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[Hardware Busters] The New PS5 is Actually Better

Great Hair

UPDATE 1,2 (youtuber)
In the charts and in general in the review, Memory I mean the TH58LJT0T24BA4M NAND Flash Memory's temperature, in other words, the SSD's temperature. Yes my bad I call it CPU instead of APU or SoC. Get over it, please :)

Sony Playstation 5 – Why the new PS5 is even better than the old one and a superficial view is dangerous​

Disclaimer: The following article is machine translated from the original German, and has not been edited or checked for errors. Thank you for understanding!

How quickly one can be wrong with a superficial and visual evaluation is shown by the video of Austin Evans, which is an example that the size of a YouTube channel does not always stand for the quality of the content. Sure, the PS5’s new cooler is lighter, smaller, and looks slimmer in other ways, but it’s got it all together with the new PCB, so we’re going to prove that the new PS5 is even better than the old one.

For today’s article I (Igor) lend my keyboard to my friend Aris and write the whole thing as a “ghostwriter” on his behalf, to show you what he has found out in his own investigations. Of course, I have also embedded his video at the end and who liked this article should not be afraid to leave a like or subscription there. As always, a lot of work went into today’s investigation, but it was worth it. It’s not about badmouthing a YouTuber or their channel, but it is about the truth. The basis for Austin’s misjudgement is only the optical comparison (picture above) which we have taken from his video.

Important update from 06.09.2021 – 02:45 am

Since some readers and colleagues have questioned the measurements at the selected sensor points, there will be a second series of measurements with a total of 12 new sensors as a service in the near future (I hope tomorrow). They are now also stuck to the points that our colleagues used and that were used for comparison. Without spoiling too much, I can confirm that in the second measurement with the new PS5, the difference between the APU temperature and the room air of slightly more than 8 degrees compared to the value of the colleagues from GN with the old PS5 also corresponds approximately to what we measured as the difference in this article today.

The RAM is even significantly cooler on the top side than in GN’s measurement, despite a significantly higher room temperature (ambient). We can also validate all previous measurements as a difference in this form up to this point, but will disclose the exact results transparently. So please be patient, because the bottom line will probably not change. Rather the opposite.

Not only the cooler is new, but also the PCB!

article can be found here: LINK (top banner, change language)
UPDATE4 IGOR joins the battle (forum link)

So, first a few readings from the real top and bottom, which funnily enough confirm the other measurements. I'm still waiting for all the final runs, then there will be a clean follow up tomorrow or on Saturday.

Currently running a new PS5 in test (unclimatized room, 28 °C air) with 3 sensors for the APU alone. One directly on the IHS (right), one on the bracket (left) and one in the back (not in the picture), below the GPU on the MLCC, just like GN, to check its values. Aris also ran the PS5 for a full hour with a game before measuring. GN apparently didn't. But:

- Aris now had 70.58 °C at the new PS5 at the same place as GN at 28 degrees room temperature.
- GN had 72-73C at the old PS5 at 22 degrees room temperature.
- We come back to a difference of around 8 degrees as in today's review.
- In addition, test measurements on the two other sensors.

A total of 12 extra calibrated new sensors are running here at the same time, but I don't want to get too ahead of the follow up:

- RAM topside on new PS5 from Aris 78.13 °C at 28 degrees room temperature.
- RAM topside on old PS5 from GN 93 °C at 22 room temperature

As I said, the DIFFERENCES are the same and I would have been surprised if not. :D And yes, the 300 grams less are completely irrelevant for performance. Pipe porn :D

Aris will also gegentesten an old PS5 again, because if anything, everything with the same method.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
UPDATE5 (Youtuber)
Follow-up video soon, with 12 sensors inside PS5 new in all positions and under the backplate/heatsink, to have comparable results with Steve's measurements on the old PS5.
UPDATE6 (igor)
Ask Austin :D

So, I am through. Normalized all of Stephen's readings and subtracted the room temperature for delta. Then evaluated our values with the same game. Identical sensor position and comparable values. You will make eyes tomorrow. And by the way: the difference between both APUs is also almost the same as in the first test. Surely some should apologize for that.

I don't take Charlie seriously anymore for a long time, but he gets a mail with the request to apologize to Aris. It just doesn't work that way. We also had to slightly destroy the PS 5 for the cable grommets. Expenses that wouldn't have had to be if people had been more amenable to reasonable arguments. But what the heck... Collateral damage

We measure the new PS5 once again – Aris, Igor & The Magnificent 12 (Sensors) for truth and justice​

Before someone starts again a discussion about the qualification of us as testers and the sense or nonsense of the measurement: the first test with the not quite randomly selected measurement points is not refuted but fully confirmed by today’s measurement. With a total of 12 sensors, some of which we have deliberately placed in the same way as our colleague Stephen Burke from Gamers Nexus did in his review of the old PS5. So we can compare our new PS5 to his test of the old one, and we’ve also included a few additional sensors. So we now have the claimed values from within, but this does not contradict the measured difference between new and old PS 5 from yesterday’s article.






Further testing shows new PS5’s smaller, lighter heatsink keeps console cooler​

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Might need to stop sniffing glue
What? It's not worse than the first ones out? I can't believe it! Thankfully I have something to be angry about no matter what direction this argument changes to support.

I don't actually care, I'm just happy to have one of these damn things.
What? It's not worse than the first ones out? I can't believe it! Thankfully I have something to be angry about no matter what direction this argument changes to support.

I don't actually care, I'm just happy to have one of these damn things.
Just by the posture in the video thumbnail you can see which is more honest, the other guy was a soyboy, you can't trust those.


Weird. The other guy said and showed that the fan was different and more quiet. Here this guy says it’s identical and louder. A new fan lottery?
Cooler CPU is good though.
memory is hotter, cpu is cooler - seems like a trade-off rather than a clear victory, and being a bit louder than the OG isn't great either.

The big question is will that hotter memory also mean a hotter expansion ssd? if so that could be a much larger problem. There is also the silicon lottery to take into account, even if you compared two of the same model you would get differences not far off what we see here, the noise for example comes down to fan model which could be any of three.

We really need DF/Nexus to do a proper tear-down on this thing.
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RaZoR No1

Fuck, I need to get the new model. It’s obviously way better! 11 degrees cooler die temperature.

It doesn’t matter, both are fine. Austin Evans reputation is not though.
TBH he just looked at the heatsink and the exhaust temps, where Hardware Busters agree with him.
Only the CPU is cooler, but the rest is hotter. Only time will tell which config will be better on the long run.

Edit : depending on where he measured the temps, none of them should be in the critial area at all.
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TBH he just looked at the heatsink and the exhaust temps, where Hardware Busters agree with him.
Only the CPU is cooler, but the rest is hotter. Only time will tell which config will be better on the long run.
I’m personally convinced that we will never be able to tell which one is better with any kind of certainty because the differences are pretty much negligeble. Other things will fail (disc drive, etc) before any one of these minute differences will have a notable impact for the end consumer.

But that’s just me guessing.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I’m personally convinced that we will never be able to tell which one is better with any kind of certainty because the differences are pretty much negligeble. Other things will fail (disc drive, etc) before any one of these minute differences will have a notable impact for the end consumer.

But that’s just me guessing.



Oh yeah the origin story of many big YouTubers - the PlayStation is catching fire. I mean Austin knew this, "I was wrong about Playstation" These kinds of videos are all similar tropes applied by many top Youtubers for views. Linus, Pewdiepie you name it or the drama queen like markpiler. They are consciously targeting 14-year-old teens. They game the algorithm. Like I said GamersNexus warned us about it beforehand.
I stayed quiet about this all this time, didn't want to write what I was thinking, but this is what I was expecting.
I expecting others to find the same difference, the CPU temp with the new cooler being lower.

RaZoR No1

I’m personally convinced that we will never be able to tell which one is better with any kind of certainty because the differences are pretty much negligeble. Other things will fail (disc drive, etc) before any one of these minute differences will have a notable impact for the end consumer.

But that’s just me guessing.
+ didnt Gamers Nexus measure much higher temps for Memory etc? IMO somehow all of the temps are too low
Doesn't seem like a lot of difference to me. RAM is hotter and CPU is cooler but just in one or two scenarios.

So no problem at all apparently

Great Hair

For me It's Not better If It's louder.

How much louder is a 1 dB increase?​

A 1 dB change in a sound equates to about a 26% difference in sound energy (remember that a 3 dB difference is a doubling of energy levels). In terms of subjective loudness, a 1 dB change yields just over a 7% change. A 3 dB change yields a 100% increase in sound energy and just over a 23% increase in loudness.

Can listening to too much music make you depressed?​

The teenagers who listened to a lot of music were 8 times more likely to be depressed than those who didn’t listen to music very often. A new study has shown what many suspected all along: Heavy Metal enthusiasts tend to be more anxious and depressed than others. Researchers found through a survey of college students that those who listened to heavy rock and metal had significantly higher levels of mental stress.

In short: about the same


+ didnt Gamers Nexus measure much higher temps for Memory etc? IMO somehow all of the temps are too low
We’ll see when GN does his tests. I saw that DF is delivering their revisioned PS5 to him for testing so I think we can expect a video from him in a few days.

It’s possible that these guys are completely wrong with their measurements, but at least they claim to have made measurements and then base their argument around that. Austin Evans didn’t make any meaningful measurements and still make big claims about it being ”worse” to a very big audience. That’s why I made the point about his credibility. We’ll see when GNs video arrive.


In my eyes, Sony has made a good optimization. The customer won't notice too much of a difference (I'm talking about the normal customer, not the enthusiasts here in the forum), the manufacturing costs have been reduced and transport costs (300 grams per console adds up in the million-fold manufacturing process) have also been saved.
Great Job Reaction GIF
Eh, some of these receipts DO show it's better on some things, but worst on others, so it looks like a mixed bag overall to me tbh. For example, the majority of the power wattages seem at least very slightly higher on the new model, and while the operating temperature for the CPU is way lower on the new one, the memory (btw it was the GDDR6 module temps Gamer Nexus expressed concern about before) are actually quite higher.

So...overall it's somewhat better on some metrics going by what is listed here but, and I'm not trying to start anything, it actually is worst on a pure numerical level on other things such as average power draw and RAM module temperatures. Yes, you can say the lower CPU operating temperature gives headroom for higher RAM module operating temps, but the CPU temps were never really in question in original analysis by guys like Gamers Nexus.

I'm sure the design itself overall is about on par or slightly better than the launch model but it's at the question of what things have had their lower thermals sacrificed to push lower operating thermals in areas that maybe weren't big concerns originally, to achieve it. So there's some questions still open for answering to be perfectly honest.

Still waiting on the Digital Foundry and Gamers Nexus analysis' to get more definitive takes.


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How much louder is a 1 dB increase?​

A 1 dB change in a sound equates to about a 26% difference in sound energy (remember that a 3 dB difference is a doubling of energy levels). In terms of subjective loudness, a 1 dB change yields just over a 7% change. A 3 dB change yields a 100% increase in sound energy and just over a 23% increase in loudness.

Can listening to too much music make you depressed?​

The teenagers who listened to a lot of music were 8 times more likely to be depressed than those who didn’t listen to music very often. A new study has shown what many suspected all along: Heavy Metal enthusiasts tend to be more anxious and depressed than others. Researchers found through a survey of college students that those who listened to heavy rock and metal had significantly higher levels of mental stress.

In short: about the same
No one is shocked to find out heavy metal listeners are more stressed 🤣
I'm not tho; just giving my honest opinion looking at the data provided. Even acknowledged the CPU operating temps are lower but that wasn't a concern in earlier analysis by people like Gamers Nexus.

Power draw is slightly higher, power usage is a tad higher on average and RAM modules are notably hotter at operation rates. That might explain the hotter exhaust output and that is a good thing because it means hot air from the hotter RAM chips is being expelled out of the system, but just pushing the RAM chips to operate at hotter temps doesn't sound like a great idea IMO for longevity purposes.

But I guess we'll see in due time. I think these changes were done for eventual 6nm PS5 APUs to come, so it's forward-thinking in that case. But right now, no it's not an out-and-out "clearly more efficient" PS5 build over the launch model, otherwise everything would've seen lower numbers (power draw, average power draw, RAM operating temps...we don't even have anything on GPU temps yet so still waiting on that).
It consumes more power, is louder and is hotter. How is this better?
Is it louder if you can't hear the difference? And power draw is similar because that is how the whole console is designed. I'd wait for Gamers Nexus to trust any of the temps though because they seem too low to me.
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Eh, some of these receipts DO show it's better on some things, but worst on others, so it looks like a mixed bag overall to me tbh. For example, the majority of the power wattages seem at least very slightly higher on the new model, and while the operating temperature for the CPU is way lower on the new one, the memory (btw it was the GDDR6 module temps Gamer Nexus expressed concern about before) are actually quite higher.

So...overall it's somewhat better on some metrics going by what is listed here but, and I'm not trying to start anything, it actually is worst on a pure numerical level on other things such as average power draw and RAM module temperatures. Yes, you can say the lower CPU operating temperature gives headroom for higher RAM module operating temps, but the CPU temps were never really in question in original analysis by guys like Gamers Nexus.

I'm sure the design itself overall is about on par or slightly better than the launch model but it's at the question of what things have had their lower thermals sacrificed to push lower operating thermals in areas that maybe weren't big concerns originally, to achieve it. So there's some questions still open for answering to be perfectly honest.

Still waiting on the Digital Foundry and Gamers Nexus analysis' to get more definitive takes.
A lot of text again without any substance.

"Is Worst"?

Power draw in idle on the new one is lower and on high load power draw on the new one is higher.

This means most likely that the APU is performing better. (We might even see some FPS
difference in favor of the new PS5)

If these measurements in the clip are reliable.
That means you and your Austin are fudders.
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