1. ? w?sn't ?nd?r s?ff?c??nt s?sp?c??n D1 ?r D2 t? w?rr?nt br??dcr?mb?ng.
2. ?t's n?t ?nt?-t?wn b?c??s? ?t th?s p??nt y?? h?v? str?ng r??s?n t? b?l??v? G?rl?k ?s ?n ?nt?-t?wn r?l?. H? n??ds t? bl?ck ?v?ry?n? - th?t ?ncl?d?s y?? ?nd C_M.
3. Th?n my ?ct??ns w?th r?g?rd t? L?C m?k? n? s?ns?.
4. ? d?dn't f?nd th?s H?rcr?x by ?nv?st?g?tng. <<------- ?mp?rt?nt.
5. Y??r ?xpl?n?t??n m?k?s n? s?ns?. WHY D?D RYN?M N?T S?? TH? K?LL?R. L?t?r?lly j?st ?nsw?r th?t ?r s?t d?wn.
"1. I wasn't under sufficient suspicion D1 or D2 to warrant breadcrumbing."
o rly
Fine. I'm role-claiming.
I am Argus Filch, the Hallway Monitor. I am aligned with the town.
Each night I can visit one person with VISIT, and I get told if they have the presence of dark magic about them. N1 I visited Swamped. She had nothing. N2 I visited Lord of Castamere. He had nothing. There is a second part to my role. I know the identity of Dolores Umbridge, but if she dies, I die, so I'm not going to reveal it. I don't think this works the other way round. When I die, her identity is revealed to the Death Eaters. Currently she is neutral/non-aligned; I assume she can be recruited if they know who she is.
I have bread-crumbed my role and how it works numerous points through-out both D1 and D2 and I'm going to go back and quote them all now.
Quite the #scumtell.
Why are you damning yourself?
And besides, a smart breadcrumb is meant to be deployed ASAP in order to better disprove accusations by allowing the accused to show proof that they've effectively pre-empted them as long ago as possible. They are best deployed early and when not under suspicion.
Your breadcrumb came after all the facts. You dropping your breadcrumb on the same Day you Role-claimed does not give that breadcrumb much credibility, especially in light of Hyperactivity's discovery that Gorlak was Umbridge on N2.
"2. It's not anti-town because at this point you have strong reason to believe Gorlak is an anti-town role. He needs to block everyone - that includes you and C_M."
Gorlak is a confirmed Neutral, and his Role's roleblocking power can be anti-town or not at his own choosing. It's his choice whether to play for Bad or Good. He's not inherently anti-Town, his choices are.
Lately, he's been trying to sow as much anti-Town discord as possible by posting nonsensical accusations and being an overall lame version of me, and I sincerely hope his influence isn't working on anyone. But I believe his heart's in the right place, so I'm SPARING him. You're the real target, who's attempted to use Gorlak for your own selfish benefit.
"3. Then my actions with regard to LoC make no sense."
I have yet to fully look into your association with Mr. Castamere in-depth, and I doubt I'll have time to now, so I leave that in the capable hands of the rest of the Town.
Remember everyone; I was successfully swapped via prank on both N2 and N4, confirmed so by PM. There is no evidence whatsoever from my POV that Mr. Castamere is telling the truth about his Role as Dobby.
"4. I didn't find this Horcrux by investigating. <<------- important."
I maintain my previous comments on your apparent discovery of a Horcrux.
"5. Your explanation makes no sense. WHY DID RYNAM NOT SEE THE KILLER. Literally just answer that or sit down."
If you're referring to Rynam seeing you and only you visit Swamped during N1, he did see the killer. It was you.
If you're referring to N2; Rynam was initially watching me, not Burbeting. Rynam saw TheGoddamn visit me for the swapping, picked me up and left Burbeting there. Rynam was gone from the scene by the time the killer came to collect Burbeting.