Ok guys, I have got a lot of things I want to say. Things that will turn this ENTIRE discussion around.
People have been going around accusing I think the wrong people for now. Crab, TheGoddamn, even Blarg when he proved to us he was a Townie himself by proving to tell the truth about KingKitty. What the hell guys?!
So I'm gonna do something about it. It's probably really stupid because so far I have, admittedly, been playing like an idiot. Forgive me for somehow putting myself on the spotlight on Day 2 when I had no attention of doing anything scum of anti-town. I am a new player here so I made mistakes early, but I have learned I think.
And now, I think I know what I have to do, or what I feel I should do. I'm gonna role claim.
So you guys based on some of the discussion I have read so far who has been switched, who are the switchers, and what side are they on? Well I got great news for Town! I am able to answer these questions! Why or how you ask? Simple...
I am George Weasley! The Pranker!
Yep that's right. I am one of the switchers! Or at least, that's what I think this role is. I am apparently called the "Bus Driver" which involves two people I can choose from to switch with, and have all the actions that happen to them, happen to the other person instead. Only in this game for me, it's called "pranking".
So far, I have pranked FOUR people in these last two nights. On Night 1, I pranked RYNAM and Burbeting, in THAT order. Well actually, it wasn't really me that chose those two, it was this Zip guy I took over for that did. I joined this game during Night 1 and was told about who Zip chose and was asked if I wanted to change this. I said no because I didn't really know at the time what it did and I didn't know you guys yet so I thought I would just leave it because maybe Zip had a good reason to do this.
What I found strange was that neither of these two on Day 2 ever mentioned here being switched. I assumed maybe they don't get the notification and are not supposed to know. So I let it go.
Now after Day 2, this time, I HAD to make a choice on two people I wanted to "prank". The obvious target to switch with was Blarg. He was easily targeted as a threat to the Death Eaters after telling people who he was and him telling the truth about KingKitty. So there was NO way the Death Eaters could let a known investigator alive right!?
So who's the next guy to prank? Well I thought of Burb since he was another potential target for the Death Eaters (and it seems that was the case now), but I decided against it because I thought he would live another night because he was still in the spotlight after his D1 claim. So I decided to prank Gorlak. Why? Because he is number 1 in my Scum list.
He's overly aggressive towards not only me, but a couple of others as well. One of them being Burbs who is now dead. And I did this because if Blarg is the target, that means Golark should now be hit with the killing blown instead of Blarg since I chose to switch those two. Blarg and Golark in that order.
So now, after coming back from the Thanksgiving party, I check my PM, and get the message that I got on N1 to let me know that two people have been pranked.
Only the strange thing is...the message I got was not what should have happened.
"Burbeting and Blargonaut got pranked!"
Umm...what!? That's impossible. I didn't choose to prank Burbeting, I chose Golark. And then I came to read the thread, read what happened, and the message was that Burbeting was dead.
BUT THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN GORLAK! Gorlak is the one that is supposed to be dead! Not Burbeting!
But here is something interesting, I'm told that Burbeting has been switched with Blarg. Even though I actually switched Blarg with Gorlak. I have now been told that Burbeting was ALSO switched. And I say ALSO because it appears, Gorlak claims to be hit with Stupify. And now he is typing the way he is typing...interesting. So does that mean Blarg was a switch Target TWICE!? One by me, and the other by another switcher?!
That could be the case, but something doesn't add up. I was still NOT notified that Gorlak has been switched. Only Burb and Blarg. In that order. I do not know as of yet if Gorlak has been switched or not.
Which could mean...Death Eaters can't be targeted to switch!
I don't know how yet, but if I'm right about Gorlak, that means
he is lying about being stupified! I know how dumb that might sound but think about it! I have NEVER been notified that Gorlak was switched...at all. Just Burb and Blarg. With Blarg the one supposed to be the one to die but Burb took the fall since he instead, was apparently was switched.
And if Burb really is stupified, than I think it might be because someone on Town or Neutral did that to him. Which is...strange. I admit that's a stretch but it's possible no?
Now there is something else I have to mention. On Day 2,
I mentioned that I knew ONE person, 100%, was innocent, and he is the only person I trust". Well I might have jumped the gun on the "innocent" part because I have no idea...
what my brother's role is?
Yes, that's right. My brother Fred Weasley is in this game too. And he is still alive. Still kicking! Only thing is, I don't actually know if he is innocent or not.
I only know two things: 1. That my in-game brother is still alive. 2. I know who Fred Weasley is. I don't however, know what Fred's role is, or if his alignment is also with Hogwarts. He could be another Switcher too but again, I can't confirm it, because I really don't know. the safe bet would be Fred being Hogwarts of course, but I don't want to leave out the possibility of him being a Death Eater himself. Although my own Brother being a Death Eater? That would be...sad.
Also just in case anybody asks, I will not reveal who Fred is. I refuse to put him at risk towards other Death Eaters or put him in the spotlight unless he is in any danger of being lynched. And even then, I would rather Fred himself reveal himself and not me.
And don't worry, if there is any other person that claims to be Fred than the person I know who Fred actually is, than I can tell you guys that he is 100% lying.
I would make a TL;DR but I think
it's really important that people here read everything I wrote here and take it into serious consideration on what course of action to go to next. I chose to reveal myself like this because I feel like some of you guys are going around in circles and possibly accusing the wrong people. At least for now.
So NOW! With all this said! I will also make a vote now. I do this because I want to put pressure on this person who is number 1 on my Scum List.
Vote: Gorlak
I'm choosing you because I feel you have been aggressive towards not just me, but to a couple of other players...including Burb a bit on Day 2. Aggressive to a point where it makes me suspicious of YOU.
It's not even just that, something else bothered me about you just now.
RYNAM mentioned that he was notified that he was pranked on N1. Which he is correct. He is, telling the truth because that pranker...was me. Yet...
wtf ?s g??ng ?n t?d?y"?"
? h?v? s? m?ch t? s?y, b?t f?ck?n c?n't ?cc?rd?ngly. ? w?nt t? t?lk ?b??t:
B?rb (p?t h?ms?lf ?n th? sp?tl?ght y?st?rd?y)
cr?b (t?rg?t?d sw?mp?d wh? d??d)
th?g?dd?mn (t?rg?t?d bl?rg)
sw?tch?r sh?n?n?g?ns
r?n?m cl??m?ng
r?y p?n?sh?d
w?ll p?st t?m?rr?w bc th?s t?k?s t?? m?ch t?m? r?ght n?w...
f?r n?w ? w?nt th? sw?tch?d ?n?s t? sp??k ?p, ?'m w?rr??d ?b??t cr?b.
ps: bl?rg ? f??l y??
Your last line (before P.S.), you want people that were switched to speak up, and you're worried about Crab?
Interesting Gorlak. Because you want people to speak up about being switched, yet
I CHOSE YOU AS A SWITCH TARGET! And yet...you don't mention it...at all.
Care to speak up Gorlak? A couple of people so far after reading the past few pages have claimed to be switched (RYNAM telling the truth 100%) already, yet YOU were chosen to be switched by me, yet have not mentioned being switched yourself...why?
I could be wrong about you. I mean, as you said yourself back in Day 2, most of the time, the people's reads on most people are wrong.
I do hope I'm wrong, but my read on you, my gut feeling...tells me otherwise.
Now...If anybody has ANY questions for me here, please feel free to ask. I am up right now and will be up for the next some odd hours. I will let you guys know when I'm about to get off and go to bed. But for now, I'm up.