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Why did Rynam see me N1, then? Why did I even tell town I got switched, then?
Why did Rynam see me N1, then? Why did I even tell town I got switched, then?
I propose a Gorlak lynch then. We get rid of someone who is neutral and could potentially get converted as well as test Crab.
Vote: Gorlak
I'm not even dignifying that with a response, Blarg. If you want to start a wagon on TheGoddamn or me, be my guest. You'll feel bloody stupid when you kill either an obvious switcher and part of your own tank or an investigative role that helps tie up a neutral.
Blarg, does your investigation results from last night play into your theory?
If you were going to do this farce today, why not investigate me last night? You're going to kill a neutral and a town, meaning you've done twice as much work for mafia as usual, and give up the prospect of actually hitting mafia by doing so. If you didn't trust me, you could have confirmed it one way or the other last night and therefore not ended up in such a stupid situation where you risk 2-non-mafia kills just because you investigated someone random. Honestly, I'm just annoyed at how badly you're playing at this point.
Should we discuss the night plans for the various town PRs we know? Obviously there are some we can't discuss (like who exactly will be swapped) as that would give away information that could be used against us, but is there any of the roles we can discuss without it hurting us?
W?ll, ?t’s h?rd t? wr?t? s?m?th?ng ?p th?t ?s st?ll r?l?v?nt ?ft?r ? st?p?fy ?t. S? ?’ll j?st s?y f?r ? “?t th? m?m?nt” p?st th?t pr?v?d?s ?nf?rm?t??n:
S?wn??ks h?s n?t g?v?n m? ? sw?rd, ?nd ? w?s n?t pr?v?d?d ?ny ?th?r PM th?n ? St?p?fy l?st n?ght.
I have no idea why Blarg is thinking of a betrayal from TheGoddamn. If he wants to lynch Gorlak and remove an unknown, that's fine. I'm curious as to why Blarg wants to save Retroid for another day? It seems like that is where consensus was heading until you went for Gorlak.
I have no idea why Blarg is thinking of a betrayal from TheGoddamn. If he wants to lynch Gorlak and remove an unknown, that's fine. I'm curious as to why Blarg wants to save Retroid for another day? It seems like that is where consensus was heading until you went for Gorlak.
So it's confirmed that Crab dies if Gorlak is lynched?
So it's confirmed that Crab dies if Gorlak is lynched?
I don't really know what to think about TheGoddamn yet, I suspect him because he lied about switching me last Night (N3), when I don't see any reason for him to do so, and also because there's a 'wardrobe' switcher who keeps targeting Crab every Night for some reason; if I combine the two, we have a Switcher who possibly lied about all his Nightly targets, and a constantly-switched player who was seen to be the only one to visit another player who ended up dead after that visit... I dunno, I'm probably being paranoid.
I find Gorlak to be the greater and more known threat as he is a Roleblocker with his own motives, and his removal takes priority for me over Retroid, whom I really don't know anything about, conclusively.
I don't really know what to think about TheGoddamn yet, I suspect him because he lied about switching me last Night (N3), when I don't see any reason for him to do so, and also because there's a 'wardrobe' switcher who keeps targeting Crab every Night for some reason; if I combine the two, we have a Switcher who possibly lied about all his Nightly targets, and a constantly-switched player who was seen to be the only one to visit another player who ended up dead after that visit... I dunno, I'm probably being paranoid.
I find Gorlak to be the greater and more known threat as he is a Roleblocker with his own motives, and his removal takes priority for me over Retroid, whom I really don't know anything about, conclusively.
Wouldn't the idea that TheGoddamn is lying make it really easy for us to lynch him, he's obviously hiding something assuming he's been lying. Wouldn't it be better to lynch him and then see what happens with Gorlak tomorrow, since you should be able to survive at least one more night?
Blargonaut surviving tonight is predicated on TheGoddamn telling the truth anyway! I can't legitimately believe anyone is considering voting TheGoddamn, fuck me this is ludicrous. Blarg comes up with literally the most ridiculous shit (N2 only Polyjuice use which can disguise him as Fred Weasley which Miracle's role PM somehow builds into that switches people into ninjas), and you're treating it as plausible? No! You don't listen to the cop just because they're the cop, sometimes cops are morons and Blarg has been playing like one for most of the game.
Someone explain to me how the fuck TheGoddamn is scum given Miracle's flip without resorting to a role that has like 32 paragraphs worth of sub-codicils on activation to work.
Alternative plan: we know from roy what Gorlak's flavour is for the roleblock. Now, today, we pick a target for Gorlak to block tonight. If, tomorrow, that person doesn't report being blocked by Gorlak, we lynch him. I'm fine with that, if we can't leash him he's dangerous enough to town I'm worth a sacrifice. As it is, this is silly. You are focusing on a neutral who is loverlinked to a town instead of looking for mafia. Like, read that sentence multiple times. It makes absolutely no strategic sense.
If we let Gorlak free Today, and Tonight he chooses for whatever reason(s) to roleblock one of the Tank crew members (TheGoddamn, Lord of Castamere, Rynam or me), this entire mission will be dismantled in a matter of what, like, 3? Days (whatever math).
Is that a risk we're all willing to take? Do you all BELIEVE in Gorlak?
Because, with what's at stake here (me), I don't. No offense, Gorlak.
And besides, if we don't lynch Gorlak today, then who?
Does it matter if Blarg dies, would Rynam not get to know who visited Blarg? We'd get a scum at the very least.
If Blarg dies, TheGoddamn is scum and we know it. TheGoddamn also know this, so would send the kill himself. So Rynam would see TheGoddamn, which... doesn't help us because we know he is scum at this point.
Is that still not a decent trade, getting scum for an interesting cop?
Is that still not a decent trade, getting scum for an interesting cop?
VOTE: Christina Mackenzie
Truth be told, I too had noticed her relative overall non-presence, which was odd because I've seen what she's capable of after spectating the Danganronpa game. Could be an important-IRL-stuff-to-do thing, could be a I'm-totally-managing-the-scum-team's-claims-on-the-scum-private-forum thing.
It was actually my original plan Yesterday to investigate her last Night, but at the last minute I chose to Protect someone else instead.
Bad choice, mostly. I think?
Yes. Why were you even protecting someone? We don't get any information from a protect except in the 1 in 20something chance the protect works and that person is cleared. Please make sure you investigate tonight, we only have you one more night and at the moment we don't have any information from you. :/
D?dn’t w? j?st h?v? th?s d?b?t? ?b??t TW?? ?nly d?ff?r?nc? h?r? ?s th?t G?rl?k ?sn’t p??s?n?d…y?t. ? d??bt Sc?m w??ld d? s? b?c??s? h? ?s ? d?v?s?v? f?g?r?.
M?ght m?k? m?r? s?ns? t? g? f?r ?n? ?f y??r l?st?d ?nkn?wn r?l?s. (Y?s, ? ?m ?n th?t l?st). Th?s ?s ?n th? ?nt?r?st ?f g?v?ng T?wn ?nf?rm?t??n – w? ?r? pr?tty s?r? wh? G?rl?k ?s, ?nd ?f Cr?b d??s t?? n?w w?’v? s?t T?wn b?ck 3 ?n ?n? n?ght.
Th?t’s why R?tr??d ?s ? r??s?n?bl? p?ck ?n my ?st?m?t??n. ?v??d th? w?rst c?s? sc?n?r?? ?nd g?t n?w d?t? f?r t?m?rr?w.
? w?ll w??t t? v?t? 2-3 h??rs fr?m n?w th??gh, ?nd ?s my ?s??l d?scl??m?r g??s, c?n’t p?st ?t w?rk t?m?rr?w s? my v?t? t?n?ght ?s ?t. ?f y?? n??d m? t? h?lp pr?ss?r? s?m??n? th?n th?t’s g??d ?n??gh r?t??n?l?.
?’ll ?ls? r??ff?rm th?t ?’m ?n th? Bl?rg/Cr?b p?rty tr??n. B?t Crab ?s mak?ng far m?r? s?ns? r?ght n?w.
Th? l?ng?r w? c?n k??p Bl?rg ?l?v? ?s ? m??t sh??ld th? l?ng?r T?wn h?s l?ft. ?nl?ss ?n? ?f th? ?nkn?wn r?l?s ?s m?r? ?nt?r?st?ng/?s?f?l th?n ? c?p th?t ?s.