"Now, now Draco. Play nicely. Mr. Potter! Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last. (tugs Harry toward him)Forgive me... (examines Harry's scar) Your scar is legend. As, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you."
“Voldemort killed my parents. He was nothing more than a murderer.”
“You must be very brave to mention his name. Or very foolish..."
—Lucius meets Harry in Flourish and Blotts
Welcome to Hogwarts! Now, where to put you?
You are Lucius Malfoy.
You are the Head of an ancient, influential and rich family, the Malfoys. As tradition, you have an affinity to the Dark Arts, and during the time Lord Voldemort was powerful you used to be in his closest circle. But when he lost his power, you had to deny any connection to him. As such you were able to keep your important position in the Ministry of Magic.
During the day, at any time and as many times as you want, you can use the command INFLUENCE

LAYERNAME to have a player, any player you want, to be lynched, regardless of how many votes they have on them, ending the day. But there is a catch, it will ONLY work if Lord Voldemort is leading in votes. If he is not, nothing will happen. How would you know Lord Voldemort is leading in votes? Well, you can't know. Be sure to highlight the command or it won't work.
In addition to your normal role, you can also do the Death Eaters kill every night. PM us the command KILL

LAYERNAME to kill a player. Remember this kill is shared among all Death Eaters and only the last command we receive will be valid.
You are aligned with the
Death Eaters, so be sure to communicate with them on the secret Death Eater Chat.
You win when all
Hogwarts aligned players have been eliminated.