In the latest BWU, it gives overviews of all of the revealed AAs. Sprint's says: "Sprint is Spartan only." None of the other abilities save Evade explicitly restrict race. Therefore, it would be logical to infer that the others are for both.dslgunstar said:Does anyone have a link to confirmation of this fact.
That's really disappointing if true. Asymmetry does imply imbalance, but you can still try and make things as close to balanced as possible. More over, by giving Elites one kind of advantage (perpetual strengths like better health, shields, foot speed) and Spartans another (armor abilities that give them unique strategic advantages), you encourage two completely different types of play for each species, which would add depth and variety.
As to trying to balance asymmetry, Sage said essentially "Bungie tried that with elites in Halos 2 and 3. It didn't work. Now we're embracing change." Good. Separate but equal doesn't work. In Halo: Reach, the Covenant wins. Given infinite time in a game of Invasion, surely the Elites would be victorious. But it will be about defending objectives for as long as humanly possible before needing to fall back again. My hope is that score of Invasion will have to do with the number of objectives taken/destroyed, combined with the time taken to do these. Hopefully, there won't be a tie, because two separate teams will have different amounts of success. If both teams can take two objectives, one team killed more than the other. They should win. Or if that were equal, the team that captured the objectives the fastest should win. If I were designing gametypes, there would never be a tie. In a tie, nobody wins.
Also @ squid: My guess is that would be a terrible tactic. It will take down the enemy's shield with the EMP, but they won't be dead. Additionally, during that camp time you wouldn't be able to shoot or change weapons, what with the holding down the trigger bit. Melees to be seen. You'd be camping with a shotgun, but you wouldn't be able to kill in one shot. I'd rather just shill in a corner, if anything.