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Hands-On: Metal Gear Acid PSP direct from Japan (new flicks, too!)


hyperbolically metafictive
a turn-based strategy game with stealth elements could be really cool. i'm irrationally averse to card battling and rationally averse to mgs storytelling, but i'll keep an eye on this anyway.


As long as it contains high-quality mgs-like story-telling, and the gameplay is at least a little bit fun, then that's all I need.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Where is everyone? I'd have thought PSP hands on threads would explode in no time.

This would never happen with a Nintendo system. Just kidding (well I'm not kidding, it's true, I just mean it's not a bash at the PSP).
TheGreenGiant said:
Card Battle. Urgh. Interest Zero.

(ps.. same for LK, BK..etc)

Stupid Genre.

IAWTP. I love Metal Gear, but this game is seriously going to need to convince me it's at all my cup of tea. At this point, not buying, but I will "follow it's career with great interest"


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Mama Smurf said:
Where is everyone? I'd have thought PSP hands on threads would explode in no time.
Probably doesn't help that there's like half a dozen threads about the Sony announcements going at one time.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Probably doesn't help that there's like half a dozen threads about the Sony announcements going at one time.
Also that the hands on threads are just too positive. I'm sure they would be full of posts in no time if the reports were that the units were overheating or running out of juce in an hour.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Oh please. There are loads of DS threads and one simply about a Metroid screen took off faster than this. Do you think positive impressions of SM64x4 (if it gets positive impressions) would have so few comments?

It really is confusing me. Does no one care about the PSP games? Just the graphics and specs? And let's not forget battery life, oh boy that's much more fun to discuss!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
It really is confusing me. Does no one care about the PSP games? Just the graphics and specs? And let's not forget battery life, oh boy that's much more fun to discuss!
Get real... Halo 2 and GTA:SA threads get less posts here than anything-Nintendo threads :p I think you'd know this board better by now.


hyperbolically metafictive
marconelly's gently implying that this board is infested with dirty nintendosexuals. if metal gear acid or lumines were ds games they'd inspire hundreds of squealing posts about RADICAL NEW GAMEPLAY EXPERIENCES.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I know Nintendo threads take off quicker, but this seems ridiculous. I expected something along the lines of what we'll see when the first PS3 hands on come in whenever that is, not this.

It's not like Sony threads don't take off, look at that Wanda one, the PS2 redesign one etc...just seems the PSP isn't getting the same interest, unless there's something negative (something which can't be said about those other threads I mentioned).

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Like having better models than MGS2 and TTS???lol
Ask SSX about that. I'm not an expert in that area :p

I know Nintendo threads take off quicker, but this seems ridiculous. I expected something along the lines of what we'll see when the first PS3 hands on come in whenever that is, not this.
Well, first Hands-on with PSP was good four months ago, at E3, and that generated lots of interest (and trolling of course)

*edit* Also, for the last day and night, there's been what seems like a bajilion Sony threads, and although I have interest in PSP more than most people here, I'm actually getting tired just reading through all of them, much less posting.


I know Nintendo threads take off quicker, but this seems ridiculous. I expected something along the lines of what we'll see when the first PS3 hands on come in whenever that is, not this.

It's not like Sony threads don't take off, look at that Wanda one, the PS2 redesign one etc...just seems the PSP isn't getting the same interest, unless there's something negative (something which can't be said about those other threads I mentioned).

Probably has something to do with MG:Acid being a completely uninteresting looking game.(although no doubt if it were for DS this would be a 3 page thread praising it).

If you're reffering to the intenal DS vs PSP fanboy war here at GAF there have been like a billion threads about the "Sony Conference" in the past 24 hours.

As kaching said you're into it a little bit too much.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Mama Smurf said:
It really is confusing me. Does no one care about the PSP games? Just the graphics and specs? And let's not forget battery life, oh boy that's much more fun to discuss!
Maybe you're just reading into it a little too much.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
How am I reading into it too much? I'm saying PSP threads about the games aren't getting nearly as much interest as other Sony threads and PSP hardware/price ones.

It's a surface observation that anyone could make, I'm not reading into anything.


Mama Smurf said:
How am I reading into it too much? I'm saying PSP threads about the games aren't getting nearly as much interest as other Sony threads and PSP hardware/price ones.

It's a surface observation that anyone could make, I'm not reading into anything.

Probably has something to do with MG:Acid being a completely uninteresting looking game.(although no doubt if it were for DS this would be a 3 page thread praising it).

How long have you been at GAF? Threads related to Playstation generally aren't as active when the game looks 'average' (unlike Nintendo or M$).

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I'm not talking about this thread alone. There's the Ridge Racer thread, the new PSP games pics thread, the Lumines thread...


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Mama Smurf, the part of your comments I quoted and responded was not a surface observation...you want to make an observation about the fact that people are talking about hardware more than software that's one thing, but to then attempt to infer what that means is where I think you're reading into this a little bit too much.


Because Nintendo fans are TEH HARDCORE!!11

Actually, it seems to me that almost every Nintendo fan on this board feels an obligation to reply at least once in every Nintendo related thread, whether they're interested in the game or not.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
What you quoted is the VERY surface observation I'm talking about! By asking those questions, I'm saying: look how many replies PSP threads when it's about the specs or price, why aren't these PSP games getting as much attention?

You seem to think I'm inferring that no one cares about PSP games, but I'm not. I'm honestly asking that question, without assuming I know the answer beforehand.

Perhaps you're the one reading too much into my posts.


Console Market Analyst
I'm a bigger Metal Gear fan than I am Metroid, but this card game shit has left me cold. Burnout 3 has spoiled me, so another Ridge Racer title looks bland in comparison. Never could find Rez at the store, so why would a PSP game by the same guy light my fire?

Maybe you're right. It couldn't possibly be a lack of interest in the actual titles shown. It's simply proof of an overwhelming community bias toward everything Nintendo.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
...are you trying to say your own feelings towards games covers everyone else's?

Burnout 3 has spoiled me, so another Ridge Racer title looks bland in comparison. Never could find Rez at the store, so why would a PSP game by the same guy light my fire?

As if those reasons would come up for most people! Bloody hell.

Maybe you're right. It couldn't possibly be a lack of interest in the actual titles shown. It's simply proof of an overwhelming community bias toward everything Nintendo.

Unless you've switched the sarcasm off for that last line, which would be weird, that quote is incredibly confusing. Do you think I'm arguing that there's a community bias towards Nintendo?

Maybe you did turn the sarcasm off at that point, it's the only way the quote makes sense.


Console Market Analyst
Mama Smurf said:
...are you trying to say your own feelings towards games covers everyone else's?

No, I thought you wanted our personal reasons for not contributing to these threads. Are you WANTING people to represent others with their theories as to why there's a lack of interest?

And yes, I think you're baiting.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Mama Smurf said:
Perhaps you're the one reading too much into my posts.
I'd certainly accept that as a more likely possibility if you hadn't already been abruptly dismissive of people's early responses to you on this subject

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
No, I thought you wanted our personal reasons for not contributing to these threads. Are you WANTING people to represent others with their theories as to why there's a lack of interest?

And yes, I think you're baiting.

Baiting? Baiting what? I don't even understand the phrase in this context.

I don't want people's personal opinions, though it's fair enough that you read it that way, i want a theory that makes sense. The thread's gone like this (sorry to be so pedantic, but people tend to get lost and lose what we're saying):

- I ask if people don't care about the PSP games.

- I'm told it's because the board has a huge Nintendo bias.

- I point out that there are plenty of positive Sony threads which gain LOADS of replies, just not ones on the PSP.

- I misunderstand your personal reasons as a list of general reasons.

Ok, so we're here. The last point you made was that maybe people just aren't interested in the games. I find that very hard to believe. How could you come to this board for any amount of time and think that a REZ "sequel" and a new Ridge Racer wouldn't be interesting to people? They certainly would be on the PS2 anyway. I can see it with just Metal Gear Acid, but what about that thread with lots of new pics? That's not grown much, don't people have anything to say about any of those games?

You may think I'm refusing to see reason or perhaps want people to believe that the PSP isn't appealing to gamers, but I'm not. I've simply asked a question, and yet to see a reply which I think explains it.

kaching said:
I'd certainly accept that as a more likely possibility if you hadn't already been abruptly dismissive of people's early responses to you on this subject

Now that's not fair. I may not think their ideas make sense, but I'm not abruptly dismissive. I give reasons when I don't agree.


Looking at those Nintendo threads, many of the replies give the impression that N fans are easily excited ("WOW!", "hawt", "teh sexxxxxxx", etc.).

Pre-emptive damage control, perhaps?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Miburou said:
Looking at those Nintendo threads, many of the replies give the impression that N fans are easily excited ("WOW!", "hawt", "teh sexxxxxxx", etc.).

Pre-emptive damage control, perhaps?

*smacks head into desk*

Can you not read? I've already addressed this! Multiple times! I'm not writing it out again.


What the fuck? :lol

I don't care what you've "already addressed". I'm just giving my opinion about one reason why I think N threads seem to garner so many responses.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Mama Smurf said:
Now that's not fair. I may not think their ideas make sense, but I'm not abruptly dismissive. I give reasons when I don't agree.
Just because you gave a reason doesn't mean you haven't been dismissive. You've been quick to disagree, suggesting you have a pre-formed opinion on the subject and already disabused to certain responses - you claim you're confused and are just looking for answers, but spend little or no time considering answers offered.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Miburou said:
I don't care what you've "already addressed".


kaching said:
Just because you gave a reason doesn't mean you haven't been dismissive. You've been quick to disagree, suggesting you have a pre-formed opinion on the subject and already disabused to certain responses - you claim you're confused and are just looking for answers, but spend little or no time considering answers offered. Today 11:27 PM

You said abruptly dismissive. Being abruptly dismissive would be me saying "Don't talk shit" or "Yeah right" or whatever and nothing more. It's not the same as being dismissive. Now if you didn't mean abruptly, ok, but I can just deal with what I see written, I can't guess what you actually mean.

I DON'T have pre-formed opinions on the subject! Why can't you believe that? I honestly hadn't considered that it was just Nintendo fans gungho before I asked the question.

You're being incredibly unfair to me to suggest I spend no or little time considering the answers. I'm giving reasonable explanations as to why I disagree with things, there's nothing more you can ask of a negative response!


Actually, I think the reasons why PSP game threads don't get so many replies is:

- Handhelds aren't as exciting as consoles. The PSP might be the most powerful handheld ever (even relative to its time), but it's still at best as good as the weakest console this gen. Sure, it's great to argue specs, but at the end the games don't look any better than what you can get on consoles, slightly worse even.

- The games so far haven't been that exciting, especially what we've seen of them. All we've seen of RR is the same track from the original Ridge Racer. AC!D is kind of underwhelming, and I don't even know what sort of game that REZ follow-up is supposed to be.

Like I said, the response to threads about anything Nintendo related seems to be the exception, not the rule.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
You might be onto something there, people just don't seem that enthralled by handhelds. They're just mini consoles, which aren't that powerful.

As for the DS, that isn't just a mini less powerful console, it has differences, so that's why it's an exception. Makes sense.
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