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HaloGAF |OT: Anniversary| So fades the great harvest of our betrayal.


Its a bit touchy feely in here yeah. Kinda wonder what provokes this "let's all hold hands and share stickers guys :3" outburst came from

Probably the Oddone


Are we having a discussion about what kind of language will be tolerated while playing video games or while posting on GAF? I could understand the latter... but the former?

Kids will be kids on live.


I was gonna bring up and names as examples, but that's not cool, but yeah some folks here we've both played with in the past have been rather liberal with such language.

The whole bk thing? It was more a failure of the system. Uneven matches, quitters, which leads to spawn killing and trapping, victory laps, etc. Funny? Sure, but it's more like take a shitty situation and making the best out of it. Games were best when the MM system worked. Close games, decent maps, no quitters, no BS. There was so much bad in Reach where shitty situations basically became the norm most nights.

I'm also sure the skill gap between myself and most other people I played with attracted a ton of lower skills players into your triple and overkill medals.
To be fair, everyone used that language back in the day and hardly anyone batted an eye. Same with calling people fags and gay. It was common place. I remember using them.

Gay and faggot have gone away over time. To be honest I think the only time I've ever seen someone called out for saying rape was HaloGAF.

I guess it worked because I try not to say it. Sometimes it slips through and it feels weird because I keep expecting to be called out for it.... Culture is a changing I suppose.

Also booooo, mics on always. I hated how party chat meant you couldn't talk to the enemy or even your other teammates. Loved hearing enemy reactions. Loved the trashtalk. shuddupbitch.avi. Bring back proximity chat pls.


Is Ghal gonna bring back HD 1080p 60FPS picture stories from Halo 3?

Should celebrate next gen by making them 60fps gifs

I'm going to miss doing those, but perhaps I'll keep them going with Destiny. (Going PS4 this gen; otherwise I'd be all over that MCC - looks awesome.)


I wish I could talk about Halo... Hell, I wish I could PLAY Halo. I have a damn xbox one staring me in the face every time I go home and I don't have shit to play on it.

I blame you Frank.

And while we're at it, Urk, DeeJ, Luke, Tashi, Jerpie, Jellis, Shishka, and zoojoo b/c man, I hate that guy.

Thanks a lot, you jerks.

*watches tv on xbox on tv on xbox*


Unconfirmed Member
I'd be happy with almost any of the Halo 2 BTB maps. There's so many good ones! I'm really pumped for H2A MP.
Oh man, you know what'd be awesome? If Waterworks Anniversary was a thing, yeah, stalactites would operate like usual. But if you shot the stalagmites, they'd fall up into the ceiling.


Oh man, you know what'd be awesome? If Waterworks Anniversary was a thing, yeah, stalactites would operate like usual. But if you shot the stalagmites, they'd fall up into the ceiling.

They could honestly leave waterwork interactive elements as is, but if they felt compelled to add something, perhaps something with the massive mining whatever thing at the center. I'd be down for another sightline blocker of some sort. Might help in the battle for retrieving the flag or bomb in the middle bridge in neutty gametypes


Waterworks would be so good!

I don't really see this happening, but I wonder if Microsoft would ever consider allowing those in party chat to have the option to hear in-game chatter as well and respond with some sort of d-pad PTT.

I play a lot of Dota 2 with a friend, and while we're always in a teamspeak channel together, we can still hear and talk to our teammates using in-game voice chat.

Oh man, you know what'd be awesome? If Waterworks Anniversary was a thing, yeah, stalactites would operate like usual. But if you shot the stalagmites, they'd fall up into the ceiling.


I'm in.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
To be fair, everyone used that language back in the day and hardly anyone batted an eye. Same with calling people fags and gay. It was common place. I remember using them.

Im no angel either, I've said a fair share of horrid things in the past without giving them much thought. Nobody is perfect. Thats why it's best not to call out specific folks for saying things - nobody has a perfect record, least of all me.
Hi HaloGAF, I'll use this wonderful post as my leaping off point.

Sub-Zero is right. What once flew on GAF no longer flies on GAF. Go back as few as five or six years, and you'll find people calling each other "gay" and "fag", but none of you would do that now, because you either have grown past it, or know you'll catch a ban.

In a very similar way, Halo GAF is going to be respectful to people who aren't young men. This includes, old people, women, transgendered members, etc.

If HaloGAF can't manage this without massive moderator intervention, then there will be massive moderator intervention.

So, given this, a couple of points:

1) This is not a locker room. Keep in mind that this thread, because it's focused on Halo -- an incredibly popular, mainstream game -- is going to have a higher percentage of non-young white dudes than much of the rest of the forum. Which means if you wouldn't say it in front of a mixed-race, mixed-gender crowd in real life, you probably shouldn't say it here.

2) Like all community threads, you are required to be inclusive to newcomers. This is going to be a big issue when the MC Collection rolls out. There are going to be plenty of new folks, and we expect you to welcome them and treat them well.

That's all. Have fun, and I'll be back around when I need to be, or when some Halo actually comes out.

-something else-
Let's....not do this. This is probably a good point to get the thread back on track.

What the hell does Starbucks put in their coffee?
I'm clearly not as big of a fan of Waterworks as everyone else in this thread, but I would like to see what it looks like in glorious HD. I'm still blown away by the sanctuary remake.


I'm clearly not as big of a fan of Waterworks as everyone else in this thread, but I would like to see what it looks like in glorious HD. I'm still blown away by the sanctuary remake.

I admit that my recent adulation is partially due to nostalgia and the fact that it was one of the first maps I ever played in Halo 2.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh man, you know what'd be awesome? If Waterworks Anniversary was a thing, yeah, stalactites would operate like usual. But if you shot the stalagmites, they'd fall up into the ceiling.
If I can ride the stalacwhatevers as they go up, then I'm sold.


I don't actually remember Waterworks having a particularly endearing layout, so it'd be interesting to see it modernized. That might make it a better candidate for an H5 spiritual successor, though. I just remember the bases had some really superfluous corridors, the random space in the rocks behind the actual bases and the huge center structure.

I think there were also some side pathways that nobody ever used.


Will Halo 3 have the flying ragdolls and melee ties again

This is something that actually hasn't been answered to my knowledge. And it affects Halo 2, 3, and 4.

Are we getting the games EXACTLY as they shipped? Or are we getting the latest version?

Shipped Halo 2 was a bit of a mess. The BR had a big spread, nades were weak (or too strong I forget).

Shipped Halo 3 has the melee situation, and a couple of hiding spots and such.

Shipped Halo 4 doesn't have the Turbo update! RIP!
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