Let's look at the Hyper vote. Scroll to the bottom for the meaty stuff.
Remember that Hyper wasn't around when the votes went against him. His teammates would be reluctant to switch votes since at this point it's a close race between TWE and LoC (and they've likely distributed votes among them).
honestly, a crab vote might be more appropriate now,LoC seems more gut reads but this is some super scummy shit from crab right now
After this, 3 more votes on TWE:
Sawneeks 2336
Kawl 2344
Miracle 2352
Two are dead and town.
No one votes for LoC after the above post.
2327, Hyper votes for Crab.
VOTE: Crab
not sure if it's too late to get hunt chef st this point loc lynch seems based big on dacts
His teammates hold off, waiting for a bandwagon to develop.
2329, Crab role-claims.
2333, LoC role-claims, sort of. (Side note, two people attacked Blarg but he blocked one. Since Burb died the night before there are two killers out there. Something to keep in mind.)
2336, Sawneeks votes TWE but says Hyper's LoC vote is bandwagony.
2337, Flame says to save LoC and Crab and vote out TWE.
2340, TWE votes Hyper.
2342, Crab calls out Hyper for his Crab vote.
2344, Kawl votes TWE after analyzing Crab's RC.
2352, Miracle doesn't believe TWE and switches his vote from LoC to TWE.
2353, Flame says TWE is 2 from majority.
2354, Retroid says he's staying on TWE.
2356, Sawneeks says she believes Crab and LoC and votes Hyper (as we find out later, it lines up with her N1 action).
2357, Flame says TWE is one vote away from majority.
Here we take a slight detour (addendum, Sawneeks had already unvoted so he was two away, but I'm not changing this because it looks so good):
If scum is smart, they see three things:
1. TWE can be hammered.
2. There is growing suspicion against Hyper.
3. The bandwagon against Crab is not taking off.
At this point, if I was scum, I'd hammer TWE, say "whoops" or something (the thread is moving fast, hard to keep up, close to deadline, didn't want a tie with LoC), and hope everyone forgets about Hyper the next day.
But scum doesn't hammer, because:
1. They're AFK.
2. They already have a vote on TWE.
11/12 votes. Sawneeks and Miracle are dead. Crab and LoC claimed town. I am so town. That leaves:
Is there scum here? You bet.
2359, Magnum wakes up, takes a look at the vote tally, and
doesn't vote. This is a pretty pro-town move.
2363, Flame votes Hyper. This is also pretty pro-town since he could've just waited for a hammer.
2369, Sawneeks wonders why Flame switched his vote, and realizes it may be lining up with her night action.
2370, Salva posts a vote count. Hyper has 3 votes, LoC 6, TWE 9. Not a majority on TWE, but with 13 minutes left it's looking pretty good for Hyper.
2377, with a case building against Hyper, Kawl says "you have a point, but it's probably too late". He doesn't unvote though.
2382, I vote Hyper. Such a pro-town move.
2384, Miracle says if he switches to Hyper it's 7-5 TWE to Hyper. 8 minutes left.
2385, Kawl says he'd vote Hyper if he could because he's not thrilled about TWE.
2388, Kalor is open to voting Hyper.
2389, Kawl thinks we might get a tie or a LoC lynch if we try switching votes.
2390, TheGoddamn votes Hyper.
2395, Kalor votes Hyper.
2398, Kawl votes Hyper.
2402, BSP votes Hyper.
2404, Miracle votes Hyper.
2409, BSP says "I dunno what we did but I hope we hit scum". Bussing a lost cause?
TL; DR: What did we learn?
Here's the Original Six again: six votes on TWE when he teetered on the brink of majority:
From above, I can rule out Flame as scum. I'm a little iffy on Kawl and BSP: the former was very reluctant to switch, and the latter just came in and unvoted at the last minute.
Retroid checked in once and didn't change his vote. Christina and flatearthpandas weren't around.