting the fuel rod to the cooldown would increase the usefulness of the plasma cannon. Really, I never see the plasma used against anything but another Banshee, when really it should be used against infantry. Save the fuel rod for vehicles.Dani said:I think there's an easy fix for the Banshee. Simply link the dodging rolls to the boost cooldown, make each manouver cost half the full cost and also link the bomb to the same cooldown, costing half a full cooldown too, so you have to switch between bombing and boosting and with both of them linked you can't abuse them in combination.
I still don't understand why they made the sniper so effective against vehicles. Before, it was a skillful move to snipe the driver/gunner out of a vehicle. Now it's a waste of time, you should just shoot the vehicle itself.A27_StarWolf said:I believe we have enough anti vehicle weapons, and that the Sniper should NOT be so effective against them.
I would understand if the sniper went through part of the vehicle however, like through a window of a falcon.
I envy your ability to boil down complicated situations to simple black-and-white questions.kylej said:blah blah blah
Alienshogun said:I may be moving up there, applying to Streamwood PD, and I'm applying to Illinois State police on the first.
O D I N said:Streamwood is basically the next town over from where I live (Schaumburg. Grew up in Elk Grove).
Alienshogun said:If I get up there, don't let me catch you ridin' dirty!
bs angel @343i said:There is no new armor coming with the Defiant Map Pack. On March 15th, you can look forward to three new maps: Condemned (supports 6 - 12 players), Highlands (supports 8 - 16 players), and Unearthed (supports up to 4 players in Firefight mode).
cocop @343i said:Jessica's post was not doubletalk or corporate speak, you can take it at face value.![]()
Alienshogun said:Cool, less of a reason to buy it.
If the Gears beta is mid March I probably won't even bother picking up Homefront either.
But rainbows!Dani said:
What the eff man. Cruel, cruelty. I would rather they just fix Reach but I'd still play the crap out of that.wwm0nkey said:![]()
Still want![]()
Yo momma's a junior.Gui_PT said:I wouldn't not play with you just because you're a junior. Heck, I play with that Barrow Rod(or whatever his name is) junior all the time![]() never fails.Dani said:
Now stop the threads.
2 multiplayer maps
1 Firefight Map.
NO 5 man Firefight.
No new armor...? Well what do you call this? [link to IGN pic]
Your right it is 1 & done. Your theory has been busted.
Im probably just going to change my avatar to that to make people feel even worse until they just announce they will release it on XBLA lolBarrow Roll said:What the eff man. Cruel, cruelty. I would rather they just fix Reach but I'd still play the crap out of that.
Gui_PT said:Mid April
I don't think it was mistake that 343i showed the new helmet in a screenshot. Furthermore they did it of purpose. They're teasing us again. I have ma popcorn ready for the E3.GhaleonEB said:
GhaleonEB said:
Hypertrooper said:Who cares about the Defiant MapPack? Zayne and I can't play campaign games together, because of my awful I-net connection.![]()
:lol Do it. Spread sadness and hate throughout GAF and turn everyone to the darkside.wwm0nkey said:Im probably just going to change my avatar to that to make people feel even worse until they just announce they will release it on XBLA lol
We'll see. They're obviously teasing something. But to recap:Hypertrooper said:I don't think it was mistake that 343i showed the new helmet in a screenshot. Furthermore they did it of purpose. They're teasing us again. I have ma popcorn ready for the E3.
GhaleonEB said:We'll see. They're obviously teasing something. But to recap:
The admin over at Waypoint specifies no new armor in the Defiant Map Pack.
That post is linked on, to clarify that no new armor is in the Defiant Map Pack.
Users say that 'theory' is busted by linking to pic showing the mystery armor.
I find the exchange utterly hilarious.
That said, I think it was unwise to tease something like that and not deliver or clarify it at all.
But then I have to buy over-priced german beer. No sir. I'll move out if I've enough money.Alienshogun said:Move out of Germany to somewhere better, like Spain or Illinois!
Hypertrooper said:But then I have to buy over-priced german beer. No sir. I'll move out if I've enough money.
GhaleonEB said:We'll see. They're obviously teasing something. But to recap:
The admin over at Waypoint specifies no new armor in the Defiant Map Pack.
That post is linked on, to clarify that no new armor is in the Defiant Map Pack.
Users say that 'theory' is busted by linking to pic showing the mystery armor.
I find the exchange utterly hilarious.
That said, I think it was unwise to tease something like that and not deliver or clarify it at all.