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Happy birthday, Dreamcast


And even i am moderately surprised
"5 years and people STILL can't let go? Didn't you celebrate the "birthday" of the DC last year too, or am I mistaken?"

birthdays do tend to occur on a year to year basis ;)

Nothing to let go of - 4 games coming out by the end of the year over here! :)

I jest, but it was a fabulous machine. Lots of good games, a significant jump from N64/PSX, etc etc...

Chu Chu did it for me. Fecking awesome 4 player action.
The cake does indeed rawk. :)

I busted out a little San Francisco Rush 2049 action with my buddies today. God damn, what a brilliant, brillant game. Better than any other version of SF Rush - I mean, better than any other port of any other SF Rush and even fuckin' better than the arcade game, I think - there wasn't another arcade racing title that was touching SF Rush 2049 until Burnout 2, imho.

I gotta also say that the VMU was a wonderful idea with terrible execution (man did those things drain batteries) and untapped potential. I would've loved to have seen card-game sort of things (Magic: The Gathering was planned, and may have even came out in Japan), or what about an RPG where you had to do some old-school ASCII type of adventuring to reach certain places? Raising Chaos was cool and all, but it could've been so much more!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
XS+ said:
Didn't Looney Tunes Space Race come out before JSR?

It was revealed later than JSR, that's for sure. I do recall this being argued previously, though. The release dates were VERY close, but I can't remember which one was released first.
God, I loved that little son of a bitch.

FIVE YEARS AGO. Sweet bejesus. Dreamcast was so fucking ahead of its time...

Perhaps it's nostalgia, but I still feel like the DC/PS2 wars were far more heated than the Xbox/GC wars. Maybe because Sega's doom was so clearly written on the wall...

So many good games in such a short period of time, I wish the current crop of consoles provided such unequivocal quality, diveristy, and freshness in their libraries.

Oh, and ease of piracy. Can't forget that! Without it I wouldn't have enjoyed half as many games... Mwahaha.

*Noel Coward Parody


You gotta do better than that. What exactly is the definition of cell-shading? What do games like JSR, Zelda: WW, Killer 7, etc. share in common that Fear Effect didn't? I'm sure as hell aren't going to just take your word for it.

And besides, even if the technique used is different, the end result is similar, i.e. 3D, untextured, cartoony looking graphics.


dark10x said:
Yeah, umm, perhaps I should have refrained from posting that whole "O" line, eh? It actually had nothing to do with the topic...

'Sides, what are you thinking? Okage? That's a PS2 title and wasn't even cel-shaded.

Dark Cloud 2!
AniHawk said:
You are part of the problem.

Does your wit make you part of the solution, or is it your willingness to topple the carts of unscrupulous characters selling unauthorized vg systems in your local mall?

Just trying to figure out if your holier-than-thou stance is winning the war against piracy or not.


works for Gamestop (lol)

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