Finally was able to check this out (currently on sale on PSN) and man, Im kinda crushed. Waited years to finally try it.
I just cant get used to the way the camera works. I went to the options and made sure I could manually control it, but you cant adjust the sensitivity so it feels really slippery and not comfortable at all. Up and down on the right stick zooms in and out so I dont feel like I really have any kind of true camera control. It reminds me a ton of fighting the camera in the first Epic Mickey.
And to make sure I didnt think I was losing my mind with 3D platformers, after I uninstalled it I went and grabbed the supposed medicore as fuck Yooka Laylee for 3 bucks and Im finding that it feels much better to play. For me at least.
I swear the last 3D platformer I really enjoyed was Psychonauts 1/2. Hopefully Astro delivers.