2 millers, speech restrictions, alternative win conditions(?) in horcruxes...I'm never signing up for something above a 4 again...
Vote: Lone_Prodigy
I believe Blarg, there is no reason not to.
If L_P is miller then that is just unfortunate, I'll keep my vote on him unless something can without a doubt prove L_P's role. Same argument as I had when Burb was the topic of conversation, either he is lynched and we know more facts, or he sticks around as an oddity in the back of our minds each day.
So is this a Hogwarts, Neutral or Death Eater ability? I don't believe anyone has come up with any theories as to what it does. No one seems interested in pursuing it either. Is it really alright to just leave it be?
Neutral Rita Skeeter. Libel against everyone still alive in the game. Nobody else claim or she wins.![]()
So is this a Hogwarts, Neutral or Death Eater ability? I don't believe anyone has come up with any theories as to what it does. No one seems interested in pursuing it either. Is it really alright to just leave it be?
So is this a Hogwarts, Neutral or Death Eater ability? I don't believe anyone has come up with any theories as to what it does. No one seems interested in pursuing it either. Is it really alright to just leave it be?
How about you don't deflect and start answering the questions you were asked?
"But Burb is a Miller with cool powers."
Yeah, but I'm just Sirius. I can transform into a dog and become immune to all night actions against me, but that's it. It's not infinite. Obviously I didn't use it last night.
Look back at my posts. I went on Hyper early. I tried to save Retroid.
Notice how quickly I voted for TheGoddamn? It's because he claimed Sirius, and I thought I had caught scum in a lie.
I have no doubt there is actually a Sirius in the game. It was a ballsy role claim by thegoddamn. Two millers though? Lore-wise, it does fit better for Sirius than for Snape
My lore for the end of the series is poor because i thought they were bad and never revisited them. But from what I remember everyone except Harry and co. pretty much always trusted Snape. Especially while Dumbledore was alive.Could you please explain how Sirius makes more sense as a Miller than Snape?? Especially after we already have a confirmed Burb/Snape Miller?
It seems like you have an obsession with Millers in this game. Are they always inherently suspicious to you? You kept your vote on Burb until he was night-killed (N2 I think?), and lookie there, he was a legit Town Miller. What reasoning do you have for voting L_P the same way?
brb dying alone in front of my reads list
How about answering my question now? Roy wanted to hear from you as well, stop ignoring this.
Hello everyone![]()
just finished catching up. You will get a reads list from me later but for now I will comment on what I think is standing out the most right now.
Blarg claims L_P is scum, and L_P claims to be Sirius Black, yet another Miller. How convenient.
@Blarg: Did you receive the ring last night? It's almost certain you'll die tonight, will you destroy it beforehand? Also would you kindly explain the horcrux stuff to us? You lied about winning with town as we can see from Retroid's post.
I've already explained the whole Horcrux deal, and no, I haven't lied about anything Horcrux, nor about the attached secondary Win condition. Why would I win separately from Town? I am the Town. Frankly, your theory doesn't make sense, k
REDACTED is on a need-to-know basis, and I've told ya what y'need to know
Also, the horcrux win condition is worded in a way that might mean it does not apply to all of town. I do have the regular win condition. I asked for clarification on this from nin last night but haven't received a reply yet.
The win condition says, you also, not hogwarts also...
Did TheGoddamn switch you last night? Are you sure about Lord of Castamere this time? He claims to have saved you twice. Whether you were switched or not could be telling.
Did TheGoddamn switch you last night? Are you sure about Lord of Castamere this time? He claims to have saved you twice. Whether you were switched or not could be telling.
? My pms don't tell me who I saved. The only reason I get them is because of the bodyguard mechanic. I targeted Blarg on N2/4 and stopped a kill both times. I've never said that I was told Blarg was explicitly saved, because frankly I don't know. I have no idea where my role stands on the CoC.
Ok, who did you target N1 and N3?
I was indeed switched/pranked last Night, and I assume it was TheGoddamn's final action. I may need to rethink my previous flavour attribution too, after reading the flavour text.
I'm still pondering Mr. Castamere. If I recall correctly, both of the Nights he claimed to have protected me from attack, both the PM's stated that I was switched via "feet left feet" prank. Which leads me to believe that he didn't actually protect me from anything. I dunno, still processing it, but my suspicion is growing.
So, I believe L_P as they haven't read as scum to me so far. If you were going to fake claim why would you use the same role name that someone else used to fake a claim earlier in the game.
Sirius being the fake claim provided for scum didn't cross your mind? A miller as fake claim to counter an investigation? In this case scum knew TheG was lying, but they happily waited (or even actively tried to "solve" this puzzle) until all town PR claimed back then.
Retroid was speaking the truth, he had no reason to lie and just wanted to save himself! Blarg, YOU ARE LYING! "Need to know" basis, yeah... you'll win without the rest of town and run away from the remaining death eaters.
What does everyone else think? A non-issue right now? I find it quite interesting you all don't care...
Also I fucking HATE your capslock posts in which you repeat a trillion times the same thing over and over again.
If you want 6 people to change their vote, why don't you offer something concrete? You've shown to be capable of stupid reads, besides your action based kingkitty delivery, you have done nothing all game. Why should anyone trust in your deductions?
- Are you actually serious? Do you actually believe that Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 's Win condition is to secretly fuck off his castle in complete solitude after NOT ONLY killing V and destroying the Horcruxes as a secondary, but as a primary instead of winning with Town?
- Because it wasn't actually a deduction. You want "concrete"? It was a misunderstanding on my part of the capability of my LEGEREMENS investigation ability, which was rectified (relatively) soon after a quick query to our gracious host(s). I re-read not only my Role PM, but every results and after-action report PM I have received thus far, and I realized that there was a discrepancy between the wording of the results PM I had received when I scouted out kingkitty, and the results PM after scouting Lone_Prodigy. A discrepancy that has led me to this conclusion that EVERYONE SHOULD BACK THE FUCK OFF FROM VOTING OUT LONE_PRODIGY*
*until further notice
Pegasus still GOAT tho
That's a possibility but I assumed that we would have a Sirius role, although I probably shouldn't be making assumptions like that. I'm happy to believe them for now because their past behaviour hasn't made them suspicious in my eyes.
@Rynam: Who did you try to watch last night?