The Real Napsta
You mean like all the new TU gametypes and the ZB gametypes?I'd like to see them experiment with this setting outside of the Arena in other playlists. Then again, I'd like 343 to actually ship a new Reach gametype.
You mean like all the new TU gametypes and the ZB gametypes?I'd like to see them experiment with this setting outside of the Arena in other playlists. Then again, I'd like 343 to actually ship a new Reach gametype.
I'd like to see them experiment with this setting outside of the Arena in other playlists. Then again, I'd like 343 to actually ship a new Reach gametype.
Zero bloom isn't a new gametype?
If I was pushed to consider it - no. It's just a gametype that modifies General Player Traits parameters for us because they didn't take the time to add them to the menu UI.
I mean a gametype with new function. Modifying the Reach Magnum to act like the H1P and then holding back the gametype with it for 2 months for marketing purposes and then only having it in playlists that require you to either buy 15$ of DLC or a 40$ game to enter is some Halo Wars Strategic Options type stuff going down. And even at that point, it's mostly just a new weapon setup. Changing the loadouts on Capture the Flag doesn't qualify it as a new gametype either.
Give us a gametype with seperable CTF cap and spawn zones, give us a CTF game with Invasion spawns, give us an Bomb Tag game where touching people with the bomb attaches it to them and they have to tag another person to get it off before it explodes, give us an Invasion variant that can be used on Forge World that supports the core reset volumes, give us an Invasion variant that can do a Slayer phase, give us a Territories gametype that drops materiel when a territory is capped, or gametypes like this and many others that the community has thought up but can't do even with the options we have.
As it is, they won't even give us variations on the TU tweaks. The TU Beta is not used as a beta but more of a Preview, because the settings in the Beta playlist were same settings in the rest of matchmaking lists that had TU settings. They talked about how they had all this dials and knobs and levers and we can't even get a chance to experiment with settings outside of 85%. They continue to avoid questions on if bleedthrough has to be packaged with 85% Bloom or not. Beta playlists should be experimental and adventurous, not played safe.
Put it in a small arena style pit, and this could be very fun!
TBH, I expected, with the new powerfull gametype editor Bungie had, to see crazy game types like the bolded to be part of the action sack playlist, but what we have (as others have said) seems more limited than the halo 3 interation.
I think we have too many hoppers right now, but I do agree that more variation in Action Sack or the CTF options in Objective could add more draw and excitement to the game.
But I think people touched on it a couple days ago but H3 is suffering greatly from too many playlists and it seems like 3 has a FRACTION of what Reach does. For the people who hang back in Reach after for comes out (see: LOL) how much more drastically is that going to affect them?
No worries, let's do this:Nothing personal Duncan, but you've invited a ripping and I'm happy to try. =)
You ranking of the reasons why people quit is just total guesswork, you don't have the faintest idea why people actually quit the game and the attempt to rank the reasons is just silly. Even going by anecdotal evidence the ranking is bizarre. You don't even attempt to explain why you think one reason is more likely than the other. I honestly think half of that list is irrelevant.
I feel like players would pick it up pretty quickly, although I must admit it would have to be presented differently to work well for colorblind users.The whole voting "solution" you put forward is a complicated mess and solves a problem that barely even exists. Saying that 343/Bungie could make the complicated mess look nice is irrelevant as it's a flawed idea. You'd need to explain how the system worked to players and even then some just wouldn't understand it. It asks many times more of a player than the existing system (choose your favourite selection versus rank four selections individually). As has already been stated, a blind vote would improve things and little else should be done. If it's broke, don't fix it. And certainly don't add on a heap of useless crap for no reason.
A quote:Your surrender idea is poorly thought through and open to abuse. Any possible surrender option would need to be carefully considered and implemented but your proposed "solutions" could easily be exploited. Winning teams would be constantly and consistently denied a victory if given your ideas any merit and it shit up matchmaking altogether. It takes just one quitter on a team and the whole then is abused to hell and back.
A surrender option may actually be good idea and it's one the community has been floating for a very long time but not your proposed idea.
If someone is really angry about being betrayed I don't think they'll mind holding a button for two seconds. It's a built-in cooldown time to make them think "Do I really want to punish this person or should I just hit Forgive?"Your booting idea; again a "solution" to a problem that doesn't or barely exists. It is flawed and would actually make the situation worse.
Firstly, you are punishing the "victim" player for wanting to boot a player more than forgive them. You force them to read multiple walls of text and hold buttons for seconds versus a quick button press. This eats into gameplay time and removes the player from control during the game, which could lead to more griefing too. To add insult to injury, even if a "victim" jumps through all of your proposed silly hoops, the offending player isn't even booted. Nope, because you've introduced a system wide upon to abuse that rewards dicks and punishes their victims: the three strikes system. So some tosspot can dick around until the final strike causing even more grief than they could under the existing system. to forget that you've decided to toss all the information towards one player and not the other. The griefer would need to have the consequences of his actions explained, particularly under the three strikes system otherwise its even more a useless deterrent if the offending player doesn't even understand it.
Your idea is flawed, broken and just makes a mess of everything all the while it would make it worse.
Some players care about credits. Certainly not everyone (and I state as such in the article) but I even see people on HaloGAF complaining about challenge payouts, jackpots, etc.The credit "punishment" idea wouldn't work. Credits can always be earned. No one could possibly care about losing a few hundred or thousand credits. It's a horrible punishment which lacks more balls than Reach's already defanged "punishment" system and is even more likely not to work.
Hmm, it wasn't my intention to claim credit for all of these ideas. I was just trying to spread them around a bit more and throw together some pretty pictures to go with them. I'll add in a sentence explaining this.And time out? Again, a nice idea that's been floated around a ton in the community.
Your original ideas lack substance. Your foundations are based on flawed guesswork and your best ideas are stolen from the community. If your original ideas were actually implemented, macthmaking would be a joke, winners would be punished more than losers, assholes would increasingly make games unplayable. But the quit rates might just decline because the majority of what's left of Halo's population would quit the game for good and you'd be left with a small bunch of asshole trading shitty experiences with one another.
Well, they were refreshing with new gametypes up until the transition. The plan was to keep the fun/popular action sack gametypes in, then drop the less voted for / unpopular ones out and replace them with new ones, according to Jeremiah on Optimatch.
FyreWulff said:I'm just going to say, look at how succesful CoD is with no multiplayer achievements whatsoever, and apply this lesson and stop saddling the Halo playerbases with multiplayer achievements. Especially those last round of achievements, which are so esoteric and picky that they practically beg people to boost them out.
- Are there even enough gametype and map combinations to do that?The problem there is not with the voting system, but the choices. There shouldn't be duplicate gametypes or maps in the choices.
Sorry for the Wall o' Text, HaloGAF.
Yep, guesswork based on my personal experience. What other reasons would there be for quitting? I'm curious. The ranking was more for clarity purposes so I could refer to the numbers in the next paragraph.
I feel like players would pick it up pretty quickly, although I must admit it would have to be presented differently to work well for colorblind users.
I think this system is harder to explain through text and pictures than it would be to just pick up and use. You have sliders that let you upvote and downvote, sometimes the sliders won't move after you've made a few decisions. I can understand the argument that it's visually crowded, but I don't think players would be terribly confused after trying it out.
A blind vote with Reach's current system would only makes things worse:[/spoiler]
BTB (8v8) voting round:
2-flag CTF on Ridgeline1-flag CTF on Headlong5 votesNeutral Assault on Timberlands5 votes6 votes
No it wouldn't. It would make things fairer by removing the "peer" pressure vote.
Also, you've given a silly example, but the one above here is much more realistic and the truth is people rarely quite because they voting didn't turn out the way they expected. It's a non-issue and not something that needs an overhaul of the voting to "fix".
An unlikely scenario, but it's just for example purposes. Ten people wanted to play CTF, but because they split their vote they're stuck playing something else.
You really think people are too stupid to know how voting works? You example assumes that those ten people are idiots.
A quote:
"Games that end due to surrender will still count as a win or loss, the same as any other game, except with a reduced Game Complete credit payout for everyone involved."
Winning teams aren't being denied victory, just a few credits because the terribly lopsided game ended early. I should have explained the credit penalty a little more. It's not a big deal.
If my team is losing, isn't it better for my team to engineer a surrender and have it over with quickly? That's the problem with an easy way out option, it is open to abuse and you've done little to address the easy avenue for abuse this option brings.
Normal Game Complete payout for winners: 1000 cR
Surrender Game Complete payout for winners: 800 cR
Normal Game Complete payout for losers: 800 cR
Surrender Game Complete payout for losers: 500 cR
(I'm of the opinion that Game Complete should not scale as you rank up. Just scale the amount of credits required to earn the next rank, that way a 2000 cR challenge has the same value for all players relative to how many credits you earn in a single game.)
With small variances between winning and losing, why would anyone care to win or lose for CR in the first place? If you going to try the carrot and stick method, how about making the incentive actually mean something? A difference of 300 cR is laughable and meaningless.
If someone is really angry about being betrayed I don't think they'll mind holding a button for two seconds. It's a built-in cooldown time to make them think "Do I really want to punish this person or should I just hit Forgive?"
Yeah how about you imagine that really, really annoyed person. He puts up with a tosspot for a few minutes waiting for him to slip up and betray him so he can boot him. After messing around multiple team members by shooting them in the back during firefights, one of his grenades finally kills you. Revenge time. Up pops the Duncan message. Yep, yep, whatever I'm happy to punish the guy. Oh shit, I've respawned but I', still stuck in this punish screen. Ah well, it will be worth it. Crap, I died, but oh well, I punished him and I'm back in the game now. Wait, why wasn't he booted? Shit, I should have read some of text wall but I was too pissed to care. Crap, he screwing over the team again. More tosspottery. Finally, a second a chance, I can boot him this time. Yup, yup, wait wait. Respawn, wait. It'll be worth it. What? I choose to punish him for a second time. He's still there.
You know what, fuck it. I'm just going to quit.
Your suggestion "solution" doesn't solve anything and punishes the people you'd supposed to be trying to help.
Booting on the first betrayal is ridiculous. One betrayal could very well be an accident, even if the victim doesn't feel that way.
The tosspots could only betray one person every five minutes, and that's if they don't have any previous strikes. Otherwise they can only betray once every 10 minutes. All while sitting through unusually long respawn times. I don't think that's game-breaking.
See above. The current system is fine. It could be improved by the system is trying to intelligently determine whether friendly fire is accidental or not. That's why I have so many betrayls yet so little actual boots against me. I can be clumsy but the system rarely punishes me for an accidental stray shot or two.
It can happen - the current system is not perfect. It simply needs refinement, not replacement. And again, your solution would do more harm than good.
Some players care about credits. Certainly not everyone (and I state as such in the article) but I even see people on HaloGAF complaining about challenge payouts, jackpots, etc.
I agree but how could you or I possibly be in position to say x amount of Credits would affect the overall MM population? Ranks had a bigger impact in Halo 3.....
Remind me again what Reach's punishment system is...?
Reach's quitting punishment system is a joke. You don't get the credits you earned during the match - no one ones. That's it. Excessive quitting forces a temporary timed ban. Oh no. The truth is Reach doesn't even inform the player that they will be punished. And the punishment itself is a joke. There's nothing to fear and nothing to lose. And after a few months of playing Reach, there's little incentive to stay in the game at all, Credits lose their appeal the longer you play and Reach's rank is utterly devoid of value and meaning.
To address the problem of quitting in Reach, they need to signal to the player that quitting even has consequences. It's mind boggling how Halo 3 had this but Reach doesn't. And secondly, you need both a strong carrot and a strong stick. Reach has neither.
Wasn't there supposed to be a playlist where they removed reticule bloom & negated shield defense when getting headshots?
Is that in the Anniversary playlist only?
That's why there were people clamoring for new maps, even if they had just been Forge World. Boneyard and Spire just aren't BTB material, even if they're jammed down our throats as one. Bungie's first mistake was making an Invasion area and built it as a BTB map afterwards, rather than making a straight BTB map, and turning it into Invasion. Now instead of getting bad Forge variants, you'll get straight up horse manure in Spire/Boneyard. The change to this setting doesn't really solve any issues, at all.We have a bigger problem now, these maps are actually BAD, I'll go into further detail later but anyone who has played one sided gametypes on Spire has seen the real face of madness.
They are introducing Heavy variants now (hopefully Slayer, 2 Flag and Assault gametypes will show up) so it would be nice if they also looked for "fixed" versions of these maps.
5. Outside/real-world causes. (e.g. connection drops, house fire, spouse unplugs Xbox)
This is real, biggest reason for quitters.
I'd like to see some stats on that one, because I doubt it's the #1 reason people quit while playing Halo MP.
Undoubtedly every multiplayer game has to deal with it, etc. but for Halo in particular, I'd say people quit more often because they aren't having fun (due to uneven teams) than because of real world problems.
Uneven teams? What cause the first person to quit to create the uneven teams? I doubt we'll have definitive answers to these things any time soon. =/
One thing though, Reach is plagued with quitters. Much, much more so than Halo 3. Why? I could offer up many possible reasons. I just hope Halo 4 doesn't suffer from Reach's quitting problems. I mean Reach specifically. Reach has more players quitting per match and more players leaving Reach entirely and sooner, than Halo 3 did.
No amount of system adjusting is going to bring players back when they swap out the Reach disc for the last time.
Ninja Edit: "I'd guess aFair enough, I don't think you should have ranked them in the first place.
"The skill-based matchmaking algorithm needs to be improved to reduce the number of games with uneven team skills." (paraphrasing)2. Uneven team skills. (Losing by a large margin.)
This is one of the biggest issues yet you instantly shy away from discussing it. Why?
True, but I'd rather not have bots in Halo. They take too much development time and I'd rather that be spent on finding a way to keep humans playing the game.5. Outside/real-world causes. (e.g. connection drops, house fire, spouse unplugs Xbox)
This is real, biggest reason for quitters. It's the reason why every multiplayer game ever, anywhere, on any format, will have quitters. It is the most consistent and persistent issue and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
Well, you could always do something to mitigate it. Like bots or AI or other such handicaps or aids. But you don't even bother going near this point either.
Yes, that's a more realistic example. I was being silly to drive home the frustration of seeing your last choice, your most detested one, being picked over your second choice.BTB (8v8) voting round:
2-flag CTF on Ridgeline1-flag CTF on Headlong5 votesNeutral Assault on Timberlands5 votes6 votes
No it wouldn't. It would make things fairer by removing the "peer" pressure vote.
Also, you've given a silly example, but the one above here is much more realistic and the truth is people rarely quite because they voting didn't turn out the way they expected. It's a non-issue and not something that needs an overhaul of the voting to "fix".
You really think people are too stupid to know how voting works? You example assumes that those ten people are idiots.
Yep. If your team wants to end the game early I say let them do it. The faster you can get into a close, enjoyable game of Halo the better.If my team is losing, isn't it better for my team to engineer a surrender and have it over with quickly? That's the problem with an easy way out option, it is open to abuse and you've done little to address the easy avenue for abuse this option brings.
*sigh* Look at the other side of the equation. You have the rocket launcher and you're playing nice but your teammate decides to be a tosspot. He deliberately steps in front of you as you're firing and gets killed. In default Reach, you're instantly booted. In the system I'm describing you have Strike One. Annoying? Yes, but at least you're still in the game.Yeah how about you imagine that really, really annoyed person. He puts up with a tosspot for a few minutes waiting for him to slip up and betray him so he can boot him. After messing around multiple team members by shooting them in the back during firefights, one of his grenades finally kills you. Revenge time. Up pops the Duncan message. Yep, yep, whatever I'm happy to punish the guy. Oh shit, I've respawned but I', still stuck in this punish screen. Ah well, it will be worth it. Crap, I died, but oh well, I punished him and I'm back in the game now. Wait, why wasn't he booted? Shit, I should have read some of text wall but I was too pissed to care. Crap, he screwing over the team again. More tosspottery. Finally, a second a chance, I can boot him this time. Yup, yup, wait wait. Respawn, wait. It'll be worth it. What? I choose to punish him for a second time. He's still there.
You know what, fuck it. I'm just going to quit.
Your suggestion "solution" doesn't solve anything and punishes the people you'd supposed to be trying to help.
I don't trust the Xbox to determine a betrayer's intentions. Maybe you're lucky - I've been booted plenty of times where it was an honest mistake. On the flipside, I've been intentionally and maliciously betrayed many, many times without getting the option to boot a player. Anecdotal evidence, but oh well.See above. The current system is fine. It could be improved by the system is trying to intelligently determine whether friendly fire is accidental or not. That's why I have so many betrayls yet so little actual boots against me. I can be clumsy but the system rarely punishes me for an accidental stray shot or two.
It can happen - the current system is not perfect. It simply needs refinement, not replacement. And again, your solution would do more harm than good.
Exactly.Reach's quitting punishment system is a joke.
2 Flag Slayer :|They only way this could be true would be if the individual playlists would trying to cater to multiple niches at once.
For variety, sure. Practically, though, I would rather they dedicate whatever resources they'd use to make that gametype to fixing the weightings of the existing gametypes in the playlist and improving the gametype/map variants that are already there (can we please get a decent remake of Sanctuary already and throw Asylum in the garbage?). The variety then comes from better DLC integration in the 'hardcore' playlists and the occasional novel gametype showing up due to relatively low weighting. With something like Objective, the new gametypes have been pretty soundly rejected so far, and there was such an emphasis on them that the core experience was left by the wayside. I'd rather they establish a good base of normal gametypes, as boring as that may sound, before branching out in a risky venture to create something that may not end up being particularly good. Like Headhunter. Or asymmetric Stockpile.I think we have too many hoppers right now, but I do agree that more variation in Action Sack or the CTF options in Objective could add more draw and excitement to the game.
For variety, sure. Practically, though, I would rather they dedicate whatever resources they'd use to make that gametype to fixing the weightings of the existing gametypes in the playlist and improving the gametype/map variants that are already there (can we please get a decent remake of Sanctuary already and throw Asylum in the garbage?). The variety then comes from better DLC integration in the 'hardcore' playlists and the occasional novel gametype showing up due to relatively low weighting. With something like Objective, the new gametypes have been pretty soundly rejected so far, and there was such an emphasis on them that the core experience was left by the wayside. I'd rather they establish a good base of normal gametypes, as boring as that may sound, before branching out in a risky venture to create something that may not end up being particularly good. Like Headhunter. Or asymmetric Stockpile.
I don't really get Action Sack, so I don't think I'm qualified to comment on that.
As some community members have pointed out, [Time-Out] is pretty harsh on people who get dropped due to an internet hiccup. One solution for this would be to allow you to rejoin a game you left if youve reconnected to Xbox Live and the game is still in progress. This could be done from the Matchmaking menu or through your Recent Players menu. Also, keep in mind that Time-Out only applies when you quit a team-enabled matchmaking game. Quitting a Lone Wolves match to go join a party in Team Slayer will still have credit penalties, but you wont be locked out of matchmaking because you didnt have teammates to leave at a disadvantage.
I guess you missed the basically part in my post. Reading comprehension. Now class really is dismissed.Sounds like somebody needs more practice. Watch and learn.
Learn to use it before you abuse it. Class dismissed.
I guess you missed the basically part in my post. Reading comprehension. Now class really is dismissed.
Also, I really love how whenever I criticize the nerf of the grenade launcher the only responses are "You suck get better fucking noob." I'm not bad with the grenade launcher. It just isn't as useful.
Uneven teams? What cause the first person to quit to create the uneven teams? I doubt we'll have definitive answers to these things any time soon. =/
One thing though, Reach is plagued with quitters. Much, much more so than Halo 3. Why? I could offer up many possible reasons. I just hope Halo 4 doesn't suffer from Reach's quitting problems. I mean Reach specifically. Reach has more players quitting per match and more players leaving Reach entirely and sooner, than Halo 3 did.
No amount of system adjusting is going to bring players back when they swap out the Reach disc for the last time.
I think 'uneven' here means not just numbers on the team... but ability. (This is by FAR the more common reason *I've* seen for people quitting. Someone gets to a 1.0 K/D in the game, quits out. Or the team is down 15 points, someone quits out. And so on.Uneven teams? What cause the first person to quit to create the uneven teams? I doubt we'll have definitive answers to these things any time soon. =/
I'd love to see stats on this - I don't believe this is the case. (It's been well over a year since I played Halo 3 regularly, but my RECOLLECTION is that there were just as many quitters there as I see now in Reach.)One thing though, Reach is plagued with quitters. Much, much more so than Halo 3.
I can remember this happening to me ONCE, in all my games of Reach multiplayer. (It's far, far, FAR more likely that someone steps in the way accidentally.) There just aren't a lot of people being tosspots, relative to the total number I've played with. I've been booted for accidental betrayals (well, ANY betrayals) maybe a dozen times, total, in more than 3000 matchmaking games. It's just not a real problem.*sigh* Look at the other side of the equation. You have the rocket launcher and you're playing nice but your teammate decides to be a tosspot. He deliberately steps in front of you as you're firing and gets killed. In default Reach, you're instantly booted. In the system I'm describing you have Strike One. Annoying? Yes, but at least you're still in the game.
re: dismissed classses
School's out for summer
School's out
I'd love to see stats on this - I don't believe this is the case. (It's been well over a year since I played Halo 3 regularly, but my RECOLLECTION is that there were just as many quitters there as I see now in Reach.)
Just sent in my resume/application for a position at Bungie. Wish me luck.![]()
With Reach, I don't feel like I lose due to skill as often. Rather, I find myself blaming the game, and more specifically what I scientifically call, bullshit
2,310 Halo 3 ranked/social games, -216 EXP in penalties (quits), which equals to roughly 11% of your career;dr version: make a better, more fair game, and people won't quit as often.
Bullshit deaths.I feel the exact same way. That god damn bullshit factor.
Bullshit deaths.
Halo MP 2007-present day
As an aside, any Halo schtuff collectors, worth getting this signed by Bungie/MS employees for my own personal collection, or is it pretty much like getting a normal box signed?
I didn't change the label in any way, it just came like that.
Curious, what position did you apply for?Just sent in my resume/application for a position at Bungie. Wish me luck.![]()
There weren't any bullshit deaths in Halo 2? What, so modders, stand-byers don't count?
.And there were actual cheaters in Halo 2.
Watching streams of the Pit and stuff really makes me wish you could actually jump onto things in most of Reach. The depth of play in the pit really makes a lot of other maps seem really shallow.
Also, we should really kick asylum to the curb and get the other remake of Sanctuary in there.
According to Jeremiah, we can't get the good Sanctuary because of split screen perf. As if Asylum is any better...
Wow, seriously?
Zooming on Asylum in certain places still gives me mad framerate hiccups solo.
Why can't we have the Pit then? Same reasoning? There are already plenty of other way worse forgeworld maps in rotation.
Wow, seriously?
Zooming on Asylum in certain places still gives me mad framerate hiccups solo.
Why can't we have the Pit then? Same reasoning? There are already plenty of other way worse forgeworld maps in rotation.
That's because you get framerate drops from the blank canvas of The Quarry. I never would have believed that Forgeworld would be worse than Sandbox, despite all of the 'advancements' in Reach's Forge. I hope the next Halo takes a new approach to Forge; building blocks are for infants.Wow, seriously?
Zooming on Asylum in certain places still gives me mad framerate hiccups solo.
Why can't we have the Pit then? Same reasoning? There are already plenty of other way worse forgeworld maps in rotation.
Yeah because Asylum has very little actual forge pieces, its better in 4-way split than any of the Sanctuary maps that I've seen (sent him a few last year and that's what Jeremiah told me).