Early start, early start!
Harry Potter is dead!
14.5 hours to go
I thought nights ended at 1 PM Eastern US time, they have all the other days, now its at 6PM?
I thought nights ended at 1 PM Eastern US time, they have all the other days, now its at 6PM?
Fred felt the curse hit him. He knew he was dead, but he had died fighting for what he had
believed in, he had died for the cause.
George had joined the right side in the end, and, said a joke! Would wonders never cease? Fred was
glad in a way, to have died laughing.
As he thought he could feel his feet leave the feet, drifting like a cloud. There was no pain but just a
very relaxing sensation of being weightless. Slowly he stopped drifting and he landed gracefully, well
as gracefully as he could. He may be dead, and weigh almost nothing but he still crash. Then he heard
someone laugh.
Hey! You try landing gracefully... he said in an under tone, as he righted himself and turned. It was
then that he saw him. Welcome Fred Weasley Um, hi Everywhere was white mist but standing
a little way ahead was who he presumed had been laughing. The figure was quite tall and carrying a
long wooden staff, his pale hands clutching the dark wood gently. It was death himself.
"The thing about growing up with Fred and George, is that you sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."
Ginny Weasley on Fred and George
Welcome to Hogwarts! Now, where to put you?
You are Fred Weasley.
A born prankster and inventor, Fred left Hogwarts prior to graduation to become a successful entrepreneur, alongside his twin brother, and opened the joke shop Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes at 93 Diagon Alley.
--- is your brother!
By using the command PRANKLAYERNAME and PLAYERNAME you can swap two players of your choices, but since you can't communicate, only the most recent command will work!
You are aligned with Hogwarts
You win when all Death Eater aligned players have been eliminated.
Mundumgus Fletcher was deadly afraid of rats.
The way they creeper around and couldnt always be seen. The gross tails and the way they stole
Maybe, in actuality it had to do with the fact that those things were a little too similar to what he
And what if he was no better than the things that scared him the most? He didnt like to think about
it and left... He was never seen again.
"I was selling in Diagon Alley and she come up to me and asks if Ive got a license for trading
in magical artefacts. Bleedin snoop. She was gonna fine me, but she took a fancy to the locket an
told me shed take it and let me off that time, and to fink meself lucky. Little woman. Bow on top of
er head...Looked like a toad."
Mundungus Fletcher, selling his wares.
Welcome to Hogwarts! Now, where to put you?
You are Mundungus Fletcher.
You are one slimy thief that takes the side that is convenient to you. As a thief, your abilities can be
used to help Hogwarts or to aid the bad guys, but the war of the Wizards is irrelevant to you, all you
care about is the sweet sweet gold you can make out of the commotion.
To win the game, all you need to do is steal 3 Items from the other players, and sell said Items 3
times to another player.
During the night, you can PM us the command STEALLAYERNAME and if they
have an Item, you can steal it from them. If they dont, nothing happens.
Once you have an item in your hands, you can PM us the command
SELLLAYERNAME to give said Item to another player. If they already have one
Item in their possession, the command will fail.
You are aligned with yourself.
You win when you successfully steal and sell 3 items.
Wait, nevermind I guess?
Do you have anything you want to say?
No it was my mistake. Not Kalors.
Please, I can't stand another day full of waiting 'till you reveal you got nothing. Tell me you found scum!
I want to hear from Kalor what happened last night! And I'm not talking about you or the poison.
I don't know anything about last night, unless you know something I don't.
Please, I can't stand another day full of waiting 'till you reveal you got nothing. Tell me you found scum!
nin you forgot to cross out kingkitty's name.![]()
Yeah, okay I don't believe you. Are you sure you do not want to mention something particular?
This day started earlier than I thought.
Somethings been bugging me about the end of the last day. Christina did a command (non-highlighted mind you). Then L_P blurts out loudly that he will decode the message. This is incredibly fishy. Why would you do this if you're town? Basically role-claiming for no reason. Plus, the fact that the command wasn't even highlighted just screams scum gambit to me. I'd like an explanation.
Vote: Lone_Prodigy
Oh we started early.
A shame Retroid died. Scum sat on his bandwagon.
I can't decode Christina's message without the key, and I assume it's only known by a couple people.
What happened to TWE's Horcrux? Didn't die with him, unfortunately.
TAP doesn't have dark magic, which doesn't necessarily mean he's not a Death Eater.
Nothing happened to me last night.
Simple, really. I'm trying to save Retroid. If Christina's message reveals something, then I'll decode it to change people's minds. If I was scum I would've sat on my hands and waited for the end of the day. I think it was pretty obvious that Retroid wasn't scum at the end. I don't quite agree that Possum was the right choice, but considering Retroid was Harry effing Potter I think it was worth the trade.
As mentioned I couldn't actually decode it since it required a key which I don't have.
For future reference, if you are going to make a claim to save yourself near the day's end, please try to make it closer to 30+ minutes to an hour before close. Anything sub 10 or 15 minutes just causes chaos.
So why claim you could decode the message if you can't? And why believe Christina Mackenzie's story at all? His command wasn't highlighted.
Something just doesn't quite add up to me. I guess we need to hear from CM.
The only thing that kind of makes me believe him is that Retroid's final role PM sentence was redacted, which was the key to decode.
The tools to decrypt it were given in the post along with a potential key so anyone was able to do it, L_P was just the only one that specifically said they would work on it. I tried to decode it as well and wasn't able to.
We should wait for CM as I have some questions for them about it as well.