True Savior
Who doesn't
From Christian Bale to Ben Affleck lol. Poor Bats.
From Christian Bale to Ben Affleck lol. Poor Bats.
Considering Snyder's Batman has only been in one movie and is already done with the darkness, it's easy to say you are full of shit. Like, did you even see BvS? Or did you fall asleep because it's just so boring
Considering the core of Nolan's Batman is to continually fall and then find a way to redemption vs. Snyder's Batman just falling and descending further into darkness with no end in sight. It's easy to see why Bale's is more inspiring than Affleck's Batman.
There's been only one movie prominently featuring Batfleck and it wasn't an origins story.
A more like for like would be TDK's Batman, and it was hurr hurr grimdark throughout.
Besides it's freaking Batman, you don't get your artistic inspiration for Batman for the happy roses and unicorns part.
I don't buy the argument that because it wasn't an origins story, that it's okay for Batfleck to not be compared to Bale's Batman. That's a huge flaw on the creative team for creating the story they did in BvS, and using Batman that is middle-aged and providing no explicit context for his actions or why his moral values has become decrepit. Inb4yousaypeopleshouldjustthebooks - in that case don't get me wrong, I understand the implicit reasons bc I've read Batman comics all my life and can trace the links. But for the GA and casual fans they're not that hardcore, which is why you see so many complaints about Batman's actions being weird.
Did I say inspiration for Batman comes from happy roses and unicorns? Yes, Batman is a dark character, but that doesn't mean that he was thrown off the deep end of darkness without a bit of hope. In that regard, you might want to calm down on that strawman. The representation of hope was realistic in Nolan's Batman without having to resort to the "happy roses and unicorn" imagery that you think is prevalent. In fact, you say TDK is "grimdark" and yet, there are tons of instances where things are hopeful. People fighting back against organized crime from the vigilante level all the way to the legal system, people starting to realize that maybe they don't need Batman anymore, and that's just scratching the surface. What I don't see is why TDK is considered "hurrhurr grimdark."
Here we go with the "have you seen the movie" argument lol. "Done with the darkness" my ass, because that means actually having development. Something that is unconvincing, hypocritical, and contrived in BvS. Nothing Batman does after his conflict with Superman is actually redeeming him. He still goes ahead and uses guns and kills people off like nothing significant happened and I'm supposed to take his redemption "arc" seriously?
It doesn't matter what you take seriously or how much you enjoyed the movie. You said Batfleck was going deeper and deeper into darkness with no end in sight. The last scene in the movie 100% proves you wrong in this regard. Period. The redemption arc ends after superman's death, not MARTHA
Didn't Bale say he was willing to come back to play Batman in the DCEU?
I wouldn't want him to. Superpowers and aliens have no place in Nolan/Bale's Batman.
You can't tell the difference between fantastic but grounded in reality between regular fantasy?so superpowers and aliens have no place in Batman's trilogy, but
-some ninja-terrorist-illuminati group (League of Shadows)
-or some drug that could make Batman look like this to scare people but then make people try to kill him (Scarecrow Fear Toxin)
-or a psychopathic murderer could singularly figure out months and months of planning to blow up ferries and a hospital (Joker)
-or a man who can punch through concrete (Bane)
Batfleck was the best Batman, Nolan/Bale Batman was overrated and arguably the most incompetent Superhero portrayl in cinema history.
Yup. BvsS being a horrible movie pretty much tainted batfleck. Plus who has batman not only brand criminals like cattle but kill dozens of peopleBatfleck is pretty great if you've read years of comics and you understand all the things that likely led the film version of the character to that point.
As presented in BvS, he's just kind of stoic and angry with only the Robin suit as a nod. The Flash stuff makes no emotional sense. His confusing dreams make more sense to comics readers than they do to normies (nobody who hasn't picked up a comic book knows who the fuck Darkseid is). It's gotta be downright jarring for casual fans to see him in full-on fascist Frank Miller mode, talking about the 1% chance of a threat needing to be taken as 100%, when even nutty-ass Miller himself did a pretty good job of communicating why the Dark Knight Returns version of the character was like that.
This is a film that spent ten minutes on the one thing about Batman everybody knows (parents killed)... also spending another fifteen minutes on confusing dream imagery referencing a character moviegoers aren't familiar with, The Flash in his least-recognizable appearance yet, god, it goes on and the world doesn't need another BvS rant.
The point is. Battfleck is actually a pretty good version of the Frank Miller-esque takes on the character, yet even that bright spot is mishandled. Because BvS is a bad movie.
so superpowers and aliens have no place in Batman's trilogy, but
-some ninja-terrorist-illuminati group (League of Shadows)
-or some drug that could make Batman look like this to scare people but then make people try to kill him (Scarecrow Fear Toxin)
-or a psychopathic murderer could singularly figure out months and months of planning to blow up ferries and a hospital (Joker)
-or a man who can punch through concrete (Bane)
This post...wha?Bale's Batman is basically seen as a joke these days.
If you want to hype up his Bruce Wayne that's another thing but his Batman was always the worst part of those films.
I disagree with Zimmer on this one.
Affleck >>>> Bale
So Hans Zimmer prefers gaping mouths
Junkie Xl composed bats themeIt shows in Zimmer's work. I don't remember Batman's theme in BvS at all.
Junkie Xl composed bats theme
Idk but look on the song credits on the soundtrack it's says Junkie XLThen why does Zimmer say this (from the article in op):
"I spent months trying to come up with something for Ben."
Or did he just give up and hand it over to Junkie.
Meanwhile, Keaton sits upon high and laughs at the pretenders to the throne
Idk but look on the song credits on the soundtrack it's says Junkie XL
On my CD is say Junkie but online is says Hanz, it's weird
During the extended interview they talked about the way they collaborated on the score, how daunting it was to tackle the first movie starring Batman and Superman, how Zimmer was originally only going to do Superman's them and Holkenborg would do Batman's but he ”couldn't entirely let go" so it became a collaboration
Explains a lot but batman theme sounds more Junkie then Zimmer.I just checked, and it was a collaboration on the Batman theme:
So yeah Zimmer definitely had his hand in it.
so superpowers and aliens have no place in Batman's trilogy, but
-some ninja-terrorist-illuminati group (League of Shadows)
-or some drug that could make Batman look like this to scare people but then make people try to kill him (Scarecrow Fear Toxin)
-or a psychopathic murderer could singularly figure out months and months of planning to blow up ferries and a hospital (Joker)
-or a man who can punch through concrete (Bane)
Explains a lot but batman theme sounds more Junkie then Zimmer.
Who gives a shit? Why does Zimmer's opinion have any weight on this? Should we ask what the animators at ILM (or wherever) thought about Ben Affleck too?
Who gives a shit? Why does Zimmer's opinion have any weight on this? Should we ask what the animators at ILM (or wherever) thought about Ben Affleck too?
Who gives a shit? Why does Zimmer's opinion have any weight on this? Should we ask what the animators at ILM (or wherever) thought about Ben Affleck too?