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Halo TV Series | Discussion

I would honestly be (pleasantly) surprised if Makee is not present in S2 in some form. Her consciousness was "in" The Halo (or maybe The Domain?) when she was "disconnected" from it, so they could just say her soul is intact and all they need is a vessel for it.

Dr. Claus

I would honestly be (pleasantly) surprised if Makee is not present in S2 in some form. Her consciousness was "in" The Halo (or maybe The Domain?) when she was "disconnected" from it, so they could just say her soul is intact and all they need is a vessel for it.

I would be pleasantly surprised if they cancelled this series and pretend it never happened.
Episode 9: good, but not much
- while episode 1 and 5 have Halo scenes, this was a very Halo episode
- nice twist with Halsey
- bad ending with Halsey. I mean, it doesn't add nothing what she says
- why they still keep taking their helmets off? They could while they're together in a comfy place, like the ship, but not to confront Halsey, dumb director
- if Cortana could control the ship, why she takes too long to do it?

Overall season: weak
Who approved this should be fired. It's too amateur in direction. Has a lazy writing with lot's and lot's of cliches. There's too little from the games and too much from soap operas - romance and sex with Master Chieff?! Bitch, no. Where the fuck is Sargent Johnson? and WHY THE FUCK DO THEY TAKE THEIR HELMETS ALL THE TIME? I'm sure even a prostitute takes more time to undress

Why not control the Pelican from the start? Because they were using a stealth approach! Bringing in a Pelican and just start blasting shit doesn't fit such an approach, having zero idea what they're headed into. And once their cover was blown, why not immediately bring in the Pelican? Because then we don't get the badass stealth infiltration followed by the big action sequence focused on Silver Team. In any series or movie, things MUST happen as they do for plot convenience or to serve the story they're telling.

Take this famous and badass scene here from Game of Thrones. If the type of nitpicking that people are using to criticize Halo is applied here as well, we could say here stands Jon Snow, the leader of that whole army who has come to take back Winterfell, out front with zero protection nearby. They could have ended him right here.

Come At Me Bring It GIF by Game of Thrones

Ramsay had men with a large number of bow and arrows ready and pointed in his direction. Ramsay has shown himself also to be an expert with a bow and arrow. Why not have his archers fire off a bunch of arrows towards Jon Snow after he gets knocked off his horse, and using that distraction of all those arrows flying towards Jon Snow, Ramsay places one arrow right in the middle of his heart, killing the leader of the opposition army instantly and dealing the enemy a massive blow? We know Ramsay is fully capable of doing so! After all, he only literally just did it from a much further distance to kill Jon's brother right before his very eyes! Terrible writing!? No, plot convenience!

I can find nitpicks and myriad issues in even the very best Marvel films. This isn't at any one person in particular even though I'm responding to your post, I'm just speaking generally. Those scripts from the marvel films aren't, for example, somehow head and shoulders above what has been shown in the Halo series. Far from it, in fact. But what do we do with Marvel movies? People just relax and enjoy the ride. No way Home wasn't as big a deal as it was hyped up to be, and it isn't even close to being the best Tom Holland Spider-Man movie. I enjoyed it thoroughly all the same for the nostalgia and fanservice.

Take Dr. Strange, one of my favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe origin movies by far. With as powerful as the Sorcerer Supreme demonstrated herself to be, she could have killed Kaecilius whenever she wished. Kaecilius instead of toying with Dr. Strange, could have killed him whenever he wanted to. Dr. Strange traps Kaecilius in that restraint and then doesn't kill him. He instead has a conversation.

All things that don't make sense if you really want to pull at the strings, but you accept it for story reasons. Kaecilius' dark disciple pierces Strange through his chest, decides to toss him down the stairs and slowly walks after him instead of finishing him right there on the spot at the top of the stairs. The Disciple also doesn't free Kaecilius immediately when he seemingly easily could have, putting Dr. Strange in an impossible to win 2 vs 1 situation as opposed to a one on one inside a hospital room via the astral plane.

Take Infinity War, somehow the Hulk couldn't/wouldn't go Hulk anymore. Plot convenience. Thor didn't aim for Thanos' head. And it goes on and on.

The show addressed very important plot threads in the first season, and I feel will only get better and better in a second season and beyond having done this important world and character building. Silver Team is awesome. Captain Keyes, Miranda, Halsey, Parangosky, Soren, it's all been great. People hate Kwan's arc, but I don't because I understand how important developing other characters are, even if we don't always agree right away with why they're important.
Enjoyed that final episode alot more than the penultimate one. It still feels slightly rushed.

I don't care for the first person shooter bits but understand the temptation to do it.

What I love is now a shit ton of important work is out of the way. A strong foundation has been laid with legitimately solid characters. That's the hardest task by far when doing these things. I was super skeptical about Silver Team and whether they would grow on me or not. I now like them as much as I like Blue Team. Very strong chemistry and dynamic between them all. Kai especially is very well done. Vannak and Riz's characters are also pretty solid. Keyes has knocked it out of the park for me. I remember the initial hubbub over the casting, but this guy is really up to the task and has knocked his portrayal of Captain Keyes out of the park for me.

Miranda.. could she be anymore perfect? I had some nerves about her, but she has emerged as one of the stars of this first season for me. Halsey.. again, the woman was born to play Halsey. She has been terrific. Parangosky.. now this was a VERY, VERY big one for me. They had to nail this woman to a t, and I couldn't be any happier with the results. Especially that little motivation speech she gave Chief right before he head out on the mission. That was a solid touch. Bokeem Woodbine is one of my favorite actors ever, he plays Soren, and I've thoroughly enjoyed his role as Soren in this series. Yes, I even liked the Kwan parts. Not because I like seeing her anywhere near as much as Chief, but because I know that even the character or story arcs that are much less interesting or entertaining right now, are ultimately vital building blocks to help establish the believability of the universe. As such, Makee's role was also very important.

Imagine this first season, and remove all of Kwan's parts after the first episode. What you would have left is a Halo Universe that feels a whole lot smaller and a lot less convincing. And as is usual with these things, everything is going to get better, action, CG work, set designs, overall production. Not because of more money, but because they will have more experience and existing work from which to build from. I'm bummed I'll have a wait before the second season, but I feel good about this thing.

And you know they're going to end up established Arbiter aka Thel 'Vadam, possibly beginning in the next season, and I expect him to be crazy badass. He had very important roles in Reach's destruction as well as Madrigal's. Also, we've yet to see the Spartans take on Hunters.

Also, that Phantom Makee used to get to that planet will almost certainly have some record of its whereabouts and from where she flew it. So that already establishes a possible means of how Reach starts to see its first Covenant activity.
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Gold Member
Finale was pretty good aside from some less than great VFX.
+ MC leading a group of spartans into battle, the show needed WAY more of this
+ NO Kwan which was nice. Couldn't be a reaction to the negative feedback so I guess they just realized mid production that that storyline/character was crap
+ MC and Cortana on friendly terms and working together
+ Didn't see the Halsey thing coming

- The big fight scene looked pretty bad. Some very obvious bad CG and fake background and full 3D doubles
- The Makee storyline felt rushed. She went from an evil spy to a MC Fangirl back to a Covenant agent and then dead way too quickly
-At lest keep your fucking helmet on during action scenes !!!!!

Overall I think the season was like a 6/10,
Kwan/Madrigal really went a long way towards ruining things. Not only because that storyline itself was bad, but also because they wasted a lot of screen time on it when they could have used it to develop some of the character arcs and relationships of the core story which ended up feeling rushed.


The biggest bummer I had about this series was they didn’t even get to halo. This series was shit when chief wasn’t in it. Pretty much everyone agrees to that. Get chief on halo, get the story going, let chief be chief. Makes me afraid they don’t have the budget to actually do the halo part of the story.


Finale was pretty good aside from some less than great VFX.
+ MC leading a group of spartans into battle, the show needed WAY more of this
+ NO Kwan which was nice. Couldn't be a reaction to the negative feedback so I guess they just realized mid production that that storyline/character was crap
+ MC and Cortana on friendly terms and working together
+ Didn't see the Halsey thing coming

- The big fight scene looked pretty bad. Some very obvious bad CG and fake background and full 3D doubles
- The Makee storyline felt rushed. She went from an evil spy to a MC Fangirl back to a Covenant agent and then dead way too quickly
-At lest keep your fucking helmet on during action scenes !!!!!

Overall I think the season was like a 6/10,
Kwan/Madrigal really went a long way towards ruining things. Not only because that storyline itself was bad, but also because they wasted a lot of screen time on it when they could have used it to develop some of the character arcs and relationships of the core story which ended up feeling rushed.
The Halsey thing surprised me too,I think it was the only thing on this show that made me say "shit,now this is interesting"

Spot on with the Kwan/Madrigal,very rushed,very lazy writing,the mystics or what the hell were those,just appeared out of nowhere,visions,destinies and that`s it.
The biggest bummer I had about this series was they didn’t even get to halo. This series was shit when chief wasn’t in it. Pretty much everyone agrees to that. Get chief on halo, get the story going, let chief be chief. Makes me afraid they don’t have the budget to actually do the halo part of the story.

That's the last thing you want to do, throwing viewers into the Halo immediately. This isn't a videogame. The first thing you do is establish the Halo universe BEFORE they ever find Halo. That's precisely what Halo Reach does. That's basically what this season did. It was an abbreviated retelling of Halo: The Fall of Reach, just with their own twists and turns while also very much focusing on the future of where the series is headed. You teach people what Spartans are, who the major players behind the program are, what was done to create Spartans, you establish the characters who will be playing major roles in the big things to come. You develop and establish the Master Chief as well as the Spartans who make up Silver Team. You show the internal politics of the UNSC and ONI. You show the Spartans in action, showcase how amazingly deadly they are. You establish and give viewers a taste of the covenant and what their motivation and goals are. You do all of this while also giving viewers a wider, all encompassing look at the Halo Universe, you give them a sense of life in the outer colonies as well. You let people see what the outer colonies think of the UNSC. All of this is very important. People seem to not like Kwan's story, but I did because I know how important it is for the series to show us that there's much more than the UNSC and the Spartans out there. This is important to do because often times Spartans will be needing to carry out missions on those same outer colonies. Clearly something big is set to go down on Madrigal, so not establishing it and giving people a taste of what things are like there, and who the people are, would be a tremendous mistake.

There is also a major secret on the planet clearly.

The Halo needed the build up it got this season. Its importance has been made tremendously clear. Just dropping the viewer on there wouldn't have had the same impact as what was done this season. I think the Halo is going to be a whole lot easier to realize in the show than some realize. I think they're gonna nail it.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
Why not control the Pelican from the start? Because they were using a stealth approach! Bringing in a Pelican and just start blasting shit doesn't fit such an approach, having zero idea what they're headed into. And once their cover was blown, why not immediately bring in the Pelican? Because then we don't get the badass stealth infiltration followed by the big action sequence focused on Silver Team. In any series or movie, things MUST happen as they do for plot convenience or to serve the story they're telling.
Did I say "from the start"?

Also, how many comparisons, dude... Geez. Don't mix up stuff. This show is not good, but has potential
Damn dude, you write defense blogs here like you're a shareholder of the show.

I've been paid handsomely, and I will get that check. If the mods thought I would hate this tag, they thought wrong. 😂

Don't suddenly go making it something worse now, because I genuinely like this one. Live From Reach mid-glassing, watching Noble 6 get the shit kicked outta him and still saying "I really think he has the Covenant right where he wants em guys, I wouldn't count him out!"

*Meanwhile Noble 6 is on the ground bleeding out*


That's the last thing you want to do, throwing viewers into the Halo immediately. This isn't a videogame. The first thing you do is establish the Halo universe BEFORE they ever find Halo. That's precisely what Halo Reach does. That's basically what this season did. It was an abbreviated retelling of Halo: The Fall of Reach, just with their own twists and turns while also very much focusing on the future of where the series is headed. You teach people what Spartans are, who the major players behind the program are, what was done to create Spartans, you establish the characters who will be playing major roles in the big things to come. You develop and establish the Master Chief as well as the Spartans who make up Silver Team. You show the internal politics of the UNSC and ONI. You show the Spartans in action, showcase how amazingly deadly they are. You establish and give viewers a taste of the covenant and what their motivation and goals are. You do all of this while also giving viewers a wider, all encompassing look at the Halo Universe, you give them a sense of life in the outer colonies as well. You let people see what the outer colonies think of the UNSC. All of this is very important. People seem to not like Kwan's story, but I did because I know how important it is for the series to show us that there's much more than the UNSC and the Spartans out there. This is important to do because often times Spartans will be needing to carry out missions on those same outer colonies. Clearly something big is set to go down on Madrigal, so not establishing it and giving people a taste of what things are like there, and who the people are, would be a tremendous mistake.

There is also a major secret on the planet clearly.

The Halo needed the build up it got this season. Its importance has been made tremendously clear. Just dropping the viewer on there wouldn't have had the same impact as what was done this season. I think the Halo is going to be a whole lot easier to realize in the show than some realize. I think they're gonna nail it.

Go back and look at your last responses. Youre literally defending everything that people don't like. I noticed a similar behavior in the Infinite thread.


Being a different universe isnt an excuse for lazy/shitty writing or complete character assassination in attempt to make change just for the sake of it.

Halo 5 had a better plot than this season and that campaign was a 4/10 *at best*

This is not like comparing marvel to mcu, the mcu at least has excellent writers/directors for their more pivotal movies. this is more like giving a beloved franchise to a group of people who have no idea why the series was so beloved in the first place. Like when toho gave the rights of godzilla to sony/tristar so they could make godzilla ‘98.
I think all the mcu movies after the first avengers movie have all been pretty shit.

The way thanos is written, now that's some shit tier writing.

I am however enjoying Halo a lot. There's some poor writing in places, but nothint I can't ignore.

The insignificant shit some people will get up in arms about though. Holy shit. Reach city is an issue? That's something to get upset about? Really?

As someone who's been playing Halo since it first came out over 20 years ago, who gives a shit?

Ulysses 31

I think all the mcu movies after the first avengers movie have all been pretty shit.

The way thanos is written, now that's some shit tier writing.
Which Thanos? Infinity War or Endgame one?

Endgame's one was butchered and I'd agree with you there. And let's forget the What If version... 👀
Go back and look at your last responses. Youre literally defending everything that people don't like. I noticed a similar behavior in the Infinite thread.

I'm disagreeing with, in my view, some silly or inaccurate takes that try way too hard to find any fault at all no matter how small, thus missing the forest for the trees or the larger picture. The worst offenders are the ones who say this isn't Halo, only to find that they don't seem to know much about Halo really AT ALL. One dude claimed the Chief was fighting two Spartans in his Pajamas, clearly not understanding how advanced that Mjolnir undersuit actually is. But the word Pajamas was literally in his alias, so he must have an affinity for them or something. :messenger_grinning_sweat: Other times my critiques are perfectly innocent and just me offering a different take. You say I defend everything people don't like, but I've seen a trend of people having to counter everything people like with something hyper negative. So that goes both ways. When you like something you're actually willing to engage and talk about stuff with people who point out what they perceive to be as mistakes.

Also, the last thing I need are tips on what's good and what isn't from some people who thought the Uncharted movie was so fantastic.


I'm disagreeing with, in my view, some silly or inaccurate takes that try way too hard to find any fault at all no matter how small, thus missing the forest for the trees or the larger picture. The worst offenders are the ones who say this isn't Halo, only to find that they don't seem to know much about Halo really AT ALL. One dude claimed the Chief was fighting two Spartans in his Pajamas, clearly not understanding how advanced that Mjolnir undersuit actually is. But the word Pajamas was literally in his alias, so he must have an affinity for them or something. :messenger_grinning_sweat: Other times my critiques are perfectly innocent and just me offering a different take. You say I defend everything people don't like, but I've seen a trend of people having to counter everything people like with something hyper negative. So that goes both ways. When you like something you're actually willing to engage and talk about stuff with people who point out what they perceive to be as mistakes.

Also, the last thing I need are tips on what's good and what isn't from some people who thought the Uncharted movie was so fantastic.

Thats fine, but you come off like a defender of all things halo. Just realized you were the same guy doing this in the Infinite thread. Oh well.
I think all the mcu movies after the first avengers movie have all been pretty shit.

The way thanos is written, now that's some shit tier writing.

I am however enjoying Halo a lot. There's some poor writing in places, but nothint I can't ignore.

The insignificant shit some people will get up in arms about though. Holy shit. Reach city is an issue? That's something to get upset about? Really?

As someone who's been playing Halo since it first came out over 20 years ago, who gives a shit?

The Office Reaction GIF

As if them saying "Reach City" changes anything remotely material about the scene! These are the types of silly nitpicks that drive me nuts. I was speaking to a friend who said though he enjoyed the last episode, his biggest complaint was, wait for it, where did those Brutes drop from up above? He kept saying it was bad writing cause they came out of nowhere and Cortana didn't detect them.

I said the moment Cortana was unable to detect all those hundreds of enemies for whatever reason, at that point that was a signal to viewers that all bets were off and anything could happen now. And I was like, even if they did show up out of nowhere, does it really matter where they came from? I simply said how was the scene with the brutes? Did he enjoy the scene and the fight? Said he loved it. So I was like, so then why the big hang up about the way they dropped in. This is Halo. You're gonna see some shit lol. But considering that was the biggest sticking point, I had to go back and look, and to my surprise... shit. The motherfuckers jumped right off the top of the structure lol. They must have been positioned inside and near the top the entire time.

Thats fine, but you come off like a defender of all things halo. Just realized you were the same guy doing this in the Infinite thread. Oh well.

I'm a hardcore Halo fan, guilty as charged. I genuinely love the story universe, and as such am obviously willing to give the TV series a great deal of deference, knowing how the storytelling tends to work in the books (the model they're actually following), so I went into this series with a completely open mind. I came into it not being resistant to whatever changes and twists they might make to tell THEIR Halo Universe story.






Have all the other books, too, but no time to dig them all out lol.


Which Thanos? Infinity War or Endgame one?

Endgame's one was butchered and I'd agree with you there. And let's forget the What If version... 👀
You're gonna live forever and your brilliant plan for those one time use stones is to kill half of all life.

Is he an idiot, or is it just the writers?

Without the avengers butting in he'd just be right back where he started eventually. It's a stupid plan. Absolute stupidity for a supposedly highly intelligent being who's been around forever.

That there? worse than anything in Halo.

Ulysses 31

You're gonna live forever and your brilliant plan for those one time use stones is to kill half of all life.
That a bit an uncharitable way of describing his goal, don't you think? He wasn't out to kill just for the sake of it.

In his mind he was trying to prevent what happened to his homeworld(?) happening to the rest of the universe(things falling into ruin and decay when there's many mouths to feed) and was seeking a balance. Now I ain't saying there's no holes to poke in his philosophy but he was consistent in his determination and actions towards achieving his goal. In Endgame he just went full villain mode without much consideration what drove him in IW.

We weren't show the full extent of the ruin that he witnessed of his homeworld but we can infer it left a deep impression on him and shaped his believes that what he's doing is ultimately for the "greater good". With that in mind, I can't just write him off as an idiot with just too much power(in IW at least).
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That a bit an uncharitable way of describing his goal, don't you think? He wasn't out to kill just for the sake of it.

In his mind he was trying to prevent what happened to his homeworld(?) happening to the rest of the universe(things falling into ruin and decay when there's many mouths to feed) and was seeking a balance. Now I ain't saying there's no holes to poke in his philosophy but he was consistent in his determination and actions towards achieving his goal. In Endgame he just went full villain mode without much consideration what drove him in IW.

We weren't show the full extent of the ruin that he witnessed of his homeworld but we can infer it left a deep impression on him and shaped his believes that what he's doing is ultimately for the "greater good". With that in mind, I can't just write him off as an idiot with just too much power(in IW at least).
Doesn't matter. It's a stupid idea that would fix nothing and eventually the universe would be right back where it was. Put simply, nothing he did had the power to prevent the shit from happening again.

A short sighted plan from an endless being.

Poor writing.

Permanently reducing fertility might not be as sexy, but would go much further to ensure the use of the stones actually had permanent effect.

Ulysses 31

Doesn't matter. It's a stupid idea that would fix nothing and eventually the universe would be right back where it was. Put simply, nothing he did had the power to prevent the shit from happening again.

A short sighted plan from an endless being.

Poor writing.

Permanently reducing fertility might not be as sexy, but would go much further to ensure the use of the stones actually had permanent effect.
It would've been interesting if an MCU character pointed out to him that he's just delaying the process and see what his response would've been. But who knows, him buying more time before the universe falls into ruin because there's too much life might've been good enough for him.

The process of repopulating the universe to pre-snap levels would no doubt have been a long one so I'm having trouble calling it short sighted.

The Thanos story is mostly lifted from the comics and the faults in the writing probably stem from that.

BTW Thanos destroying the stones is the Endgame one, the idiot one. Seems to me the IW Thanos would've kept the stones and use them again if life became too abundant(in his view) again in the universe.
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I heard alot about this TV series but didn't watch yet.

As I stare upon the covenant about to glass Reach, I stand here saying you should absolutely come visit Reach for yourself. Ignore all that Jazz about a hostile Alien race wiping us out. YOLO!

On a serious note, give it a shot, I think it's fantastic. Others disagree, that's fine also.
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Imagine being such a blind fanboy that you think the titanium bodysuit underlayer should be able to go toe to toe with two fully MJOLNIR-suited Spartans that are not pulling their punches.

Imagine being so invested in a show with terrible writing that you handwave away the fact that in the same episode Spartan Kai was immediately knocked out after taking two punches without their helmet (that they took off in the middle of a hostile situation), and yet Chief was able to take several full-force hits to the head (again without helmet) and still continued to resist.

Imagine not even having the balls to use my name when referencing my post.
One dude claimed the Chief was fighting two Spartans in his Pajamas, clearly not understanding how advanced that Mjolnir undersuit actually is. But the word Pajamas was literally in his alias, so he must have an affinity for them or something.
Hey kid, go fuck yourself.


So now that the series is done I may take a peek. How much wokeness and soap on a scale of 1 to 10 do I need to be prepared for?


Watched the first Ep. Rather enjoyable. The kids getting their legs blown off etc. was hilariously violent.

I played many Halo games, but always considered the lore cartoony with the wacky chipmunk noises the small enemies made was really off-putting so have nothing vested in the lore. Glad this is aiming at a mature audience.

See how it goes.
Watched the first Ep. Rather enjoyable. The kids getting their legs blown off etc. was hilariously violent.

I played many Halo games, but always considered the lore cartoony with the wacky chipmunk noises the small enemies made was really off-putting so have nothing vested in the lore. Glad this is aiming at a mature audience.

See how it goes.

Let us just say you're in for a ride.

Enjoyed the finale but it just still shows how messy the whole season was. Love how the final two eps basically completely ignored the Kwan storyline, like wtf it doesn't even connect like most folks expected? Did they just decide to write out that segment during the covid break? It just was really disjointed , yet it has so much promise at moments. It feels super sloppy, and can only hope season 2 can be more cohesive.


Im guessing season 2 will start with the covenant assault on reach, and will introduce noble team. Then the rest of the season will loosely follow the plot of the first halo game

Honestly, f*ck CBS for copyright claiming negative reviews on Youtube. Think of Angry Joe what you will, but strong-arming independent content creators into submission sucks.
It only tells me that CBS is well aware of the lousy quality of its own show.

From Trek to Halo, CBS has finally realized their inability to produce a decent show, so they started silencing critics instead.
Honestly, f*ck CBS for copyright claiming negative reviews on Youtube. Think of Angry Joe what you will, but strong-arming independent content creators into submission sucks.
It only tells me that CBS is well aware of the lousy quality of its own show.

From Trek to Halo, CBS has finally realized their inability to produce a decent show, so they started silencing critics instead.

Yep, totally shit ethics there. I expect nothing less from mega-corpos. We didn't see any copyright claims on positive reviews now did we? ....crickets.
Struggling to get past the 4th and it’s been weeks. Bland, soulless, c tier writing.
Honestly just watch a highlight reel on YouTube. You're not going to miss anything. If you do watch the episodes just fast forward to what you think are the good bits as they fly by. They're few and far between so your gut instinct will get you seeing the 5-10% of the show that is actually worth watching.
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