Go back and take a look at who wanted to vote out Burb and compare it to where they stand now, you can already start to see some stuff pop out. Same with those who didn't vote Burb but are more than willing to jump against Rats. It won't mean much now but in a few Day phases patterns might show up more and all we need to do is look back at bandwagons.
As someone who was resistant to lynching Burb and is in favor of lynching Rats, I want to go ahead and make the case for why I'm holding those positions. My approach of people in this game is to generally assume town unless given reason to believe otherwise, due to the whole town majority deal.
Looking at the miller role, I believe that Burbeting's move to get out in front of it and spill the beans day 1 is the most town-centric play. A role based on deceiving investigation loses all of its teeth when its known before hand. If he had just kept quiet and laid low, there are several situations where he can do harm to the town. Either having a cop reveal early (especially maybe a new player who doesn't realize its more useful for them to stay alive longer than to reveal a single scum) or showing scum late in the game where lylo or mylo could be a real concern. This isn't me saying that Burb as town is the hill I'm going to die on this game, but I think his actions this day have been pro town.
Likewise, Rats off to Ya has seemed to have the town's best interest at heart. He was quiet for the first few days but did chime in on the lynch/no lynch and the if it was best to go ahead and lynch Burb since he isn't a useful PR discussions, as seen here.
This post.
Again, a little meta discussion. In the Cthulhu game, my proudest moment was building the case against Timeaisis at the very tail end of Day Four, and eliminating the Cult of Cthulhu with his lynch. How did I do that? I analyzed the votes from the first two days and found two names that stuck out. One of those names was Time.
And in the GAFia game, at the end of Day One I narrowly escaped a lynch with four votes on me. Those four votes were the entire scum team. I was dead by the time I realized it, and when things were getting down to the wire I was becoming unbelievably frustrated that nobody in the game was talking about it.
If there's one lesson I can impart to be an effective Town player, it's this: votes don't lie. They're the strongest weapon in Town's arsenal. Stronger than a Cop, stronger than a Doctor. This isn't a game about power roles. It's a game of logic.
I wholeheartedly agree with this. Anyone who's played with me knows I'm not a fan of lynching targets of convenience. Burb has done nothing worthy of suspicion as of yet. If he's telling the truth, he's playing his role exactly as he's supposed to. Power roles are a nice thing to have, but I'll take a strong player over a strong role any day of the week.
The way he handled his reveal has seemed on the up and up.
I think that Burbeting has had posts with sound logic and meaningful discussion thus far. I think he would be an asset to the town even as miller. I've seen less personal evidence of Rats strength as he has been quieter until his recent claim, but others have vouched for his ability as a town sided player, and I thought the few post he made were more than just fluff. Burbeting has said that he will do his best to contribute to a town victory any way he can. Rats has said that same thing. The difference is that Rats believes that lynching him is the best way to do that.
I don't think there is a necessary contradiction between having been hesitant to lynch Burbeting and being ready to lynch Rats.