If they used their brains properly the helmet would never be removed. You've got to get the heads in the audience lubricated before you start shoving it down their throat. Thats helmet-game adaption 101.
I need to stop coming back to this thread, especially since my flatmate brought home a bottle of vodka shaped like a giant 7.62mm round and I was asked if I wanted "a bit", I agreed (I got up at 4:30pm today) and was poured about 150ml in a pint glass:
But now I've drank it all:
And then this thread is so fuckin horny, it may be time to make a vivastreet-sized mistake, probably don't follow my example, keep your helmets on lads! (Pours one out for my Jewish beratna)
Do you think she'll be annoyed/phased/aroused if I wear my Master Chief helmet during the act?